/Nigger Hate Thread v2/

/Nigger Hate Thread v2/
You damn white bois, lets continue.

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This is now a trap thread

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Kill yourself faggot.


Attached: unknown (3).png (1441x934, 1.76M)

No one likes you, and you're a disgrace to the white race, faggot cock sucking parasite.

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Holy fuck lmao, you white supremacists can't even tell I'm fucking hispanic, god damn, y'all retarded

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Based Spiderman

Attached: 4 - 6TACxI1.jpg (1639x2576, 844K)

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Spiderman is white, I approve.
Goddamn that's even worse!

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Reminder you wouldn't even know, and that scares you

Attached: Tease.webm (720x1280, 1.94M)

Imagine actually having that small of a dick.
You're a disgrace to your family and race.

You're lucky I like SPH

Attached: video0 (1) (1).webm (540x960, 1.1M)

I bet you do, and trust me you'd be hanged like every other nigger.

It's "hung" not hanged lmao

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No one cares about you or your life.


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Sorry OP, but you can't bump your own thread, sage goes in all fields~

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Implying I'm op

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Poor you doesn't even have one person in their corner. There's only 3 total posters in this thread, you, me, and someone else. You're on page six and literally dumping, you're OP, or saging intentionally, bad bait. Sorry faggot

Attached: photoset1.jpg (1920x1080, 335K)

You saging this disgusting thread beautiful?

Imagine calling someone a faggot when you all you think about is cock.

How funny, amuse me more libtard.

Yes based spiderman poster

>Imagine calling someone a faggot when you all you think about is cock.

I'm a lesbian~

Attached: 1572161760079.jpg (717x929, 112K)

Thank you OP

Whoa, who is this? I'd totally fuck.

It's me! c:

I sell socks and stuff if you're interested c:

Attached: image0 (5).jpg (1932x2576, 654K)

o n o

not really into that tho

Yay not a nigger!

Faggot detected

You both are faggots and deserve to be hanged.

Attached: 1576895957977.webm (854x470, 1.82M)

Can we have more niggers acting like usual?

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Amen brother.

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Attached: Ass.webm (320x180, 830K)

Poat your asshole or gtfo


Hello I can fill the roll of being a disgrace to the white race. The white genocide can't come soon enough!

Attached: progress-2019-12-14(3)_censored.jpg (1944x1606, 948K)

Whoops accidentally posted the censored version.

Attached: progress-2019-12-14(3).jpg (1944x1606, 353K)

Damn that's so nice, got a kik?

Youre doing justice LOL fuck nazis

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Can we please just post niggers dying? We already know they are pieces of shit, i like it way more when niggers get what they deserve

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Don't worry i can masturbate to you and hate niggers at the same time
So keep going please, and show more of that sexy ass please

Those are rare.

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Those are rare indeed, yet they they give joy instead of anger

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That's why i enjoy so much watching body worn video of cops, usually you see a lot of niggers niggerin and actually being punished

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Let’s make this a ylyl Nigger hate thread.

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Attached: 1574624418354.webm (390x364, 1.87M)

Seriously though, why are you white americans so fucking retarded to not make the niggers stop?

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Attached: 1575622088436.webm (400x240, 429K)

The simple fact is, when the black species dies out, the world will be better because of it. Worldwide poverty and crime rates will drop drastically, as the third world shithole that is the continent of Africa, is left free of the disease that so plagues it. May be hard for retards to comprehend, but once their genetically weak asses die off, the strong human races will colonize the newly freed african lands. It'll be like the paradise that South Africa almost was.

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Race mixing will destroy modern society, sending us all back to the stone age. Any man who enjoys cuck shit, deserves to die without ever breeding. Let the niggers and cucks die off together. Whites, Asians, and Middle Easterns should all join forces to make sure the black species is purged from the world.

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I love myself, and my people quite a bit. I love humanity. Niggers are humans, to some degree, genetically. But they never made the mental leap, that the Asians, the Middle Easterns, and the Whites did. There's a reason that African countries are dirt poor, and are constantly at war with each other. They're primitive. They can't be fully blamed for nature not letting them evolve, and for that, I pity them.

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Problem is that unless we start doing something the ones going to be eliminated is us

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Attached: nigger screwdriver - no sound version.webm (522x388, 1.92M)

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But even if I pity them, the Black species cannot be allowed to continue existing on this earth. They're a malignant parasite, that feeds on the hard working human races, and corrupts every system they're inserted into. The flaws in the black species are numerous, and impossible to avoid, even in passing. They're a threat to our world, our societies, and the continuation of mankind as a whole. The less civilized members of other races can be redeemed, they are still human, the intelligence in them is hindered by their backwards cultures, that remain even still thousands of years after their development.