Why are white men so pathetic and retarded...

Why are white men so pathetic and retarded? Why do you let the internet be full of propaganda about how blacks are fucking your women? Why are white males socially retarded?

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you dont even know what white is, almost all of you are probably mixed race mutt mongrel goblins who think are white

Media Matters shill out in full force tonight. You guys upset you're only now realizing you've been lied to, and the impeachment really isn't going anywhere?

Don't worry. You've got 5 more years to grow the fuck up.

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This. Less than 5% of mongrels who call themselves "white" are. Neck yourselves you pedigrees lacking wannabes.

Blah blah blah.. you sound like an imbecile!

So then what is white in your opinion?

you sound like a shitskin nigger jew

You sound dim witted and uneducated.. But hey who cares how much moonshine your mom drank while pregnant with you. I’ll keep the responses simple and short.. it’s well known that Nazi cucks are pretty slow..

>hurr durr uneducated
college is fucking communist indoctrination retarded libcuck faggot go vote for bernie sanders or biden you nigger trump will win 2020 again

blacks are killing white women too.

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You assume I’m Americuck?? Are you fucking stupid..

Whores deserve it

anyone who isnt american is irrelevant so go kys loser

Okie dokie... Just for the record every single person unless you’re Native American that lives in America is a fucking mongrel half breed infestation

everyone that isnt white isnt human

Idk but that wigger got a Mr. Potato head for sure

these kind of exchanges have been way funnier in the past. the overall iqs really seem to have dropped. what a shame.

you just have no sense of humor you ugly retard get a real personality

yeah ok

yeah ok is all you can say to the truth lmao fucking loser

No one cares about your nigger faggot cuck fantasies

Nigga if you dont take your gay ass to Sup Forums with that annoying ass shit. Dont nobody care about your white boy politics nigga.