If Tupac wasn't killed by the CIA, why haven't his killers been found?
If Tupac wasn't killed by the CIA, why haven't his killers been found?
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It's because Tupac is in Antarctica.
“The FBI would like to know your current location”.
Because no one cares about one more dead nigger.
I care, nigger. And what is your badge number sir?
Because he dindu nuffin
>no one cares about Tupac
Lol ok retard
He literally dindu nuffin though
>I care, nigger. And what is your badge number sir?
niggerniggernigger niggernigger niggerniggerniggernigger
>In 2011, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI released documents revealing its investigation of the Jewish Defense League for making death threats against Shakur and other rappers
There was a deathbed confession. Read Wikipedia
Link it, kike
The Queen did it
He obviously faked his death. I don’t blame him, who the fuck wants to be famous. Being famous would be a living hell.
>who the fuck wants to be famous
>Read Wikipedia
He was a typical thug nigger who thought he was king shit... He got what was coming to him... simple as that. one less troublesome black in the world
Not everything is some grand conspiracy. Sometimes violence happens and the killers get away. Look at the thousands of unsolved murders.
The Queen had princess diana killed back in 1997, not Tupac in 1996
He wasn't a nigger though
Sure, if someone were to kill Drake and drive off they were get away without any issue. Tell Harry Potter I want 10mill for christmas.
She had both
Being famous doesn't mean your murder will automatically get solved. Are you stupid?
Sometimes crimes simply can't be solved.
I'm sorry, Tupac's killer's is where?
How the fuck should I know? Why would you expect anyone to know? Do you think being famous means your murder magically gets solved by virtue of your fame? Why don't we know what happened to Princess Diana?
Eminem hired an assassin to kill 'Pac
only niggers care about dead niggers
We still don't know who killed Nicole Simpson either.
It was a hired hit by the cartel
>Be thug
>Get kilo
>Cartel forces you to deal drugs
>Become rapper, get rich
>Cartel extorts from you
>Hire own security
>Cartel kills your security
>Cartel kills you for not cooperating
only when they think they can use it to grift white people.
Lol, why would the police find the killer who says "fuck the police"