How do I stop my neighbors dog from barking

how do I stop my neighbors dog from barking
I cant sleep

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Be a human being and calmly talk to your neighbor about it.


they ain't home

Get a plastic water bottle
Fill it with rocks to make a really loud fucking rattle.
When the dog starts barking throw it from behind right under it's legs, scare the shit out of him.
Never barks agains. PTSD = WIN

Call cops

Invite pupper in to snuggle.

Get a bag of dog food. Cut it open, and pour in anti-freeze till the kibbles are soaked. Throw it over the fence as the dog’s last meal

I did and they didn't do anything. srs

I live in apartment and the barks are coming through the floor

There is a device that sends the dogs own bark slightly out of phase and stalls the dogs brain with incorrect auto modulation feedback. It won and ignoble award. Its like the noisey mosquito for teenagers but for dogs.

any more details?

Just fucking shoot it

That's all I got. It was on a podcast for the awards years ago.

Call the building super

Boolets for Christmas.

>meat sponge

Take a sponge soak it in meat juice, wrap and squeeze in tin foil, put in freezer, feed to dog. Clogged to death.

Look up the type of Antifreeze that dogs enjoy to drink. It'll get them really, really sick, and then over time they'll eventually die. The best part? If you do it right, the owners will think it's something they did.

Put it right outside their door, or underneath it when they're gone. They'll eat it and die.

Who the fuck keeps a dog in an apartment?

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Did you say cLOGGED?

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honestly feel bad for the dog, I saw it outside literally once before and it looks like a rescue
the owners are gone pretty much the whole day far as I know

Have you tried Asking him nicely?

they ain't home

Keked. Autism growing

call the cops and tell them you are a pedo and sleep in jail

200 iq

Pray to joe pesci

give it a wank or a finger

the owners dont knows their dog is barking, the dog prob has separation anxiety, leave a note at the door and if they ignore it, make a complaint, depending where u live the cops prob wont do shit though

Tja... I've got a neighbor with three big labs. They start yowling around 3PM, she doesn't get home until 6, and they stop shortly before that.
They're inside her house, and it's still loud.