I need help, What is the most fucked up shit i can do to someone's car or house...

I need help, What is the most fucked up shit i can do to someone's car or house? My girlfriend's ex is a nigger and deserves to be dealt with.

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Why does he deserve to be dealt with?

You using girl after a nigger???

tire slash, breaking windows. Prob most expensive to them and easiest thing you can do

What do you care about her ex? She's fucking you, right?

Why are you fucking a nigger lover?

sugar in the gas tank. GG. or even a marble or 2

>nigger and deserves to be dealt with.
just stop dude
that nigger will kick your ass if you do anything

>i can do to someone's car or house?
scared to face him in person?

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you, my friend are a life saver. im gonna fil the fuckers car with marbles. this guy fucked her life up so bad. he implanted thoughts in her head and gaslit and abused her

Get some RoundUp weed killer and a sprayer and put a giant swastika in their front yard.


also gonna do this. keep it coming, im gonna premeditate it

Just a thought, but would taking a shit in their AC unit make the entire house smell like shit? Never tried it, but it's a thought. Also, if you're gonna do this shit post pics of results.

Just confront him and beat him up, wait you can't do that, pussy ass bitch. The absolute state of wh**e "men" lol.
Keep acting tough on 4channel and hiding when you see the black bull.

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194 pounds

he needs to be fucking killed in all honestly for what he's done, i'd really go to jail just to kill him lol,

ultimately you want to do things that can't be traced back to you or even be considered terror.

want to play hard - seal the chimney. drop leaves then sticks. i mean a lot of leaves. plug the fucker up. house fill with monoxide and well... not good. police think it's squires. use gloves of course and throw away gloves and all clothes when done. leave phone at home. don't be stupid and brag about it.

just want fun? dill holes in the roof. it will take weeks or even months before they know it and damage will be a lot. and like 50 holes. not 2.

car shit - remove oil plugs, but be quick and replace with stick candle cut to short length. when engine warms the plug falls out and usually fucks with the car pretty good. water in the tank is also expensive to fix for most cars. don't use sugar, that's a myth.

if you really want to have fun and have money or balls - buy drugs and plant in house or car and give tip to police. same with body parts. if/when they find either there's no questions asked and they go to jail to let a judge sort things out. if you call in the tip be sure to do it over wifi and a burner phone.

plant cp in their car and tip off the cops this person was trying to sell it to you. again, tip call but be sure to plant the flash drive in the car somewhere it can be found by cops but won't be noticed by driver. or have a friend call the police for you. but stay far if the mark knows you.

So your gf throated the black cock and now you can't handle the leftovers huh?

Just kill yourself so she can jump back on his dick and they can laugh at you while he puts a nigger baby inside her.

interesting.i will think about this

Do ittt

how would you even acquire cp in the first place without the police also looking at your history and possible ties (ex, having been on tor, etc.)

Shit in all his seats.

>same with body parts

use your brain. don't use your own computer for one. and anything you do use be ready to throw away or it can and will be used against you.

the way she talks about this guy is sick, he abused her for god knows how long, mentally, emotionally, He fucking got her on a watch list for searching for cp on her laptop. this is a faggot we need to get under his skin

Get a grease gun
Get a tube of lapping compound
Give the vehicle a lube job with the lapping compound.
Quit being a bitch.

>girlfriend's ex
>break into someones computer and find cp
>use that computer to plant cp into nigger's computer

Kek, what an absolute bitch. Make sure you post your attempt so everyone watches you fail and get stomped into a vegetable, manlet.

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Paint stripper on car. Throw it on at night. No one will know until the morning

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Here's what you do to really fuck him up:

Wait till he's gone, pull your car into his garage, then close the garage door while you sit in your car and let it run for 40 minutes.

I'm telling you, it will leave a stink in that garage that he won't be at all happy about!

Good luck and Godspeed, user.

goodnight man

ITT: pussy white soybois

That's his stats you fucking idiot. he's not black, either so i dont know what you think you're talking about.

>girlfriends ex is a nigger

user, you just HAVE to do an update or else u just a pussy, I want to hear the marbles clinking at the bottom of the gas tank, I'm gonna save this thread

Yes, his stats which confirm he's a literal manchild and that's why he's posting here like a bitch instead of confronting the dude.

ok sir. my uncle has a fuck ton of marbles in his house. but me and my girl will plan and put the shit in his car.

>Has gone black
>New cuck wants to get cucked even more

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OP got manipulated and lied to by his girlfriend against some black dude she got dicked down on the daily by kek theres loads of shitty people still alive who have done bad shit you should focus on what you have retard
If you really wanted to do something to fuck their house up you wouldnt have came here for help since destruction takes little creativity

>Has to change story to not seem ultracucked to other anons
>Fails, we all know
>Has to sleep next to a used item
>Good luck with the self respect

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why not fight him like a man? oh thats right, cause you're a fucking pussy.

Does it? Actually not. But you've no Idea what you're talking . Destruction itself is easy. Getting away with it, some other thong. Like murder. It is so easy to commit, but since I've left the army, so hard to get away.

>be OP
>dating a coalburner
>finds out her black ex is moar nigger than a nig nog
>asks ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssfor advice "how vengeance on a coon coon"

Hmm then nvm this all i got if you dont wanna just burn shit lol

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Solid shit? No.
Dollar store sells spray bottles, I bet if you misted the back of their a/c with high octane taco bell shits they'll wonder what the smell is for weeks,

Also if they have porch furniture, smear shit on the underside of all the chairs, come back every week to mist that shit to keep it smelling fresh and new.

Shit smear the doormat, smear shit on the undersides of windowsills,

Rather than smashing windows, which is loud, bring a few 1 gallon cans of paint, and whip it sideways across the front of the house. Silent, and alot harder to fix than a broken window- it takes a fuck load of work to repair and usually u can tell it got fucked up unless they fully replace it.
Can scroll through Craigslist posts or someshit looking for cheap or free leftover paint...

Also, you can get gasoline into a super soaker, if you shoot gasoline onto their roof it'll destroy their shingles within a couple weeks their shit will fall apart.

Could always go the old fashion route and get a few rolls of toilet paper all over the property. Just grab the end of the roll in one hand, and Chuck the roll with the other hand that way you get a nice streamer

God speed, OP

too much work for me user

thank you so fucking much. I have so much unused paint, imma have a field day

Lol, you deserve to be gassed for touching something a nigger fucked, go kill yourself faggot

You can buy bottles of skunk stink at outdoors/hunting shops. Hunters put a drop or two on their shoe soles to overwhelm the "human" scent. Yes, I think it's stupid too, but they do it, and you can buy it.

Dump a bottle of that either through an open window or next to the air intakes for the interior air.

Try to get it in a glass bottle. The stuff in plastic bottles leaches through the plastic and will emit a telltale odor wherever you keep it.

>Also, you can get gasoline into a super soaker, if you shoot gasoline onto their roof it'll destroy their shingles within a couple weeks their shit will fall apart.
Is that for asphalt three-tab shingles?

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this. a small syringe with a long tip can get past window seals in cars. spray down and you can't drive or sell the car.

same with house. use mail slot to spray all over and they can't stay there. it's horrible smelling and so strong. i don't care if you wash the cloths you can't ever use them again.

>search recipe for thermite, literally 2 ingredients
>fill a soda can with it and make a hole
>put a magnesium band in the hole to use as igniter
>put the thermite-filled can on top of car engine/roof/anything
>ignite the magnesium with a lighter or something

this is definitely an option

Pull his license plate tags and let the cops do the rest

You're dating a girl who willingly fucks niggers. It's like a racoon who looks down on garbage while eating roadkill

>OP got manipulated and lied to by his girlfriend
DESU I'm betting on this at this point. OP, she's just using you to get revenge on some poor guy whom she made miserable before.

She'll do exactly the same to you after she creates a bunch of drama in your life and ditches you for the next cock on the carousel. Then you'll get to learn what having your house trashed feels like.

I had this in college. New girlfriend told me her old boyfriend raped her. We eventually broke up, and she went around telling my friends that I raped her.

lol I bet OP is getting played by his bitch
dumb beta slave

spread Lye is the shape of a swastika on thier lawn and wait for it to rain or for them to water? lol

welp, if this is true, im fucking terrified user. i wanna believe she's a good girl.

i forgot to mention, dont see the burning thermite light with your eyes or you will get blind
soda can gets melted so leaves no fingerprints

>going to prison for killing a nigger
this is an 18+ site faggot

>Nails under tire/Slash tires
>Water in petrol if cap is unlocked
>Hot glue the doors
>Sabotage power line
>Steal bin/light bin on fire
>Brick through window
Know this user, if you are caught you better be prepared to serve the time for the crime.

plant something for your agricultural zone that grows using "rhizomes" . help the planet while dealing with your insecurities

btw sorry bout your penis

Yep she's most likely manipulative and only using you, why destroy this guys stuff when you've only heard one side of the story? Sounds like you'll be the one in trouble and get an ass kicking out of it. Tell her to prove it or fuck off

This. Who cares?

Wait til he gets home and rape his nigger ass

Son of an evil abusive mother and a beta provider father here. My mother was a vicious, manipulative monster who assaulted us frequently and almost killed us, but if you asked people outside the house, she was a saint and a victim of domestic violence.
What makes you think your gf isn't using you.

get some kerosene or any flammable liquid. pour it in the shape of a cross on their front lawn

I had an abusive mother to that did similar things.
but don't use her as an excuse to alienate women.
Go out there, date, obtain a sexual resume, and you'll know who and what to avoid.

I'll give you a few hints/red flags
1. not employed or in school
2. daddy issues
3. overly attached
4. bad debt
5. smokes
6. has kids or had an abortion

>4. bad debt
I meant bad credit, but there is good and bad debt anyway.

Doesn't work on metal roofs,
But gasoline fucks with the adhesive on the back of the shingle as it seeps through , they start to peal and get loose around the edges, hanging only by the nails that hold them in, a few good rains and they start falling apart. I think it fucks with the tar too if I'm not mistaken, you'll know if a house has been hit because the edges curl up like burnt paper

No no, I mean OP should be sceptical when he hears sob stories.

Side note, if you put gas into a super soaker itll fuck the super soaker up, gets all gummy

...how the fuck would you know this
why is it even relevant

>this is a faggot we need to get under his skin
We don't need to do shit, you hook up with damaged goods, you pay the price

You, Sir, are a fucking moron

Bologna on the car, fish in the house.

Here's some more fucked ideas, and some fun ones too.
-gorilla glue shards of glass to his steps
-turn on his outside backyard hose tap on full blast all night, if he's got a plug, maybe plug a heater into his outdoor plug, some front porches have out door outlet not just backyard... while your at it, if you can get ahold of anything that uses electricity and can fit in a backpack, cheap / free curbside, leave them at his house, plugged in and running up his bills,
-save your compost, hide open bags of it under his deck or porch, in a nearby bush, garden, or places he wouldn't look- basically to attract pests, which if your smart is super hard to link back to you but can be a pain in the ass.
-as far as cars go, if you get a solid bag of dog shit, and get under his car and plant a few bags of it up in the undercarage, everytime it warms up his car will reak like shit.
-drink a fuck load of Guiness strong beer, and piss into a spray bottle. Hold the nozzle of the bottle up to the edge of his door, a slightly cracked window, whatever. Spray the whole inside of his car with piss if there's a cracked window, otherwise soak the inside of his car door with piss through the top were the door meets the car- you'll need a coat hanger or slimjim to pry the rubber seal on the door a bit to get the piss in there.

Dead fish does fine too


Move on with your life and don't be a cunt. Worrying about dumb shit will only have a negative effect on your life

You sound like a coward

He probably tried the homemade flamethrower thing.

Ideas continued:
-tie like a knot or two into his hose
- if he's got outdoor furniture, bring a screwdriver and remove a few bolts here and there, make it unstable. Not enough to be a risk, but make everything he owns a bit wobbly.
, Everybody jumps to slashing tires, but did you know if you have a set of wire cutters u can fully just clip the nozzle with that little cap clean off the wheel and it'll empty in a few seconds

Bologna on his car, it eats through the paint, do it at night so it has time to sit

Run a thick bead of gorilla glue on all window and door seams. Force him to break out of his own house when he wakes up. Doors open inward so he can't just kick through it but because he's a dumbass nigger hell probably sprain his ankle on the doorjam

Car options.

Put drain cleaner in the coolant. It will eat the galleries from the inside.

Modify the rear licence plate so he/she/it gets ticketed.


Collect illegal images and put on a thumb drive.
Break into the house using non destructive methods (google)
Put the illegal images on the computer with an appropriately named shortcut.
Re start the computer and enter BIOS, change the disk settings so the computer will not boot.
Wait till they take it to a computer shop.

Pour bleach in their gas tank

Picture of OP Found.

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Speaking of running up his bills, get a power bar and triple up power usage.

Gas works on car paint too, a spray bottle misting over the whole car takes 2 minutes.

Spray foam into the gas tank hole, spray till empty. Fill it.

Potato in gas pipe, old but fucking yukon gold.

That's all for now, anons

Using a small pebble, crack every window on his car,

Spraypaint his windshield black

Use a screwdriver to pull out his rearviews,

Screwdriver works on prying out certain tail lights, specifically SUV

shit! ya got me !

she was never "yours" to begin with, it was just your turn, now its that nigger's turn, she is a lying thieving whore, you should be more mad at her than the nigger,

go MGTOW its the only way to survive in the 21st century with your finances and sanity intact

Toilet paper soaked in gasoline, when it dries its almost impossible to remove.
Or fish guts in the cars air filter.

how are u supposed to get at this coolant if u can't pop the hood u goddamn retarded fuck
Wait just realized this is bait

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That sounds like it'd be a nightmare for car paint

How this relationship shit is almost like a religion... You people are making your own life hard with all the negativity...

Put lye in the wellhead. Lethal option

Buy pick gun on ebay. Pop his trunk. Plant drugs and empty liquor bottle. Surveillance mode. As soon as he leaves call 911 from blocked number. Give plate number and make/model of car. Say you were nearly hit and driver is erratic. /Profit?

Break basement window
Turn on hose
Insert hose through broken window
Bonus if winter
Wet bandits