Bored, drunk social worker here. What do you want to know?

Bored, drunk social worker here. What do you want to know?

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do niggers rape kids?

How long have you been a social workers? And how many kid’s have you inappropriately touched in your lifetime?

16 years. Zero.

Yeah, but not as much as rednecks do.

are there more rednecks than niggers in your area?

What the fuck is a social worker?

By far. But my original point still stands. Kid raping is a white man's game.

isn't it just under reported because of the nigger anti-snitching culture

studies show that black kids are twice as likely to get raped as white kids. you're totally fucking up your job mate. nigger kids are being raped en masse right under your nose.

How do I get infinate Gibs?

I am a white man who wears socks with sandals.

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Ok, fuck off back to Sup Forums with you, buddy...

You might want to learn to spell first?

are you actually a social worker?

I think you mean jew game.
Easy to mix up.

not before I first lecture your dumb ass

>African American children have almost twice the risk of sexual abuse than white children.

nigger kids are being raped right under your nose you dumb bitch. you suck at your job.


>the nigger anti-snitching culture
Can confirm this is true. I worked at a factory in Gary and watched a black guy get pinned under a robotic arm. All the niggers just stood there and watched. Not one of them picked up a phone to call 911. Its some weird shit to see first hand because this dude was dieing and not one person tried to do a damn thing except the two white guys and a Mexican.

learn to google...and I thought zoomers were good with tech


how big is your cock?

My family had a nasty problem with needing cps to intervene often when i was growing up. I wish that more could have been done each time but somehow adults in the family were always able to talk their way out of serious problems, or maliciously comply to the point us kids were given up on.

Still there were several who were at least sympathetic and that was always appreciated. I remember those people fondly to this day.

Do you have any kids you ever think about?

how do I get gibs?
how do I stop somebody from getting gibs?

how much gibs ?

whats your favorite movie?

Checked. Thanks for the lecture. Can we all be friends now?


Many of them. Success stories and failures, both. Some even keep in touch.

Kek. That social worker is advocating child rape and blaming whitey


I Googled it and I still don't know wtf a social worker is. What do you do?

Eh? Gay?

why do you drink so much cum?

really. i think i was 9 when i learned what a "social worker" was because we had to hear some fiction book read to us about some girl whose mother abused her.

i read today that people born after 1980 were never taught proper reasoning or logic, and that's why they're mostly ruled by emotions and we have this internal issue with SJWs. it could have actually been a change in the curriculum because intelligent analysis seemed to beyond all the mexicans and of course, blacks. it is notable that it might have been because of mexicans, because they barely existed before 1950 and then exploded and if by 1980, curriculum was altered to be more general and less logical with important left-brain concepts, that explains you fucks these days.

Is there any good, important advice you wish you could give to the public?

Seems like the social working child rape advocate non racially biased goy wont share the exact measurement of his penis with us

What's your opinion on children being allowed to play outside without parental supervision? Humanity has made it this far with this being the norm for thousands of years, but it seems like lately this is considered neglect and child abuse. Thoughts?

Be nice to other people. Simple as that.

Are you the one from last time? How many children have you trafficked? Who do they do to? Have you ever stuck your finger up your butt?

Honestly, I've never measured. Sorry, bud.

Yeah, kids should be able to roam. If they've got a reasonably safe space to do so.

Sounds like you read some dumb shit.

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Maybe? Zero. What? Yes.

So what do you do if you get a call from a disgruntled neighbor about a kid playing outside without supervision?

What do you actually do?

Incest stories?

Not much. Check it out, say hi, move on. That hardly ever happens though. Once I did have to tell the parents that the kids and a cow couldn't share the same fenced yard/play area. That was a weird one.

Child Protective Services. Investigate abuse and neglect, foster placements, reunifications, case management, etc, etc...

Y not?

Happens all the time. None of those stories are sexy.

Kill yourself

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What's the most fucked up housing situation you've seen?

I guess it isn't as big a deal as you think? People usually only call for unsupervised children if the children are tearing things up.

Any particularly shocking cases?

Excluding all the fucked up homeless people type stories? Probably a house that was half burnt down, as in one side of it was burnt up but not the other. Family tried to keep living there for a while. No water, heat, electricity. They were trying to run a generator 24/7. Plus drugs, filth, three kids, and like five dogs.

Ever have a kid die while you were working there case?

Interesting. Any more details? What were they doing for water?

Sure. Short version:

>Dad had been raping 8 year old girl for a couple years.
>One day, he offers her to buddy.
>Buddy says yes!
>They take turns
>This happens more than once.

For the life of me, I cant figure out why that guy didn't catch a massive beating somewhere along the line. Poor kid is fucked up forever.

>fucked up homeless people type situations

please elaborate?

Yes. Disappear, too.


Pond, hose, pump. They tied that into the plumbing of the remaining bathroom and kitchen. Fairly ingenious redneck engineering. If only they had put that effort into finding new housing...

Any involving impregnation?


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Living in tents. Sheds are a thing, too. Not very exciting.

>Doing wellness check on kid
>Meth head mom says "What kid?"
>That's all she ever had to say on the subject
>Kid totally gone, vanished...

Why can we not trust social workers? Why do they always tell you that what works is wrong. Get bullied get a mob and if that doesn't work best their ass. Or you can go talk to them so they can punish you both. School social workers are like nipples on a man. If you need budget cuts then cut them and hire a scary Eastern European janitor to straighten out the school. You are a failure

I've had to explain how your dad is also your grandpa several time, yeah.

Ever done something you regret while on the job?

Whoa. Greentext?

Yeah, sometimes. It's always a judgement call to remove kids from their homes, or to send them to this foster family or that one. I've definitely played favorites with kids I like.

How do you decide which ones you like and how do you favor them?

Do you live in fucking Alabama or some shit?

Ever feel a bit hypocritical taking kids from drunk parents when you're posting threads like this?

>Dad fucks mom
>Three daughters
>Fucks them all for years
>Oldest gets pregnant at 13
>Mom finally gets a clue, kicks dad out
>Raises incest child as daughter #4
>Whole family keeps secret
>Big mess when that one came out...

Personality. If people are willing to work with me, Ill move mountains for them. If they're unpleasant or fight everything, not so much.

Maine. Same thing, just more snow.

Nope. This is stress relief.

You know that part of your job is to convince stubborn kids to work with you, right?

Do you not feel that parents deserve stress relief sometimes?

Ever had any sexually abused kids come on to you?

Of course. I was talking more about adults. The stubborn kids are usually the ones that need the most help.

Sure. Do that without fucking up your kids and it is all good. Not that hard.


Oh, that clarifies things. your cooooccck how big is your cock...I really needed to learn...cos we're livin' in a world of fools...

Story time

What's your failure to success rate? And when you do fail, aside from the parents, who do you usually assign blame to? Yourself? the system?

Fair, but most people are fucked up to some extent. Those of us posting here are probably considerably more fucked up than average. You can't always blame the parents on that. Some people are just destined to be fucked up.


Not anymore. Bunch of normalfag wimps these days.

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Works on social stuff. Social justice worker, or she for short

Why does CPS make you jump through hoop after hoop after hoop after hoop hoop after hoop after hoop after hoop hoop after hoop after hoop after hoop hoop after hoop after hoop after hoop hoop after hoop after hoop after hoop hoop after hoop after hoop after hoop hoop after hoop after hoop after hoop hoop after hoop after hoop after hoop hoop after hoop after hoop after hoop hoop after hoop after hoop after hoop just to get your kids back?

Usually the kids are pretty unsubtle about it. Like they'll jump in your lap and grind on you. That's real easy to say no to, since you know someone has taught them some real fucked up ways.

One thing that lives in my spank bank of shame is a 16 year old who told me "Its not wrong if she wants it." I told her I didn't, but I sorta kinda did.

Because if you had your kids taken away, odds are you're scum that can't be fixed.

Yep, some people are. More are made they way they are. I think of myself as damage control.

Yep. And if you did get your act together, I want to be sure of it.

Government sanctioned kidnapping

That's fucked

Why won't your ilk put me on the dole ie assist me in getting assistance? I have no money, no transportation and no home in my name. I'm a neet living on the parents property.

Our secretary is also a fucking social worker.

For sure. That woman is happy as can be hanging out in jail, too.

Ever have a client like Arthur Fleck?