I just fucked a sissy

I just fucked a sissy.

I asked if he was clean he said yes... But still terrified of HIV.

I wanna blow my brains out from regret. FML.

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No condoms. Just pump and dump

More straights have HIV than gays now. Fact.

well.. :)
that was kind of dumb, eh?

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Wash your dick and go and get tested.

Yeah :(

Don't I have to wait a few days for it to appear?

do you even know how hiv is transmitted you brain dead chimp your dick would have to have an open cut or sore on it and he would have to bleed from the ass you would be the most unlucky fuck to get hiv that way

You slid your aroused penis into another man's rectum.You can never unfuck that man. Enjoy the rest of your faggoty life.

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greentext events leading up to it and the experience itself

You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?


I know you're making fun me, but also making me relieved abit that no of that happened so kinda giving me hope. Thanks user

I know fuck.

>Text cousin
>I complain to her that I haven't gotten laid
>She made fun of me a bit
>Installed Grindr fuck it
>Was going to delete after 30 mins or so
>Sissy texted me
>Wants to fuck
>Stupid me agreed
>Told me the front door is unlocked and he'll have his ass up face down
>Walk in the house see him in room
>Walk over pulled down his underwear
>Had my wank myself a bit to get hard
>Barley in like just the head and a quarter of the shaft in
>Came inside left
>Now in bed on Sup Forums.

pics of her?

I deleted Grindr didn't save anything.

want to come over and fuck me?


so... does your family know you're gay?

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FUS RO DAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe I should just kill myself just for doing this shit.

Are you conflicted and debating if you would tell your social group that you did just that?

why would you do that?

Retards like you are the reason hiv keeps spreading

Wait... I know you.

Cause I just had gay sex and possibly got HIV.

You are gay. The sooner you admit it, the sooner you'll actually be gay.


Repent, user. Sexual degeneracy is a a serious sin, but not unforgivable. Don't an hero yourself over such a thing and stop thinking with your dick.

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Don't kill yourself op just admit you are gay and live a happy life of sucking cock and getting ass-fucked like a good little faggot. At least until the HIV test comes back.

your a retarded faggot but who cares aslong your not american you can affort medicine and shit dont worry

Thanks for the encouragement.

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the fuck is wrong with you boi? aint nothing wrong with fucking another mans ass. toughen up, u sound like some of them Sup Forums incels. but that no-rubber-thingy is bad. you should get tested. now, dont cry like a bitch.

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You fucking retard. HIV isn't transmitted by cuts and blood. Its transmitted through unprotected anal, vaginal, or sharing needles for drugs. Or from mother to baby, but that's it. Not oral, no touching cuts or anything else. It's a fragile virus and will not be activate when exposed to air. Which is why sharing needles for drugs is an issue, do to the hiv pos blood inside the syringe. The highest rates are from male anal sex, the partner doing the insertion has the 2nd highest risk as the bottoms anus being the mucus membrane it is, is very easy to get it. Then of course 2nd easiest is getting it from said anus. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

Faggots lie about that shit all the time. Are you showing any symptoms? Just go get tested and use a condom next time, estuped


Yeah, he sure is the retard of the thread

fuck off im not a native english speaker

Symptoms do not always appear and are not a good sign. Only some get the flu like symptoms after 2 weeks. Others just may feel a little weak, tired, achy, etc. Others feel fine and live years before knowing.

>Didn't think if the easy solution to all his problems and simply fuck his cousin
You're an idiot op

There's no mistake. You're a wanted man... and it's time to pay for your crimes.

Hi op.
First you already know this, but that wasn't a good idea. Always use a condom with hookups, but especially with dudes.
That said, it's a lot harder for the top to get anything than the bottom, and most medical shit you read online won't mention that as it gives the false impression that you're safe. I mean, you probably are fine, but it's still better to use a rubber.
One thing to keep in mind is that gay dudes are very promiscuous - i don't mean that in a judgemental way, it just should be obvious. And that means they are getting fucked often, and a lot of them share the kink of being fucked bare by "straight" guys.

You won't know right away. You need to get tested soon, then tested again 30 days from now.
Sex, even goofy secret sex like this, isn't necessarily bad. You're a consenting adult just like i presume he was. But it is very retarded to not use precautions. Even if you trust this sissy (you shouldn't), he may not be 100% aware of his situation since there is so much disinfo and alot of fags use prep and assume that will save them from everything.

TLDR: you're probably fine. Don't do it again. Get tested and tested again in 30 days. Look out for night sweats and other symptoms (google this).

The chances of you getting HIV if you were the one fucking is pretty low, unless you have some sort of open wound on your dick. Go get tested 2-4 weeks after the encounter, then again at 3 and 6 months after. Watch out for flu like symptoms. HIV starts initially with flu symptoms that then go away. Its also flu season though so if it feels like you're sick don't freak out. Again the chances of you getting it are pretty low. The bottoms in these situations have a much higher risk of getting it. OP do you have herpes at all?

Thanks user

No I don't have herpes

Cool. Yeah herpes just increases the chances of contracting it. I really wouldn't be worried my guy. Just go get tested. There is no point in getting tested immediately since there aren't enough antibodies in your blood to be detectable right now. but within the next month or so go get tested, and then again like I said at 3 and 6 months.

Theres an otc oral test you can buy at rite aid. Everyone makes mistakes, it will be fine. God bless you

This is the only right answer, I study this shit retards. Askexpertsnow is a great way to learn and the HIV prevention section of medhelp
Wrong, 4 weeks(28 days) is fine and 6 is conclusive with a 4th gen duotest
Wrong retard, those are old test and outdated info. Go read askexpertsnow from the WORLDS leading hiv/aids doctors being dr HHH and dr Hook.