Bonus for 905
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To hell with the Burlington plebs
Meaghan S worked at Joe Brant
Anyone know her? From meadowvale
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Anyone got KW? Thorold
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Yeah, I know her. Got plenty of nudes too. What's it to ya?
Have these girl and a few others. Hamilton-Niagara
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I went to elementary and hs with her. You'd be doing me a literal solid if you showed me her nudes user
Woot woot reporting in
Cobourg/Port Hope here
Rippin bongs and playing ps4
Girl on the right obviously
Not sure if 28 or 48, would clap them cheeks either way though.
Welland sisters
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It'd be pretty cool if you can post pics of her without clothes
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Got any Meglyn M, or Jamie D?
Maybe I will, maybe I will. Keep posting and see what happens.
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Alright i guess. Can you tell me her initials at least?
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went to hs with her as well. got any others from her year?
i'm actually from a year below but this girl also went to the same hs and was in my year. know her?
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