Is anyone here able to see them? I believe this is the only place where someone might understand

is anyone here able to see them? I believe this is the only place where someone might understand

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I see a lot of shit. What Them are we talking

see what?

its just drugs user...


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wrong board

I see them. I never get a direct full view of them, but I see them. Usually just out of the corner of my eye. I’ll try to look right at them, but they move too quickly. Just a fleeting glance of a shadowy shape. But I see them.

What do you see user?
I can see Jews, a lot of people can't see them.

I see London, I see France. I see OP’s underpants.

what do u think they are?

I see them every once in a while. I run errands for my neighbours and such to make some money so I go all around the city. Normally in places frequented by many, but also many times in places that are beginning to become less frequented like parks, vistas, side streets and such.

It's a battle of good and evil. God will helps us. Good always wins.

I don’t know. Shadow People, that’s all I can call them. I feel them staring at me all the time. My cats see them too, better then I can. They’ll hiss at them and go into a stalking stance. I don’t know who or what they are

dude thank god im not schizo but sounds cool tbh

u ever tried talking to them?

Personally I think it's a limbo. They act like people, move around, go places and such. I have become sharper in spotting them over the years, the slight feeling of uneasiness puts me on alert. Sometimes they move around very quick and I barely catch a glimpse of them but I know I saw them. Some people seem to notice, smaller kids and animal seem to too. Most of the time they dont hide, I watch them for minutes on end going about their lives, I know it's not a person because they seem to not care for their surroundings, they dont glance, they dont talk, and they seem to be down on their luck.

Heh. Cay shit and piss making you crazy? Git Gud Kid.

Not same user but I did try one time. Never again. It was an old woman, she looked at me smiling but didnt say a word, she just stood there smiling silently with her eyes closed as a feeling of fear i never felt before took over my back and neck and I just bolted out of there.

Ex used to talk about them.
I've only ever seen and felt a presence similar when a took a bunch of Benedryl.

It’s easier to see them if you are also moving fast

Yeah this one motherfucker actually touched me. Not cool. I was coming off of meth and alcohol though at the time, withdrawals. What seems now like a break with reality sure felt and looked real though. If, a delusion, I need better delusions.

They are there trust me. They dont care for us, ironically most of us dont care either so we dont notice their existance. A friend once told that she believed that no one has gone to heaven yet, that everyone who dies stays on earth waiting for the final judgment creating the paranormal, good vs evil.

shit might happen to u as long as u live, might as well get brave and face them shadows.

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Might be something to this, I go around town in my bike so it might be a factor to me seeing them.

ok i really wanna know whats it all about

Eye floaters user?

read the little text below the Sup Forums - random title and you'll find out

damn good one

Get some help bro