Master Edition
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Master Edition
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wanna fug the white puddle slut
First for Simm being the 13th Doctor
Not only that, but she crafted a Cyber Army. Every single Master before her would've been like "holy shit, I've actually won here... now to take my army and take over some planets" yet Missy just goes "here ya go, Doctor, a prezzie for you"
About Death in Heaven.
That's not particularly about Missy, but after three years I still dont get it.
How did corpses convert into the Cybermen? I understood that some magic cyber liquid got into the ground, but how did actual cybersuits were built?
God dammit I really like Bill
I really thought I wouldn't after the first teaser.
Who here called that she would be good? Let me have it.
/who/ actually worships and loves Simm now. What timeline is this?
Plus one. But what if hes also the Valeyard.
Garlic Bread for 13
>reminder bill's hair at the bottom of frame
Woah, the new episode wasn't that bad actually.
Nardole is more annoying than usual, though.
Amazed Moffat resisted Bill joking about making Heather wet.
>tfw the market on Rare Simms expands
This. The first one since Mummy on the Orient Express and Listen for me. Heaven Sent was good but can't be arsed to rewatch FTR and HB.
YOU JUST KNOW there was one in a draft somewhere.
aren't you forgetting? she's bananas
Did anyone else find Nardole pretty funny? Or am I just retarded?
Where can I find my very own qt puddle gf
It's implied she's tracking the Doctor throughout time and space (remember she also put Clara together with the Doctor as she was the woman in the shop... but I thought The Hybrid was Clara and the Doctor oh who fucking knows) yet what was the point in that Series 8 makes no sense
Is Missy a robot then?
Yes and yes.
funnier than catherine tate atleast
Yes he was surprisingly decent.
I liked him in the Christmas Special, he didn't really do much this time round.
Missy is Harriot Harman post cyber
Series 10 should have been just him and 12 saving worlds and getting pussy without any story arcs
Tracking them makes sense, but taking the dead people doesn't. There was literally no point in getting dead minds from the future.
>Every single Master before her would've been like "holy shit, I've actually won here... now to take my army and take over some planets" yet Missy just goes "here ya go, Doctor, a prezzie for you"
It is completely valid for a new incarnation of the Master, after the Time War, inbetween the time locking of Gallifrey and its return, being the only other Time Lord, to want to reconnect with the Doctor instead of wanting universal domination. He was the only other being in the universe on her level.
Marching over people with some Cybermen, what kind of thrill would that even present to someone who has been taking over planets and ripping apart the universe all their lives?
Anyone else get nervous when the Smile next time trailer played?
I thought they'd decided not to show the coming soon trailer.
No. Because that would be stupid and a disgrace to having her as the Master for the past two series. Shes the Master and so is Simm.
I kind of wish he was the sole companion for this series.
It's almost like Matt Lucas has been a comedian for his whole career and can actually deliver a line well.
Bill looked pretty crap in the "introducing asBill" from last year.
But she looked a whole lot better in the teasers released this year. And she sounded even better from the description in DWM. So I'm not particularly surprised that I like her.
I can only assume that Moffat hadn't really figured out how to write Bill properly until he sat down to actually write the series.
Hah, I thought that for a second as well.
I'm fairly sure the coming soon trailer was changed from the screening as well, probably because the simm thing leaked so there was no point building up to it.
No. Moffat explained this. The Master wanting to conquer the universe was retarded because what would he do then? build roads? the Masters motives are more playing an eternal deadly game with his best friend the Doctor and trying to outwit him.
Reminder that Bill's flatmates are ALL GONNA FUCKING DIE
He knew more a hundred times more people were going to make that joke online if he didn't make it in the episode.
I already said it
I did
He should have been the companion instead of this show-dropping forced diversity unfunny inbred of a bill. Name is aptly chosen: watching her is like being forced to pay an IQ bill.
Who the fuck is Kris Marshall? Did I miss something? Is this a meme?
Introducing Kris Marshall as the 13th Doctor
>Moffat and co. finally get their shit together and make the GOATest series since the fifth one
>Just in time before he gets replaced
Soooooooo squelchy.
Tbqh with you all, I have no interest in finding out who the next Doctor is. Peter Capaldi is beyond amazing and I’m sad to see him go and I just want to enjoy the time he has left on the show without freaking out over the 13th Doctor. He was let down by Moffat and it is fucking unfair that his only truly great series is his last, when he deserved so much better.
Some ugly ass looking motherfucker who can't act worth shit.
Hey guys.
This was probably the first episode in the last 4 years I had a STRONG willing to rewatch to enjoy it once again.
Or, and Heaven Sent too.
>they cut the stupid plunger gags from friend from the future
>Some ugly ass looking motherfucker who can't act worth shit.
That's a bit rude. Pearl Mackie is okay.
What if Nardole isn't real? What if he's just a psychic projection of the Doctor's next body?
Is that real or is it a /who/ prank? Because honestly he looks worse than a foot.
Someone finally learned to script edit
Two tabloids at the same time released news about "Chris Marshall is 13th Doctor leaked"
Sun was right about Simm coming back
Mirror was right about Davros in s9, if I recall correctly
Say hello to.....
The next Doctor
But he is a shit actor. Death on Paradise was fucking boring.
Can i get an edit of doctor foot please?
Kris Marshall is most famous either as one of the guys from Broadchurch, or the guy in Love Actually who goes to the States to see if having a foreign accent will help him score.
For some reason, the first people who wanted him all wanted him as the "first Irish Doctor" even though he's not Irish.
He's plausible because he and Chibnall are apparently friends (from working on Broadchurch), and he's a decent actor, and reasonably well known but not too expensive to get.
When he quit his current show to be closer to his family, there was suddenly a lot of speculation that he'd been cast as the next Doctor, betting on him went through the roof, and they suspended betting on him. But then there were equally big runs on Tilda Swinton, David Harewood, and Phoebe Waller-Bridge (who also got betting suspended on her), and he's now tied for third in the betting with Natalie Dormer.
The Mirror now claims that they have an inside source who says he's just been cast, and that he's somehow going to appear in multiple episodes of S10 (despite being cast after those episodes were filmed), before taking over in the Christmas special.
Stay pleb.
It's going to be Alfie Enoch
Screencap this motherfucker
The thing is you gotta remember if keep firing a gun without aiming eventually you'll hit your target. So they can keep putting out bullshit but eventually theyll be right its just the way things work.
How are we all watching? I can't seem to find a working link
The Doctor: It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for...
Bill: So he was The Doctor all the time!
>having taste is the same as being pleb
I knew /who/ was contrarian as fuck but man you have no taste
>Two tabloids at the same time released news about "Chris Marshall is 13th Doctor leaked"
No, one tabloid released news, and two other tabloids just released articles quoting the first tabloid.
>Sun was right about Simm coming back
The Sun have leaked over 100 "scoops" about Doctor Who. Three of them have been true.
>Can I has some Dokter Wooo please?
Get some taste, pleb.
It's more of a disgrace to keep her as the Master than to have her as it for a while and then retcon it
Wait did the new ep air?
key !-4XAv28ivg9rXiU9gFrhUA
(it's 720p, best I've found so far)
Craig Charles as the Doctor when.
Also, on that Capaldi must watch list.
I have heard only awful things about Series 8 and some awful things about 9. Is there a list of good episodes or would it be better to watch every single last one?
I skipped a lot of Clara in 11th Doctor, I don't want two whole series of it.
But Capaldi is hailed as best doctor so arrghhh.
How many of you have watched every single episode of Doctor Who? Come on, be honest.
Don't you think he looks a bit dense?
I'm new as fuck, what do I do with this?
Or, if you don't want to torrent:
They keep updating the list of links, and half of them will be broken by the time you get there, but at least the openload ones should work (if you turn off your adblocker or do their stupid "pairing" thing), and probably some of the others.
The titles are out of sync again REEEEEEE.
Not yet. All of post-2005 but Waters of Mars, Doctor/Widow/Wardrobe, and The Pilot , then about a third of Classic
You could skip everything starting with 7, there hasn't been a single good thing since then after all. If you want to experience it all, just watch it all and see how shit it is in all its unglory. No half-measures please.
No, it's a disgrace to waste time and effort pulling off retcons that achieve nothing but help some anoraks sleep a little easier over meaningless facts concerning people who don't exist. Leave that shit in the comics industry.
Honestly i like series 8 over 9. while 9 has heaven sent an episode that is amazing 8 just is a bit more constantly good
Put the first bit after
Then the second bit is the encryption key
I'm GENUINELY surprised there's a torrent up for this. I wasn't expecting it until tonight for some reason.
I'm not nearly old enough to have seen all the missing episodes the one time they aired. But I have watched all the recons (and read the Targets). Does that count?
He looks like David Bowie gone wrong
>Waters of Mars
And for what reason?
I would like to remind everyone that in a poll taken IN 2016, /who/ ranked series 9 as the best series. Heaven Sent, Face the Raven, Lake/Flood, Zygons, Magician/Witch, Husbands, and even Hell Bent all got average scores of above 7/10. "Series 8/9 are awful" has not always been the dominant narrative.
Ooh, he's pulled it out AGAIN.
Bored, Cats?
There's actually multiple torrents already.
I think that one is 480p. If you want 720p, this is the one ShowRSS is feeding (I only have a magnet, no information page):
pretty clear exactly where the poll takers came from is you ask me.
No real reason, just missed it on broadcast and never got around to catching up. One day, I will go back.
Yeah, I'd say that qualifies. No one is asking for the impossible user.
I can guarantee the next time you do this poll, Series 10 will be first and 9 won't even be in the top 5.
Go away, mongo.
(Note: If someone accuses you of being "cats" or "talking to yourself", just ignore it. Trust me.)
And I will be perfectly fine with that.
I can confirm that the openload on does work if you do their stupid pairing thing (possibly only necessary if you're using a VPN), and that if you use an openload downloader without a debrid or an account it's still only capped at 110KB/s, which isn't bad.
Talking to yourself is actually a meme I made to fight mongo back in the day.
Some guy named Nick wants to know why I've only bought ~150 Big Finish audios, though. I think he was slightly mollified by my complete collection of the AV audios, but he asked me why I don't love stories, reminded me that subscribers get more, and made me promise to do better.