I'm dreading going to sleep because tomorrow we're putting our cat down...

I'm dreading going to sleep because tomorrow we're putting our cat down. Shes around 6 and has a very rare case of cancer for cats her age. It came up a year ago because of a hyper active thyroid according to the vets. They say it's very rare for a cat her age and they didn't know if she had weeks months or years. It came back and shes just at a point where she'd be suffering more every day. She had such a personality, was an amazing part of the family as our pet, and its fucking devastating. We know this is the right thing to do, and life will go on, but cancer is always awful to deal with and the death of a pet really blows. Heres a pic of her.

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Odd because I have 2 friends one who recently had to put their's of 10 years down and my other buddy just found his dead in the house. It fucking sucks I've had pets die I know it but work through that shit user best of luck

that is pretty kitty.

If you have any time before, make sure to do her favorite things. Play, brush, toys, pets, etc. I've had several cats and dogs, they seem to know when its the end, but have enjoyed some nice late time with family. Stay with kitty until she is asleep.

Thanks I appreciate it. We've had other pets at my grandparents pass and its been sad but this shit is hitting hardest. Especially bc my mom and step dad got her when they were settled down and was something between them that besdies his 2 kids and me, that they'd be able to say was theres as a couple. Her passing isn't going to cause any issues, just a bit of sadness in the family because she was another thing which brought us all closer together.

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Sorry to hear ;'(

Your cat is beautiful, make the best of the last moments you have.

You want a fucking cookie?

The main floor of our house is become as my mom says "kitty hospice" she has all her favorite blankets in a nest where she rests, all her favorite toys, her cat grass and we're there with her while she rests. I plan on being there with her till she takes her final nap. Thanks user, you're completly right. what you said really hit hard...

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pet kitty for us, she looks very soft and fuzzy and nice.

Definitely the other user's reply is more in point, mine was more factual and down to earth, which I see it wasn't really comforting because you have accepted the case. Regardless, I understand the pain, and it blows. But it will turn out okay. Like he said make sure she knows you love her user

I'm sorry user. Pets love unconditionally. Lost my cat recently to cancer as well. Feeling for you, eventually you'll have a new cat amigo, and worthwhile memories of this one.

I will for sure. She would usually only allow for 2 or 3 pets, but then you'd give her basically a kitten massage. Massage and sorta lift her skin in a non hurtful way and she'd melt like butter and pur so loud. When you'd stop she'd bat at your hand to keep doing it . She is very odd but very precious. Her name is cece and is 3/4 ragdoll and 1/4 siamese

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Your family seems to know what you are doing. Making comfy/happy is the goal. Pics and videos are fine, but I find they just make me sad later. Still, if she is purring and having a nice moment, it could be worth it.

Also, try and be happy/optimistic. cats can probably smell our emotions enough. If kitty can sense you are concerned, but still safe, she will not feel as bad hopefully.

It is a sad thing. Spend some time with your cat at the end and say goodbye.

>When you'd stop she'd bat at your hand to keep doing it

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I've heard these are some of the sweetest cats.

>She is very odd
The thing about cats is one always says 'that is so weird' but its also totally a cat thing to do. Every kitty i've ever known is totally different from all the others, but is categorically a cat doing cat things. Perhaps that is some of the allure we have to them.

sorry for your impending loss. remember the good times and that you gave your cat a great home where it was loved.
also read the Rainbow Bridge and remember it fondly. one day you will be reunited.

Mi amigo is receiving pets in honor of your amigo.

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Thanks, we're all here for each other as a family which really helps and most importantly for our kitty. It's going to be sad but we love her so much that we don't want her to suffer.

We for sure are, appreciate the support

I love how she always just flops. At litterally the most random times. She wasnt always the most traditionally cuddly cat, however we could tell she always loved us just as much as we loved her in her own ways. How even though she didnt like to be picked up a lot, she would hop up and curl up with me while i slept, or how playful she was but never tried to hurt us.

I don't have words, but I do want to share this with you user.

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I would follow this being into battle

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Came here to say pretty much this. You gave that cat someone to love and take comfort in. That's the best a person can do, and I'm sure if she could, she'd give you a giant hug and a big "thank you" for everything; you sound like a great owner, OP.

Thank you...that one really made me cry but in a bitter sweet way. Im not ready for her to go...

And when he passes away, he wants to follow OPs cat into battle. An army of cats.

Thank you user, tried to give her all the love i ever could. She was amazing

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>how playful she was but never tried to hurt us
I find that impressive how they know how to have fun and get around without hurting us. I suppose they know we could squish them if we wanted, and they could slice us up if they wanted. Since there is no reason for that, we both optimize our interactions.

bud i know just how you feel i just lost two of my boys and it killed me to watch .... its hard but there in a better place

this is one of the ones i lost his name was chico ...gentle giant best friend you could ask for!

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The loveable psychopath that she is, she'd wake us up by meowing either in my room or my moms room, and if we didnt respond she'd hop up and start meowing at our faces, if we didnt do anything shed put one paw on our face and slowly drag it down with the slight feeling of a claw, but never once scratching us. She was a crazy little bastard but the best one there was

I'm so so sorry for your loss, and you're right she will be going to a better place...

this was the second guy i lost just two weeks after chico his name was homer otherwise known as supercat ;)

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Yes and i am very sorry for your loss as well

Maybe give her a special treat. Do stuff you've never done with her b4


homer was 8 and chico was 10... i had both of them since birth.... i have the father of chico as well as his 3 brothers..... homer was his son :)


We can't really do much. She has just been sleeping a lot and barley eating and drinking. So we're just making her as comfortable and loved as possible

user both your cats are absolutly stunning. I bet they're playing in the fields where all kitties who have passed on play. Hopefully they'll meet up with cece one day

>how dare you faggots not wake up immediately and enjoy my presence
Such a lenient and merciful master kitty is.

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Yes that is my belief as well bud .....

Op, could you please give her the slightest pat on the head for me?

Just to show you the rest of them this here is Taz he is the dad of chico and his 3 brothers the grandfather of homer

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this is chicos brother Tweek!

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Of course

this is chicos bro Spud!!

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op, do your cat a favor. tell your vet you want someone to come to your home to euthanize your cat. it is the very least you can do for your kitty. i can't imagine the fear that a cat feels being crated, driven in a car, then waiting in a vet office with the weird smells and sounds, as it is waiting to die. you have to have someone come to your home and do it nicely. i did that twice for my best friends. those are the worst days of my life, but doing it at the vet? i couldn't live with myself knowing that happened.

I like this idea, I'd pay through the ass to have things that way.

this is the final brother TJ ......so TJ,Chico,Tweek,and Spud are all brothers born same litter

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Real sorry about this man.
I was the same the night before we put down our dog. I stayed with him for a while on the floor.
Find solace in the fact that their suffering will end. Remember the good times you had with your cat.
Rip little one

Holy shit, how fucking fun is it to have a literal family of meows together?????

I had 1 put down at my house then cremated and the other died in our arms without warning and the 300 to have him cremated as well was the very least i could do for them!

Sup Forumss minimal glory is shining in this thread. Good job frens.

Its great fun till they start passing away then its extremely hurtful at the very least!

I feel for you OP. Just remember how awesome the kitty was and you'll pull through. Dread to think the state I'll be in when Liquorice Mick here leaves me. Sad timesl.

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Yeah. I had a dog that lived 15 years and we got a kitten a few years after him. Cat adored him like nothing else. Eventually he got old and passed. She couldn't handle it. Had some cancer, but it was obvious the day the dog dies she was done. She just sat next to his empty sleeping spaces and seemed distant. Real heartbreaking to watch, she didn't understand.

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black cats suck for pictures/vids, but they are godly otherwise.

looks like my shabba ;)

(shabba is the little guy and roger is the biggger one)

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I actually have some epic ones as she is cute as fuck but majority are way over size limit. There is this one tho. Also happy Caturday to you all an OP stay strong Sup Forumsro.

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this is exactly what we think happened tgo homer he was fine till his dad passed the day his dad passed he started to look just tired then two daays later he was in my daughters arms and just went limp and my daughter almost lost her mind but it caught us so off gaurd and all we could think of was he was fine till he started to see his father dwindle then all of a sudden he was gone

I'm really sorry user. Lost my own a little back as well. It's not a good feeling, but know you're not alone in feeling it.

That is really good. Maybe its more i suck at photography nowadays. A black cat with xmas background is glorious. I will happily add that to me animal and xmas directories.

That sucks user. While I believe it is wrong to keep any animal alive in pain, it's hard to let them go.

Sorry to hear user. Time will ease the pain.

Cute. Wish I could have more cats but as it stands liquorice mick is already breaking the rules of my apartment. Good names btw

Really sad shit user. I dunno what to do. I suppose try and keep all them from attaching to just one of us animals. Then we can help each other through the tough times. Humans can do this, but its tough on those of us that can't speak and understand as easily.

I also have Stewie and Bender they are brothers as well just from different litter!

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Haha cant take credit for that photo but I thought it was rather good too. Gf has a new iPhone so any pics on my mashed up old phone look shoddy as hell. Give a shout out to liquorice mick whenever you get the chance to use it.

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sure thing, here is my best of my meow.

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Aww gorgeous. Liking the shaggy coat. Also love how black cats always look surprised and or guilty. Mine also looks like it's a bit derp the majority of the time. Also she has a fav stone.

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Sorry user, i lost my cat of around 16 years a few months ago. Shit sucks like a motherfucker but its ok. Thanks for the cute cat pics.

I must pass out, but thanks for all the kitty pics and stories and memories. Just gave mine some treats and she was grumpy about it, but I know she is glad. Take care anons and hope the kitties have a nice restful later days.

This was kind of like when Sup Forums wasnt as shit as it currently is.