Infantino is considering salary caps, no more loans, and banning winter transfer from now on

A step to the right direction. But it should be: salary caps proportionate to the revenue. That way, oil clubs whose revenues are inflated by arab "sponsorship" can't pay for the mercenaries' wages.

"Make sure the old money stays in power"


t. brainlet

sponsorship is part of revenue

I didn't get the logic

Please don't. This is one of the great things about divegrass. Those with the most resources should be able to use them. Don't start going the way of American sports.

Exactly. Papa Pérez is afraid the Status Quo is about to change, either by PSG or by City, and there is nothing he can do. I'll side with the Qataris this time.

fuck off, oil clubs are ruining football

i'd rather see small clubs win the Champions League than see $ity or P$G take it

>having the same ~5 clubs winning major trophies year after year after year is good
fuck off

so exclude sponsorship

"Old money" is the only legit money

What about self-sponsoring oil plastic clubs?

breakaway superleague rumours incoming.

big clubs hold all the carts.

top kek
At the same time the top 4 leagues get 4 secure CL spots, the EL is being starved of price money and the market pool is screwing over every single team that's not from a big-market country.

If you want to fix European football, you need to start diverting the money from European competitions to smaller teams. Then you need to tighten up the homegrown players rule, and make it so that agents and players don't have clubs by the balls anymore.

But who am I kidding, Bosman, the fall of foreign player restrictions and the huge TV deals have irreparably fucked football in general

>lol, too much free market to my liking

FIFA/UEFA should consider taking 1-2% cut of all transfer fees instead for 'administration'

>Champions League
>traditional big leagues are handed 4 places
>actual champions have to go through qualifying rounds

no one buys this

>If you want to fix European football

there is literally nothing to fix about the transfer market

retard VAR implementation, blatant uefa backed refball, nations league, corrupt officials and basically every decision by the governing bodies in the last ~5years though

>Error: Duplicate file exists. here.

>only 15 out of 32 CL group stage teams are national champions

>barca bought coutinho for £140m
what the hell for? how is he ever going to deliver for that price?

sandniggers completely ruined everything

Player value grows exponentially with quality, it's not a linear scale. It's the competition between clubs trying to outbid each other leading to these prices.

Transfer fees are increasing at the same pace as club revenues. 140 million is simply what you have to pay for a Coutinho-tier player nowadays, if you want to buy him from an English club and he's on a longer contract.

>Shit team like manure gets BTFO constantly
>w-we n-need a salary cap

whats your point? I dont care why he cost 140m but why barca would piss that away on an inconsistent player, its retarded

Because "more consistent players" are even more expensive.

so why not go all out? even £140m could get u something actually good instead of a player who even on his day isn't especially amazing beyond technical skill

if neymar costs 220m then coutinho's price isn't' that crazy

>spanish royalty funding Halal Madrid is legit money

Well it's SPANISH royalty, isn't it?

>give ITA/GER/ENG/SPA more seeded spots in CL
>give TIA/GER/ENG/SPA bigger shares of the TV-monies
>lock down transfer-windows

Winter transfer window should be reduced to 1 week. 1 month is a bit annoying.