Corpses out of men edition
Previously on Game of Thrones:
Corpses out of men edition
Previously on Game of Thrones:
fist for King Podrick of house Payne
Salty Cunt is a Frogposter.
quick reminder that Bobby S did nothing wrong
/DUNE/ will replace /GoT/
Maario Naharis
>sent Theon to negotiate with the ironborn
>didn't marry the Frey girl
>executed Lord Karstark
Just heard about Sansa getting her tits out this season. I can't wait.
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
What is this?
Nice source
Release date for TWOW & ADOS when?
Mercy 4 Cersei
>Ned named Robb after Robert Baratheon
>Ned named Jon after Jon Arryn
>Jon Arryn named Robin after Robert Baratheon
>Robert named his first born Joffrey instead of Edward
Ned on suicide watch
>mfw people keep making /got/ threads.
his name was eddard not edward you poofter cunt
>mfw nevertheless people like you are still coming to /got/ threads.
why didnt ned name his firstborn brandon
what the fucking fuck did you just fucking say to me you fucking bookfag?
your life is pathetic
Only to spread the good word of Ellie.
only Starks that matter get to be named Brandon
Why did Rhaegar name both his sons Aegon?
holy shit
somone explain to me my davos was so willing to switch camps from stannises side to jons side just after that whole speech that he is done putting his faith in the hands of kings?
Oh my god, you are such a autist with no life but way too much free time on your hands to make a archive like that.
>your life is pathetic
Says the sad autistic neckbeard who made the archive.
Lol fucking neckbeard
>make an archive
uh.... what
Wheel of Time is too high fantasy for normies. ASOIAF in general is for plebs, even the books.
>made the archive.
No, that's not how it works man.
This post gave me secondhand embarrassment.
How fucking autistic, sad, dumd, pathetic and imbred are you to make a archive about a pic that's used by different posters. know the filename is the same on most of those posts right. by the way next time please dont reply to the same post twice.
Oh tell me more about it. A pic that's used by different people and there is a archive about that?
Oh God, stop...
>maisie joking about her tits today on insta
HNNNGGHHHH will she get them out bros?
This post gave me fucking cancer and made me cringe.
>no Beric thread
Is GRRM impotent? He has no children, after all. Do the unsullied represent him, like he's going to put Dany on the throne of Westeros?
how are the waifus in that?
tell us a short description of the best 3.
Never reply to me ever again.
what about DUNE? will DUNE ever be normie friendly?
Ser user of house /got/, I name you liar.
>frogfu face when she sees jaqen the rapist coming her way
"Beric" is Jorah from the future
KYS nerd
because he's a retarded faggot
When do we get a Beric thread?
I want a Beric thread.
Hmm? I don't see this, looked last 6 posts.
Pls quote/post?
Shut up, pedo
Beric confirmed for double satan, R'hllor confirmed Great Other.
Begone, devil.
I'm getting conflicting confirmation reports here.
Hey brother Bericposter!
In the previous thread, I too got triples of 6.
>make a archive
Azor Beric
Azor Beric Confirmed in the previous thread.
posting superior Beric
Fucking based
Fucking Patrician
This is sacred thread, screencap this
I like the smooth voice of undead Beric
Begone, begone
Oh it was on old post. Its just her birthday today.
>telling lies on the Internet
No, no
I stay, I stay
How long you'll be repeating that shit user?
>says she was twlking about her tits on instagram
>posts a link to a picture of her on reddit
Damn you thirsty
You shouldn't tell lies on the Internet user especially about tits.
the text is literally 3 inches below.
and if you google anything like the picture (say, maisie instagram bikini ) it'll give you the pic with said caption.
I'd rather she spread her legs
Anyone with Faceapp thing willing to give it a shot with Beric Dondarrion, Lord of Blackhaven, The Lightning Lord?
Too lewd!
no but heres one of arya
zombiefu > beric
Here you go good ser
Thank you user!
Hodor bought a bar in my town. It used to be comfy asa fuck and then it got renovated and it was shit. Hoping he'll make it a good place again.
>implying he won't bolt dildos on all chairs
I've read both series. ASOIAF is much more complex story. Jordan's purple bullshit drives me crazy. Him and Martin can be similar though. With Jordan it's over describing clothes, with Martin it's food.
I'm more of a Malazan and Black Company kind of guy.
what bar?
showfags, everyone
>showfags, everyone
You might be autistic.
He obviously meant a similar name, like Robb/Robert in his example.
I kind of enjoy the amount of tourism we get in premiere days tbqh
The SS Abandoned Plotlines' journey is almost over!
Can't wait to see Gendry with a Bobby style war hammer desu
even though it'd be pretty stupid I'd still love it if D&D did this, the show's a meme now anyway
D&D did do it, were you not here for the pictures from Spain?
huh, I've seen people talking about it here but I had no idea it was a confirmed leak
at least one thing to look forward too in s7 i guess
I finally saw the show after withholding for so long. Marathon'd 6 seasons in a week. I hate the feeling of being empty and waiting. I am thinking I should have waited till after the show came to a full conclusion before watching.
Wonder when I should rewatch this again. It was good. But I was maybe 80% focused.
>I hate the feeling of being empty and waiting
never read the books then
So he can feel cucked instead?