Q and A time blah blah some other stupid shit

Q and A time blah blah some other stupid shit

Femanon here.

Something something tits no required blah blah

Dirty spic

Attached: download-1 (1).jpg (232x217, 5K)

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Low effort edition.

Attached: 100realnotfake.jpg (2231x2922, 1.21M)



Is this normal?

Attached: 1572894980271.jpg (4032x1960, 1.25M)

**just stop it**

Attached: pestulance.jpg (960x960, 92K)

What's the point in using vchans old vocaroos?


Ah I expected this lol.
No biggie I'll just timestamp my vocaroos again :)
Problem solved

Do chicks really like it when you throw them around in bed and dominate them?

Here come the neck beards

Yeah, I have that too fam, seen it in porn once. You're good brotha

Any femanons here besides vchan and the crazy bitch?

Clothes pins or clamps on nipples please.

Also, do you enjoy a little nipple pain like that?

Whats it like knowing your only value in society is breeding

They are almost all crazy at that age.... Does make it exciting at least

vchan doesn't appear to actually be here
it's just some dude posting her old vocaroos

What's it like knowing your only value in society is shitposting?

Shame, she is interesting

Yep, but she's married and will soon have kid. I'm surprised she still comes here. Probably won't see much of her once the kid is born.

Well atleast he’s being valued for something he chose to excel into
Whereas (You)...
You didn’t have no say other than your biology fucking you over

How so? It’s not like she’s going to be glued to the babby 24/7
She’s always on here anyways

Yep. Vchan isnt here at this time.

Shes usually gone when the weekend starts.
She also said something about going on vacation earlier today so I'll doubt shell be here all week

>it's not like she's going to be glued to the babby 24/7
You must not know any new mothers. Yep, they pretty much are glued to babby 24/7

Yeah sure, while holding her iFaggot in one hand keeping multiple tabs open including Sup Forums


Attached: 77349668_p2_master1200.jpg (1200x1200, 480K)

??? She doesnt have her baby yet dumbass. That's what user is saying.
When it comes she isnt gonna be here
