Ask the most rational person in the world anything

Ask the most rational person in the world anything.

Attached: fags are idiots.jpg (625x328, 44K)

how do fridges work

>rational person
>on Sup Forums
shut the fuck up faggot

Where do you get off?

How to contact a admin on Sup Forums

Basically there is a condenser that turns gas to liquid and liquid to gas. The liquid is pumped through the capillaries (little tubes) and cools the air. It gets much more complicated than this but its a simple explanation.

I guarantee I am.
Prove me wrong fuck face.

typically my wife or pornhub.

You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?

What is your favorite color?

Very well.

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post this.

I am very hungry for CP and i'd like to know where to find it.

Except exchange C for child and P for porn.

you'll get banned right away but you'll be able to message them at least.

Are traps gay?

Is it the Jews?

Attached: 437925.jpg (500x424, 38K)

Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your view, the devil does not and cannot exist.

I am impartial to all colors

Lolz na I'm good on the cp Sup Forums

easy. always switch

>the most rational person in the world
[citation needed]

The "most rational person in the world" would realize that it would be irrational to assume that they are the most rational person at any point in time on our shared plane of existence as rationality is like most things subjective and situational. It is impossible to be labelled or to label yourself as the most or best at anything. You should know that.

You're not rational; you're egotistical.

>claimed to be smart.
>docent get a simple movie refrence.

If they were born with a penis and you have said penis in your mouth, ass, or you are fapping to it, yes it is gay.

That didnt sound reasonable

No, any still practicing Jew is a moron.

>most rational person
>demands someone to prove a negative

i guess you dont understand basic logic

You're not necessarily smart because you can reason...

I'm citing myself with every reply. Fuck off zoomer.

Pick b

My reasoning seems to have taken a vacation, depression set in real hard and I just lost my job which was shit but helped pay bill.
I am not particularly good at anything and I am 30

I tell the facts, judge them how you will.

I’d drill her virgin ass and time travel to the past to see her in shock and agony over and over again.

I'm not asking this person to prove a negative, I'm asking them to pose a question where I don't provide the most rational answer.


I never said rationality necessarily equivocates to intelligence.

How do we solve the increasing wealth inequality in the US economy?

Murder the rich repeatedly.

how is that rational?

Saves a lot more lives than any war.

why would wealth inequality need to be solved with a war/murder?
seems very irrational

Nothing else works in practice.

stick with a

every other proposed solution has been tried in practice?

Most people aren't actually that good at anything. They just start down a path and their "experience" consistently holds their job. So unless you are legitimately skilled listen to this..
I know nothing about you, but I'll try to be comprehensive. If you have education or a degree, pursue jobs in your field aggressively, if you honestly cannot find one, you need to move. Second, move to a place that has high employment demand regardless of your education. People consistently fail to find work because they are too afraid to move.
IF you are a huge pussy and completely unwilling to move, take a job ANYWHERE, fucking Starbucks even. find routine, its the first step to beating depression. Second engage in physical activity a minimum of 3 times a week. IF you still cant beat the funk get medicated, but make sure you can still function enough to maintain a routine of work and physical exercise.

All that said, if you really care about nothing, starting using coke and phase into heroin after a year and kill yourself in a few years when your addiction becomes unmanageable. People will say this is shit advice, but the reality is if you are going to be dead in 5 years anyway, might as well abuse your brain for maximum dopamine in the meantime.

I am OP
Additional tax on those making more than 5 million annually, but not too excessively. There is an appropriate balance that encourages free market, but culls rich get richer markets. Also fuck tax breaks and buy outs for massive companies.

that only addresses only one side of wealth inequality.

Wrong, everything in this world can be measured on a scale. I just happen to know that on any scale measuring rationality I would be the outlier representing the most rational opinion.

I claimed to be rational, not smart.
Fucking retard.

>everything in this world can be measured on a scale
you are claiming that literally nothing in subjective?
and everything is not only objective but measurable?

What are you driving at here?
Besides the wealthy and the working class what is there?
The homeless?

Your life experience may seem subjective to you and I, but at the end of the day its already predetermined by the laws of physics, the chemical makeup of your mind, and the environmental factors that affect those things. There is no evidence for "free will" or anything of the sort that would violate the scientific laws currently accepted.

Respond to this however you want, but the reality is the words you do or do not type have already been decided without your input.

Yeah, think this guy nailed it. Just an egofag.

how about people with full time jobs that can't afford to pay rent/bills and have enough food a day at the same time.
and yes homeless would be included in wealth inequality.

rationality is a human construct not determined by physics
everything that is a human construct is inherent subjective, including rationality

Rational hot head, hmm.

Polarizing personality.
People are too stupid to realize that government should dictate laws for the people based on evidence and rationality.
The left isn't correct and neither is the right.

Kids under 18 should not be able to permanently change their anatomy.
Gay marriage for consenting adults should be legal.

I could go for pages on the points from the left and right that should be implemented, but no one really cares because it doesn't fit their media polarized views.

... I'm pretty sure I included this class of people with my last answer, but to be more specific
universal healthcare should be available for all taken from the additional taxes, military spending should be much more carefully considered and while I don't necessarily agree with a living wage, an appropriate minimum wage should be legislated because the reality is smarter people will just take advantage of dumber/disadvantaged people without it.


You are right, but your conclusion is wrong.
everything is governed by physics. My anger, love, intelligence, values, everything is determined by physics. I am defining rationality as the most correct conclusion based on the reality that every little thing that happens in this universe is the result of the laws of physics, and coming to understand that is not something that is comfortable for many people.

"Fucking retard" was the rational response there.

How do you use determinism and physics to choose the most rational solutions to social issues?

if you're truely so rational you must be rational enough to realize the most rational conclusion you can come to in regards to how rational you are is that rationally speaking most likely there is someone more rational than you. fuck you

Thermodynamics. Look up phase change energy coefficients

You must be rational enough to realize that someone is the most rational.

I don't use them. Its just reality.