Sansa underage:fit

sansa underage:fit
sansa age of consent: looks like a man
schoolgirls: natural pretty virgins
pornstars pretending to be schoolgirls: ugly, caked in make up , fake tits , diet pills, whores , surgery , Botox
>Are men naturally pedos?

Attached: OH (1).jpg (1200x900, 371K)

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pedophila is related to sexual attraction to prepubescent kids usually 11 or younger, it is believed that around 5% of population has this sexual orientation so
>Are men naturally pedos?

Is anyone talking about 11 year olds you mongoloid? GTFO

>Sexual orientation
PedoPHILIA is just that. A paraphilia. A fetish. You're the reason why conservatives think the LGBT community are s bunch of nonces.

No. girls are just naturally perverted.

A lot of the girls (ages between 15 and 7) in my town are very sexually curious. Its crazy

Maybe you faggots, I have an Oedipus Complex. Only white women I can tolerate fucking, or watching get fucked, are older women like 40+.

OP clearly stated that in his question, being attracted to teenagers is not pedophilia

umm... excuse me the politically correct term nowadays is "pedosexual"

please try to be considerate of other people's feelings

Being attracted to teenagers is called hebephilia.

well shit nigga you better hop on that and bust a nut.

So we would all fuck a 12 year old Sansa Stark rather than a 17 yr old Sansa?....... We're all hebes Sup Forums

>A fetish
and being gay isn't a fetish?

you're wrong, lol

Attached: ELCl4aHXkAIaESD.jpg (768x841, 77K)

No being gay is being on a whole other different mentally retarded scale

You're wrong foot fetish nigger.

There should be a lot of overlapping in the bottom boxes

>ugly, caked in make up , fake tits , diet pills, whores , surgery , Botox

Not this one.

Attached: claire.jpg (700x931, 79K)

She not bad but how much dick you reckon has been in it.... give it few years she'll get
tats and tit job aswell

Sansa's case is one of directing/producing
Prior to her sex scene, they spent a lot of time and effort sexualizing her to impact the viewers with a "naughty" attraction.
Afterwards, it was a mixture of losing that focus, followed by an intended desexualization of her that made her look mannish in some scenes
As for porn, heres a secret:
Its porn.
If youre looking for a deeper meaning in 30 somethings larping as teens, you're clearly retarded

Females get to an age where they look more manly less cute features nothing to do with 'directing'. Look at Sansa's jawline and nose later on.