New Celeb Thread. Flashback Friday Edition

New Celeb Thread. Flashback Friday Edition.

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I think it is because I save all my pictures to my dropbox account so that I don't have to sync them across all the devices. I just pull them from dropbox and until the last ios update if I had previously uploaded a picture it wouldn't let me select it again unless I renamed it. When i use to do graphic design then mac was the way to go, my macbook pro is going on 5 years and has been fine. I put in more ram, an ssd and a new battery and it keeps ticking.

Works for me and I won't be going back to an android or pc anytime soon. There are so few apps that I need to run on windows that I just launch parallels and launch windows 10.

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christmas in thet smokies .



watch krank yet?


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I prefer heidi

oh shes a canadian celebrity
laughing so hard rn

Glad I could improve your day!

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kek you didnt

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Ah, generally laughter is associated with being in a happy mood. Apologies that this isn't the case for you!

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i have cloud storage too except it isn't Dropbox or Google related. so I know just what you're talking about. that makes sense. & yeah Apple has great longevity and they're great workers but that'd be about the only thing I like about them lol. I have android but I root them. you can root androids, flash all your own shit, tune it just like you want it, make it look just like you want it to look, whatever. it's an open book. can't do shit with iPhones. just my take.

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Goodnight weirdos

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nightynight nerd

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Night night.

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Goodnight bozzo!

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oh no im pretty happy, i want to make that very clear

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Fantastic! Everyone deserves to be happy.

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shaddup niqqa

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My old droid was rooted, meh, I get sick of my phone and leave it in the van most the time now.

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>didn't tag Carly
Feels bad.

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pixie might really be gone.

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he was around talking last night

but they're in a better place now so they say

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whatever guts your goat, dawg

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Bite me

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HA !

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any place is better than here

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Pix is always watching, lurking, trying to keep up his *mystery* shtick, he'll be back soon probably.

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>Flashback Friday
>everyone posted is still active celebs
Wtf dudes

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Post feets

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still hate me?

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So precious

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I don't hate anyone.

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well, a few weeks ago i left my computer on when i went to take a shower and when i came back my cursor was somewhere i'd never leave it. then like a week ago my parents didn't want me on the same floor even when they brought in an "86 pound" box that ups was bringing that day, and i'm just not sure how to react if it's a sex doll i have in my bookmarks. i asked them the other night if they got the idea for whatever is in the box from pulling something like that but they said "no" and i couldn't tell if they were lying. aside from them walking on me jacking off a couple times as a kid i've kept that kind of stuff pretty private. i don't know how to feel.

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*walking in on


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Whoop some ass

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Eh not really. Just on different roads.

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>takes bite of boomerbro
[tastes like red bull and sour patch watermelons]
>he gets visibly upset
>starts throwing AOL one month trial discs and CD-RWs at me
>shoot him in the kneecaps with my carry pistol
>he falls
>rips his Korn and DOOM posters off the wall on the way down
>bleeding silver colored blood everywhere
>he dies
>I laugh
>draw that weird S on the wall
>ride my heelies to the mall for some dippin dots

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if chad got a gun we clearly need a more thorough vetting process

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>dippin dots
>at the mall
faaan-cY. back in my day we had to go to cedar point if we wanted those.

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that's fair to say. we have the same friends and get along but, i just like you more then you like me.

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kek some of that is a little too real

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It's gonna be a wew from me dawg

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Thoughts on her

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Dewy Lippy is pretty hot.

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That's the right thoughts!

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