Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums.

They have also approved of me posting here.

Do you remember me?

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no, fuck off loser

Yes brother. You are remembered

Never change my friends. Never change.

My friend, it has been awhile since I have socialized.

Much has changed in your world. Do you remember my posts from 2012? Or should I recap my experiences?

Of course I remember your posts. But yes, if you would be so kind, please recap so we can help get our friends here up to speed.

schizophrenic alien kniggers on web go fuck a bag of spider legs

Where's my alien waifu?

As you wish. The /x/ post has been unfruitful, and I do not have much time to post on such forums.

I'm not sure how to say this so I might as well put it bluntly, as my social skills with normal people are very underdeveloped. I believe I am an alien hybrid, and I live in a government lab in what I have since discovered is the midwest region. My life mostly consists of living in a small room, exercising with equipment provided to me, watching various human media programs and participating in online video games. Once in awhile, the foundation approves of social interaction through the internet in the form of Sup Forums, as it is believed anything I say here would be easily discredited (and would be good for my mental health).

Please, ask me any questions. It's hard for me to summarize my complex life in a post, as I'm sure you can imagine.

what do you jerk off to?

Who is keeping you in this facility? Can't you leave of your own free will?

Is this a metaphor?

Oh my no. I am monitored 24/7. The internet access I currently have is monitored heavily, and if I release any specific information my connection will be cut.

I do wish I could leave though. I saw the grass once, a great field and some snow capped mountains... truly being in the actual world would be amazing...

I'm afraid not my friend.

This foundation, what do they do? They're in charge of monitoring alien hybrids, what else?
What can you tell me about your keepers?

>... truly being in the actual world would be amazing...
no way fag. you have to get a job and pay taxes and be miserable like the rest of us. what kind of work can you even do?

I know there are a few others like me, though when I first posted this was not the case. I believe there is some genetic program taking place, as I have seen the tubes with developing fetuses within them as I have walked through the foundation.

As far as I know, the foundation takes care of me and monitors me intensely. 5 days a week I am taken out of my "apartment" (please understand, this label helps my mental state as it makes me feel normal) and am put through a litany of tests. Most days my blood is taken (a small amount) and I run on a treadmill for a person I call Doctor Peterson.

I have become incredibly proficient in programming! It seems to me that the members of the foundation don't understand basic logic, and in fact I confuse some of them when I come up with solutions to problems they have struggled with for weeks. Sometimes, it feels as though the solution comes from nowhere... I pull it from the ether and it fits perfectly within the lines of code without issue...

fake and gay

wheres the proof grayman?

They do not provide me with either audio or video communication. I wish to prove myself, but truly I cannot.

I hope you understand. They would never let such devices in my room unsupervised...

How could we help you escape?

This guy needs more amnestics, the regular dose isn't doing its job as proven by him remembering the foundation.

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sounds like the life of an intj/p

My friend, I appreciate the sentiment, but escape is not an option. :(

I am not sure of this reference, but welcome an explanation! I love learning :)

How is you admitting you live in a government facility while being a human alien hybrid not enough for them to sever connection?


How do we get an alien waifu?

How tight is that ass though?

16 personalities a gimmicky test.
Those two types intj and intp make up like 5% of the population and do 95% of the thinking.

I don't understand why they allowed me communication again. I think that they wish to improve my mental state (which has deteriorated recently).

The foundation has provided me with a ruler or tape measure...

From my research, they myers-briggs is a fundamentally flawed test of people's base personality and should be all but discredited.

Confirmed, MtF "anal assaulted" on task for retrieval mission.

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>they wish to improve my mental state (which has deteriorated recently).
Uh-huh and have you been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder my friend??

lol OP stopped replying

Nope! Not besides depression, of which I assume is from my isolation.


Well, it seems like you don't have any real information to tell us, since you are locked up 24/7. Sorry we couldn't have a proper discussion but it seems like you have run out have things to say. Maybe next time you will have something to talk about. Bye.

What do they feed you? Whats your favorite thing to eat?

>faggot not keeping the RP going

I love steak! I find red meat (or any meat) to be my favorite food... it makes me feel energized.

There is no such thing as aliens, there was a stray meteorite reflecting light on to some swamp gas ... and the moon....

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You do not have clearance to learn about the scp foundation.

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Holy fucking shit.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-12-21 b - Hello b They have also approved of me posting - Random - 4chan.png (439x163, 7K)

He has nothing to say. I'm not going to put in all the effort by asking questions and hoping I've asked one that makes him give a reply of more than a couple words. Fuck this. Even if this guy is for real, it's not my job to guess what question I'm supposed to ask here.

Can I ascend? I want to. I’m tired of this earth

Ascend? Not sure what you mean...

Dumbass. If he's an alien-human hybrid trapped on Earth he would have no knowledge of ascension or other-worldly crap like that.

Well you see if you donate enough to the church we will teach you about the thetans..

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Well then what fucking use is he if he can’t divulge any information of anything?? Suck my hairy asshole

what can i do to unlock my potential op?

>being this retarded
sorry the alien hybrid RP isn't enough for you you fucking schizo

>Inb4 you get a really fucking stupid reply

>like for example sucking dick

Well you need to become the world champion of blowjobs to start with.

boring, fake and gay

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Yeah, it ain’t enough. Come with something better spergy