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Donald Trump.
*audience laughs*
That meme no longer makes anyone mad now that Drumpf outed himself as run of the mill kike puppet
so... alt right pussies who cry about everything...
Have they become the thing they hated?
Donald Drumpf wears a tupee
its actually rural and suburban retards
>WGA goes on strike in a few weeks
>colbert ends up doing the fake feud with conan again
Who would they fight over this time?
>pol gets triggered again
Will he continue to dominate the ratings in the years to come?
starting a sentence with "so" is really annoying.
>ywn experience a timeline where The Colbert Report is full on pro Drumpf, becomes the most controversial show on TV, and Colbert refuses to drop the act while triggering millions of retards
Kek, dumb faggot. Him and Putin shut up muh Russia talk with one simple move and you're pretty much an idiot.
I suspected Colbert and Podesta as kiddy rapist but not Drew, nooooooo.
Go for that mental gymnastics gold star, mate
>oh no, he might be right!
>heh, let me drop a few catch phrases on Sup Forums's television board
>phew, I win again
There's no war coming other than maybe vs that fat gook in best Korea.
fuck drumpflstiltskin and fuck white rural and suburban retards we can't let them have the nuclear codes
*Sup Forums boos and hisses*
He's a Clooney in Burn After Reading sex freak
At least Sam Hyde can dig his routine out of his own trash can.
I don't think Bill Maher has had to empty his for months, thanks to every late show but Fallon.
In a timeline where Colbert is pro Drumpf then Hollywood must be conservative.
it bothers me that i recognize this
It really is pathetic. He could have been a legend.
"Soo Barack Obama"
*audience starts woo'ing and applauding*
*shows picture of Obama at the beach*
"Mmmm I'd like the grate some cheese off those abs"
*audience burst in laughter and more clapping*
"I'd like to give him a reach around...AND call him the next day!"
*audience collapses in laughter*
thats nice.
>doesnt know what the colbert report was
you need to be 18 to post here, kid
why do neoliberals love Trump after bombing third world countries so much?
Who says we don't spread the jokes around haha!
Liberal wants mediocre woman as president, loses to Reality TV star and steak salesman, goes crazy. Many Such Cases!
reminder that op is a bitter drumpftard crackerass drumpf-cracker and has been making these threads almost everyday for 3 weeks
Jesus Christ this was infuriating. I went from indifferently disappointed to wanting something bad to happen to him.
They dont, they just painted themselves into a corner where they have to now support Trump for slapping Assad on the wrist.
thanks friend
how did they paint themselves into a corner?
By the Trump Russia talk for 6 months.
But Trump is Russia
go back to the_donald you safe space faggot
f-f-fuck off to reddit!
>names a subreddit
you need to fuck off lad
i durn to yah
I'm going to laugh when that shitskin whose cock you've been sucking to feel edgy gets dragged through the streets and beaten to death
History is against you
lol this assblasted faggot with canned responses. You totally fit in bro.
Really makes you think...
at least you aren't color blind
soon everyone on the internet will hate drumpf
expect us
Damn that guy's cool
... so many subjects to talk about tonight