
Was told to come here so please roast me and call me the ugly fat man I am

Attached: 35C2E0CE-9F4E-447C-8C4B-2214C2158B58.jpg (2316x3076, 1.68M)

How about you show your boypussy instead


Very cute

You have sexy hands. Would look great grasping my cock

nah you are okay

Attached: 1572540082176.jpg (710x711, 121K)

You look like a cute youtuber I wanna cuddle and hold hands with


Attached: 11BAC306-2A80-40C4-B153-044AB091C508.jpg (1080x1282, 178K)

>philtrum too long

>jaw too wide

>square chin

>big nose tip

>long nose and midface (a very unattractive quality if you want to look like a girl)

>obviously hiding your sloped forehead

>bulging eyes

>flat cheekbones

>doesn't know how to do make up

>terrible attempt at trying to be "feminine" and "feel good about yourself" with long fingernails

>knobby knuckles

>avoiding overly feminine clothes and going for an "alt-girl" look to compensate for your masculine qualities

>you aren't fooling anyone sweetie

Attached: 1561822512840 pepe pokemon.png (1280x1280, 634K)

You came to the right place faggot, Sup Forums is no longer Sup Forums, Sup Forums is now 10% Sup Forums and 90% /gay/.

You knew that though and you want someone to lick you boypussy.

Fucking disgusting, all you faggots should just off yourselves for the better of humanity, no one needs you. No one loves you, that's why you come crawling and posting your hideous faces on anonymous image board websites.

Word of advice, fuck off. Disgusting degenerate twink.


Dump noodes






I’m not going for an alt-girl looking I’m boymoding because I don’t pass and look like an ugly man. You’re right about everything else though
I literally only came here because a comment told me to, I even linked it

Penis ?

Did you want to be roasted/insulted or be flirted/positive reinforced?

>I’m boymoding because I don’t pass and look like an ugly man
uh no duh

You don't pass. At best you will look like an androgynous boy/beta boy

Cuter than most girls

I bet you try oh so hard to keep your face clean and clear of blemishes and facial hair because you literally have no other quality that is feminine

Attached: 1560645739383 smug.jpg (250x246, 8K)

The problem with the dysgenic state of Women and the warping over the standards of beauty and facial construction, is that you're not wrong.


Attached: 1576839858823.webm (350x622, 1.59M)

you look like a girl. gross

And you know what's the funniest part?
Sup Forums and /lgbt/ and Susan's Place will just hugbox you just because they want to fuck you and see your penis

Literally just chasers and AGP hons wanting to have sissy sex

Transgenderism is nothing but a mental illness from life experience mixed with a sexual appetite/need
I used to be trans as well (still sometimes wish I was a girl) but you have to be honest with yourself about this.

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too girly

Still wanna suck my cock user?

Attached: 1576851324266.jpg (1190x1669, 406K)

user is not your personal army. Ask to be roasted and you'll get a hundred people telling you how not-bad or cute you are.

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I don’t try at all
>Susan’s Place
Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time, also no it’s not a fetish for me agpnon I just really hate looking male and have wanted to change it since age 9, I started shaving my legs at 13 the second I got leg hair

Well that sucks because I know I’m ugly and just want the extra motivation to die

Super fucking adorable

Would gf with no second thoughts

Post nudes before you kys

I would gladly fuck you. Ass to mouth and then spit in your mouth and treat you like shit to really make it easy to die. You would look up at my jiggling fat body and being a tranny would be nothing compared to the same of being my human toilet/dumpster

Faggot ass cock sucker. Go be gay somewhere else.

>I don’t try at all
sure lol
The ONE THING you can try to adhere to to really prove you are a girl!
You naturally just have a little bit less facial hair...
Keep the dream alive!

Attached: 1486357113606.jpg (640x480, 33K)

Rose of Dawn's little "sister"

>tranny's only value is sex

So? Fucking feels good, embrace it.

Hey Brenda! It's me, the guy that used to come to your daily threads on /soc/ and spam screenshots of you being a total piece of shit to everyone on the board! I actually kind of miss talking to you about the assholes that troll you with a serious discussion on one thread while baiting you into a rage on another at literally the same time. Once, you even opened up to me ABOUT me and had no idea, lol.

Also, here's my favorite picture of you. Love ya!

Attached: Brendaandherboypeepee.jpg (1440x1916, 567K)

Transgenderism is caused from feeling inadequate, depressed and being horny.

It isn't an identity.

Be honest with yourself.
It's ok to dress up sometimes and jack off, but it's not ok to make people buy into your sexual fulfillment

imagine being this guy and having nothing better to do.

Attached: 4995786439_54219a6f91_z.jpg (170x213, 8K)

You are super fine. Chill with whatever you are doing, either being self hating, or fishing for compliments, or just baiting.

Lol fake af

Defending this piece of human garbage is hilarious. I only fucked with him when I saw his threads. He just happened to post a thousand times a day. Most of /soc/ that isn't gay/trans (all 20 of us) absolutely hate this dude. Even he will tell you that's accurate, if he doesn't, he's being dishonest. He craves the attention and only stopped posting everyday when his threads stopped getting it. That being said, he isn't garbage because he prefers the pronoun 'she', he is garbage because of the way he treats everyone. That's 100% of the reason why I began fucking with him. He expects you all to fawn over him with self deprication and 'woe is me' bullshit while being a massive cunt, often at the same time.

Lol. I couldn’t imaging thinking I was as “”””””redpilled”””””” as that user while posting some sperg bullshit like he did. What a fuckboi

Lol. Calling someone else a “massive cunt” while being a “massive cunt”. I feel for you my dude, and hope you find some satisfaction in your life that doesn’t come at the expense of someone else

post more?

You look like a man. Prove it.

kik me op

i'll defile you

>I have a sissy hypno fetish: the post

At least my long winded "autistic" banter makes sense you fucking retard.

He won't suck your dick, bro. Calm down.

Sorry to let your trips down, but that's the only one I had in my notes app. Totally forgot about Brenda for months until this thread popped up.

yup proven fake lol


Ah you the never passing trap?

i don’t know the dude, but ya might wanna go outside a bit lol, seems like you put a lot into this. also isn’t the point of /soc/ being in need of validation?


If that's your idea of what /soc/ is, wouldn't it be safe to argue that OP belittling, bullying, and being toxic overall is justification for so many of us on that board to hate him? Not sure if you read it, but I said further down in this thread from your highlight that I forgot OP even existed. I don't go to /soc/ anymore. It's a dying board being kept on life support by kik/discord ads and rate threads posted and rated daily by the same people. Also, /soc/ isn't for validation. It's for cams and meet-ups which is the actual name of the board.