Hey faggot democrats of Sup Forums

Hey faggot democrats of Sup Forums
Trump has not been impeached yet.

Impeachment as contemplated by the Constitution does not consist merely of the vote by the House, but of the process of sending the articles to the Senate for trial.

Pelosi knows she's fucked if the Senate holds a trial.

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Actually he has been impeached. Impeachment is just the formal bringing of charges, like being indicted. Whether or not he'll be removed from office is yet to be seen. He won't though, as there's no evidence against him.

Nope, he's been impeached. He may get off because some traitors have bragged about how they intend to break their oath on the Constitution. Bring out the guillotines. A few headless republican senators should go a long way toward fixing things.

Impeachment is like an indictment; all it means is the process is officially started. That is to say that the charges have not been dropped and the formalized process of trying the alleged crimes officially begins.

Trump has been impeached. This does not mean he doesn't get acquitted. This does not mean trump leaves office.

Im not American and even I know you are dumb as shit, he was impeached, that is the start of the process, now he has to go against a court who will vote if he has abused his power, if in majority of them saying yes he will be removed, if not then he stays in.

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Actually he has been impeached, where do you get your news from?
Has he been removed? Not likely, 2/3 of the Senate needs to go through with it, and even if they did, it's not like he has to be out by 5pm next day.

You're a complete muppet. The only thing that's been achieved is weaponized impeachments. Every single time the party who doesn't have their president in office but controls the house will begin the process of impeachment.

I don't know how to explain to you how bad this is and how much the dems have screwed the pooch on this, but maybe you'll get it through your thick skull when trump is re-elected and the dems lose the house.


actually, they haven't brought charges...they just took a vote
>is your handler even in the room with you?

Not until she delivers it to the Senate.

Also, I find it hilarious that she's trying to draw rules for how the Senate will hold its trial... IF she even sends it. She doesn't have the jurisdiction to do so because of the 3 branch "checks and balances" system. Hence, the Senate didn't have the power to tell her how to conduct her impeachment hearings. And, she sure as hell doesn't have the power to tell the Senate how to run their trail.

It'll be fun to see how this all plays out. Right now, she's not doing shit other than telling the media that they aren't "allowed" to ask her questions about the impeachment proceedings.

So I took a look at those three links and they all come from the perspective of Harvard Professor Noah Feldman saying that once it goes through the Senate then it's considered impeached. However, in those articles, it says that there are other law professors that don't agree with Feldman's argument.

So your screencap is misleading as it seems to suggest a mass consensus saying that Trump isn't impeached -- it's just one of the law professors dissenting from the mainstream. Most everyone views Trump as having been impeached.

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It's not official until Pelosi delivers it to the Senate. Which she doesn't want to do because she knows she's fucked if she does.
If she was SO confident in her party and house, she would've delivered it already. She knows she's fucked and is sitting on it.

Ignorant twat. Last chance to save the republic and you fuckwits will oppose it. The US is dying..Kill the republican party, make the dems the right-wing party they so desperately want be and raise a new real left. And then, there is a slim chance to save it. Or kiss the country goodbye

"Save the republic" my fat ass. Save it from fucking what, muppet?

She is probably holding off until after the new year, because unlike Trump she doesn't want to cause problems with officials over the festive period like Trump did when he decided to close the government when he was in a bad mood.

The Dems won back the house because he cost Republicans seats with his hard to defend stances. What makes you think that he's done any better? The Republicans should have put anybody else in the office, and then went and fucked it all up.
Well, other than Ben Carson, dude is like 8th grade smart.



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this is next level gaslighting. they want to say he's not been impeached when he has been. living in the fucking twilight zone is considered normal reality for you pathetic retards.

the GOP. America deserves a conservative party. They do not currently have one.

>He won't though, as The Senate is chick full of Republicans.

Decadence, ignorance, stagnation and inequality. The same things that have killed every empire. This has all happened before. Read a history textbook, a real one not from the US's deliberately crippled education system. The parallels are crystal clear.

they are doing fine. they managed to set a historic achievement by impeaching trump just 2 days ago.

I can only assume this level of gloating stupidity is genetic

Impeachment has been extremely unpopular, economy has been doing well, and frankly only ideologues and useful idiots sincerely believe the charges.
On top of that, the party that attempts to impeach tends to do poorly the next round of elections.

It's not a done deal but unless trump does something sincerely, objectively, ridiculous in 2020? I wouldn't hold up hope for a dem controlled house. It is looking bleak.

>historic achievement

That's what I fucking thought -- vague platitudes.

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You know you're a Trumpian Bootlicker, OP.

I honestly think it's too late. we are done. yes it is *possible* to save some bit of our standing, but realistically it will not happen. as you point out the american empire, like others, is going to fade away for the reasons you point out. we are done and china most likely is the successor.

And what a great day that was. Can't you just picture the impotent rage on his bloated orange face as he sat on the shitter frantically tweeting and flushing over and over?

> and frankly only ideologues and useful idiots sincerely believe the charges.
that's simply a lie. if you actually believe it then you have serious problems.

I don't view it as a great day at all. it's a wretched day. no president should have to be impeached. it means that this country has seriously bad problems.

Facts about history are not vague platitudes. But you go ahead and ignore the country rotting around you. I'm sure that will fix everything.

OK the way some of you were mocking me in this thread? This is one of the reasons I'm thinking about becoming a serial killer.

I can't tell if you misread my post, had an aneurysm, or are a troll.

No, she's scared. If it goes to trial the dems have to go to the witness stand in the Senate. Her, Schiff, Biden, Bidens son, Nadler, the "whistle blower"... the whole 9 yards.

none of the above. try your weak tactics on someone else.

None of this shit matters

China will then breed with our desirable women.

Holy echo chamber and cognitive dissonance, Batman!

>pic related; OP in his element

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It's obvious that the republican controlled Senate will not hold a fair hearing. They've admitted as much.

Witnesses, eh? That's a good one. Trump is wailing away about not being allowed to call any witnesses in his defense, and yet his allies in the senate have promised to rig things so that no witnesses will be called. Who's full of shit, Trump or senate rebups?

I didn't call facts and history vague platitudes. I called your prior post vague platitudes because that's what it was.

Gesturing broadly at nebulous "history textbooks" does no good for anything and is really a pass of the buck.

It's like a feminist saying it's not sexist to hate men and then when you call them out on it they whine at you to google it because out there, somewhere, their justification is sitting around. Far be it for them to actually back their shit up themselves.

that's funny that you used quotes. the whistle blower is why you are so butthurt lol. you can't comprehend that your perfect president is such a fuckup and lawless power hungry guy that he actually got caught red handed.

No. She doesn't want to waste real evidence on what will be a sham trial in the Senate thanks to McTurtle.

Well then explain your last post because I fucking don't get it, chief.

cucks here will love that I guess. maybe bbc threads will convert to bcc threads in the future

You're scared of your mom kicking you out and telling you to get a job

>mfw you actually think the dems are going to get away with this without consequence. I bet you think the dems actually stand a chance in the presidential election too!

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OP you are the Dunning Kruger effect in action.

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This was directed at .

Hi Santa!

And you are Murphy's Law in action, you hollow-skulled fucking waste of a get faggot user.

Please commit die.

He has practically been impeached, given the passing of the vote. There is nothing prohibiting the house from holding onto the articles until a fair and unbiased trial can be had. If you listen to the utterances of your glorious leader of a president, and Mitch McConnell, it ain't happening as it stands rn.

If Trump claims to be free of wrongdoing, why not allow testimony from Pompeo, and crew, to prove his innocence...?

Holy sheepshit



You're Faggot's Law in Extreme Effect

Using your same construct, the only reason Trump obstructed Congress is because he knew he was fucked if he let insiders with firsthand knowledge testify.

If he was SO confident in his perfect behavior, he would've encouraged them all to testify. But he knew he was fucked, so he muzzled all of them by claiming absolute privilege.

Lol. A fair process, like the house gave, right?

If he's going to be impeached partially by a whistleblower that is bogus, he's going to be forced to testify. The Democrats can play their shoddy game in the house, but the Senate isn't gonna take the bs.

>Faggot's Law
Did they name that one after you?

I cant believe super Satan get was wasted to this...

What, specifically, was unfair about the house process?

So fucking what? Nobody cares about this rules-jewing horseshit.

the main reason is that it implicates him further, the secondary reason is that they think it makes non-republicans mad. this is literally the #1 driving force of that party for nearly everything at least in terms of spin. this is why this country will disintegrate. all policy decisions are done only to thwart the other side it is 100% zero sum game politics and it will bring this country down

He wasn't wrong. If you don't know trump got impeached then you probably shouldn't be voting.

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Belieb it twinkie-house



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septuplets logged, internet clogged

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>the Senate majority is loyal to that traitor

this is so disappointing. jesus fuck. kill yourself nigger. Trump is going to be reelected.

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The repubs had the same opportunities as the dems during the house inquiry. Who's fault is it that Nunes, Jordan, Gaetz and the rest behaved like gibbering lunatics? Competent people could have accomplished a lot to undermine the dem case and impugn the evidence, but all they did was scream incoherence.

Call the Internet Police!

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>this triggered by septrips

You've been obliterated by those digits. Just quit.

You were in fact named after several prominent faggots, yes.

God damn, what a stupid fucking comment.

the whistleblower is not needed because of others that already testified corroborated everything and more. mulvaney in a press conference, the released transcript (or whatever it is, it's not the full thing), and trump himself. if the whistleblower weren't protected by law you'd have better standing but that person has legal protections. that's not to say some legal wrangling could somehow force this person to appear. I would say if the Senate said we'll allow the 4 witnesses that schumer requested to appear before the senate if the whistleblower also comes forward, I'd think that's appropriate. but most people somehow want to exact retribution on the person or somehow want to impeach their character. as a fact witness that person is not required and protected legally.

UnHoly... Fuck...

kill yourself

so you appeal to popularity? shut the fuck up or start pulling up relavent facts

you've lost, just back away gracefully.

what a waste. kruger/baader meinhof effect in action

oh man those NUMBIES!!!!!!!!

More like it really puts you trumpshits in place.

relax, guys, it was 7 6s in a row at the end of the post number, not 6 6s in a row at the end of the post number.

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A president is not going to get removed from office over "hearsay" by some dude called a whistleblower. It's innocent until proven guilty the the USA and if the whistleblower doesn't testify, then there is no proof. If there is no proof, there is no guilty verdict.
How it rolls in the US.

I do not like trump, nor did I vote for him. (Nor do I want him in office) but what the Dems are doing is truly solidifying his reelection. It is idiocy... Who is running this?!? they have virtually guaranteed his reelection. I mean, just all getting together and voting in unison for this without credible proof of anything?!? a bunch of heresay.. this can have no outcome but to keep him in office. It pisses me off that he will stay, but it pisses me off even more that they pushed it through with NOTHING. Fucking idiots. you've doomed us!

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You're right. Kind of like climate change. I should ignore 99% of what experts in the field say and just really focus on the slim minority to validate my inherent confirmation bias. For sure. Good pep talk coach!

Which means God will intervene

*It's innocent until proven guilty in the USA
My typo

I wonder why he's preventing all those people with first hand knowledge from testifying.

The impeachment is like being indicted in Dark Souls. It doesn't really mean anything. That makes the Senate the Darkmoons in this metaphor, and everyone knows they can't make a proper build to save their lives.

I don't think you know what hearsay is.

says who?

Hey faggot op of Sup Forums
No one cares about your russian roubles paycheque.

Shills like you should commit suicide and spare the welfare system, but you won't because Ivan hasn't given you permission.

Hiroshimoot knows Sup Forums's fucked because of you cancerous faggots.

>I don't like trump I didn't vote for him but
>I do like trump and I will vote for him

Pelosi is sexier than Palin. Fuck. What I would do to smell her heels