Ok, so I get that you think trans is a mental illness and no trans person will ever be a "real" woman and all that...

Ok, so I get that you think trans is a mental illness and no trans person will ever be a "real" woman and all that. That's not important to this question.

What's important is... why do you care what someone else does with their own body? I get that you might think it's ridiculous or futile or self-harm or whatever, but if you aren't trans yourself, WHY does it matter TO YOU? This isn't me trying to convince anyone of anything, I'm just legitimately curious because someone else being trans has never caused a problem for me, as far as I know.

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They prevent me from using my own body to call out their mental illness.


Because arguing about where weirdos should shit is going to make my party lose, and democracy will end. I could give a fuck about what these nuts do, I just wish they'd shut their tranny traps until after the election.

So your primary issue is that trans rights activism might divide your party's voting bloc?

I don't care what someone else does with their own body. Someone being trans doesn't bother me at all. The thing that bothers me is that I am supposed to cater to their mental illness. You can pretend you're whatever you want, but don't tell me I have to pretend a man is a woman. I don't need to be chastised for calling a he a he. And I don't want to raise my kids thinking that they need to refer to a man as a woman. Do whatever you want, I really don't care, but don't try and force me to play pretend with you.

obesity is mental illness as well .

See the case of Maya Forstater.

When I have to "respect your pronouns" or deal with "IT'S MA'AM! IT'S MA'AM" you have caused a problem.

You want me to play dress up and change your name to Mary, I don't give a fuck. You want me to play along then I have a problem.

who cares? Do people with down syndrome fuck with you? If you have people with austim in your family do you consider them with a mental illness? No? then fuck off and chill

The reason I care is you get those fucking retards that force that shit opon there kids due to them like girl toys or boy toys or some shit. Hey if you 18 years old and could make your own decisions then do what ever

Okay, I get what you're saying, but I mean... it sounds like you *do* care. Hypothetically, if someone "corrects" you when you "mis-gender" them, however unfounded it might be, it's not that hard to just go with it. It's not like you're going to convince them otherwise.


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>it's not that hard to just go with it.
That's not your original question.

If I misgenger someone, it's not that hard for them to go with it. I just don't understand why this one mental illness we're supposed to coddle.... I really don't care what people do in their own private lives. Once you try and force your opinions on me, you're a problem and I'm not going to play along. I have just as much right to my opinions and feelings as they do.

You're not wrong. In a perfect world, we'd all accept everyone no matter what. What I'm trying to figure out is how someone, not you or me, being trans, affects you or me.

This. It's fucking unbelievable that people lash out at others for using the "wrong pronoun", even trying to make it a hate crime.

You're 100% correct in that parents shouldn't "force" this stuff on their kids. That's also complicated and muddy because there are plenty of people who "knew" from day one that they were trans. I'm not sure where we, as a society, should draw the line.

They're also trying to invade schools by telling our kids that being trans or homosexual or whatever is normal. I don't think that's a good thing. It's not normal at all.
What LGBT people often wrongly assume is that when someone deems them not normal, they automatically mean it's bad. That's just not the case.

Because it's stupid. Believing you are something you are not is mental illness (schizophrenics believing they are god or a prophet, megalomaniacs, body integrity identity disorder sufferers believing their arm isn't theirs, etc). This doesn't change because those afflicted cry about it. I do believe some people feel that they were born in the wrong body due to a psychological problem. But i'd be very surprised if the majority weren't just seeking attention or trying to find something to make them special because they lack a real personality. It used to be that you would say something dumb when you were a kid (ie "I want to be a bear when I grow up") and your friends/people would call you a faggot or a retard and you'd be ashamed and stop. This act is common in all cultures, not just the west. The Japanese have that saying "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down". But because of social media and the internet, these idiots found each other and reinforce these stupid ideas, so they never grow out of it. So now your subjective view of what you are forces ME to pretend that you are something you aren't? No. I'm not going to change long held linguistic rules and adopt new words and meanings because of what you think you are. Be as retarded as you want. But no one should be forced to play into the delusions of others. You can force tolerance. You can't force acceptance.

Fair. Poor choice of words on my part. What I'm getting at is that it's not all that different than if I call someone the wrong name. If that happens, I get corrected and move on.

100%. Correcting someone isn't the same as going ham on them for saying "sir" instead of "ma'am."

A "my bad" ain't that hard though. To me, it's kinda like walking away from a fight--not because I'm afraid I'd lose--more that it's not worth the energy.

Teaching kids that homosexuality and/or trans exists doesn't encourage kids to engage in those behaviors. But if it did, it's not like those people would be procreating anyway. "Normal" or not, I'm still not sure how it's a detriment to anybody else.

Kys kid

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There are for sure people who do pretty serious things for attention. However, it seems like most (not all) trans people would largely rather be left alone because they don't want ANY attention.

Except for when it comes to their whole existence hinging on what other people think of them because they for some reason need their beliefs validated.

Seems like a lot of the anti-trans arguments stem from the idea that trans is bad for society. Why, and how does it affect YOU outside of a minor annoyance when you're expected to call someone by the gender they choose?

One less adult Male who is doing masculine work and one less female reproducing. A man calling himself a woman is lying to himself and others. Let say you take a woman on an 3xpensive date and spend months with them only to find out they are a dude now despite having a legitimate emotional connection you can never start a biological family because it was built on a lie. Lying and homosexuality effects everyone

It only bothers me that some parents start their kids transitioning at a very early age.

It sounds like you're saying you don't want to feel like an enabler by validating their feelings. But it doesn't answer *why* a trans person bothers you in the first place.

because all the piece of shit democrats want national healthcare. fuck you for wanting me to pay for your self imposed mental illness.

I dont give a fuck as long as they keep it to their body.
For me the thing that I fucking hate is how were allowing children to decide they want to change their bodies with blockers and even surgery. Like I thought we decided a long time ago kids are dumb, they need to grow up a bit before being released into the wild.

If someone deliberately misleads you, they're the asshole. But the "biological imperative" to procreate doesn't really matter so much these days, and it's not like we're in danger of extinction from trans/gay people not making babies.

That's a valid point, but is the cost to you more than the cost of a shitload of therapy? I don't know.

In the God damn sand

I said this before, but yeah, I agree. I'm just not sure where the cutoff is. Some people know they're in the wrong body right out of the gate, while others toss the idea around for a while and decide they don't need to transition. Still others might hold off for a long time and pull the trigger after their body is so far gone thge other direction that they'll never really pass, which undoubtedly leads to depression, etc. It's a really, really complicated issue and there's not a clear way to handle it.

Yeah, okay, but why/how does someone else being trans affect you, especially those people who are outright, vocal opponents?

it's complicated, i've met some girls who transed in their mid teens and they're really happy now but most early transitioners are miserable so yeah, don't allow young children to decide

Their existence doesnt bother me. Like I said, people are free to be as retarded as they want. But also as I said before, the bothersome part is that they are trying to redefine words (what is a man/woman), invent new words to describe themselves, and are trying to change biology. While I know biology isn't an exact science and things do change (like reclassification of a species), sex is pretty clear across the board. Humans can't change their sex. You can mutilate yourself and appear to be the opposite gender, but you're not. A dna test will still reveal what you really are. On top of that, the trans community as a whole is trying to get everyone to play into their worldview. The official stance of that community is that they should be a legally recognized and protected class, misgendering should be a criminal offense (it already is in Canada), and that they need to be accepted into gendered spaces (for instance sports, where mtf trannies are dominating women because surprise surprise, men are stronger). And thats not even getting into the issue of dating and the various scenarios there. If they'd do what they want and just left everyone else alone, it'd be fine for the most part. But they won't. They need special treatment from society because reasons. You asked how it affects others. That's how it affects others.

>why do you care what someone else does with their own body?
I don’t.

I don't disagree with that at all. It's just wrong to say it's normal.

I personally raise my kids teching them that dressing like the opposite gender is insanity, homosexuality is an obscure illusion, and racial differences are an unavoidable miscalculation of our era.

Does that mean to 'hate'? It leads to it, but I'm doing my part to keep degeneration to a minimum, so it will balance out. Luckily for us sane persons, you Democrats seek to disarm yourselves, force opinion on others, and pretend that telling a young child that "DRESSING LIKE A GIRL IS A THING" isn't brainwashing.
There's no need to remind children that blacks have a lower overall IQ.
There's no need to tell children that Russia's average household income is far, far less than most civilized countries.
There's no reason to tell children that suicide is an unpunishable crime.
So why tell them mutilation is commonly accepted by the Democratic party?

Basically, I could care less..

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I agree that the militant "you're never allowed to mis-gender me, even at first" crowd isn't being realistic, but I don't have any problem referring to someone as [he/she/him/her/whatever else] once I've learn what the person wants to be called. On the list of life's inconveniences, that's pretty close to the bottom.

As for the sports thing, well, I don't have a fair solution. But, nobody else does either. It feels weird to say that, "if trans women are generally stronger than cis-women, but they're also not as strong as cis-men, then they should only compete against other trans women."

That said, I'll go back to the idea that most trans people would rather not draw attention to themselves as being trans--they just want to live their lives, and ideally be seen as the other gender. Sup Forums and the like isn't a representative sample of the typical trans individual.

would you?

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Nobody brought politics into it.

Because we're being told to be nice. We're being ORDERED to be nice to people, at the expense of our jobs, the law, society in general. And people as a rule don't want to be forced. Is OP really so blind he doesn't see how this is counter productive? Obama forced acceptance and the backlash was swift. Push an agenda and the resistance to it will be worse.

This. And resisting the order, even at the expense of being mean, feels like rebellion and freedom from restraint.

I've never supported it and I don't give a fuck if someone is trans if your a acting like a faggot retard then I'll call you it

>homosexuality is an obscure illusion
>racial differences are an unavoidable miscalculation

I agree with your broader points but you're trying to make yourself sound smarter than you really are and come out sounding nonsensical.

Me personally? I don't. I like the compromise of saying you can change your gender but not your sex. What does make me mad though is this one video I saw of a transwomen saying it's discriminatory for a cis man to not date transwomen. I think it should be an even I don't judge you and you don't judge me.

>but if you aren't trans yourself, WHY does it matter TO YOU?

If a couple people do it, it means nothing. When it gets normalized to point where people dont know what bathroom to use and tax money is spent on unnecessary cosmetic surgery it starts to effect everyone.

Probably but I'm a gay man.

Why is just being nice as bad thing? Do unto others and all. On the flipside of your point, trans people lose their jobs every day because they're trans. "I should be allowed to openly rail against coworker without any kind of consequences" is a pretty hot take, and if it were to be the case, your trans coworker would have equal justification in railing against anyone who doesn't accept them.

Also, your "resisting only makes it worse" is a bad argument because it implies that the solution to people wanting X is that they should stop wanting X.

It still doesn't explain how a trans person being trans affects you in a negative way.

Nah, people are into what they're into. Your not wanting to date a transwoman is theoretically problematic with transwomen, but hey... people say they won't date anyone with red hair, and while it sucks for redheads, nobody really cares.

Gay guy can suck girls penis too. Just close your eyes and pretend is a hairy dude.

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This thread needs more Bailey and less boring conversation. Someone fucking milk my cock.

somehow I feel like trans pornstars are, ironically, the most chill trans people.

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That's more like it.

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>I get that we're mentally ill
>I get that our self-harm rates are higher
>I get that we aren't real women
Right, so you're self-aware.
>I don't get why it matters to you
>Why does it matter to you
If your degeneracy isn't obvious to me then sure, it doesn't matter, however if it is, then I'm going to throw you in the mud, pig.
I nor anyone else needs to accept your subhuman desires, you better keep your filth to yourself untermensch.

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Just in case anyone seeing this thinks it's an actual thing, Maya's contract was up and upon being notified of insensitive tweets (a potential threat to her employer), her contract wasn't renewed.

She wasn't fired, she wasn't "forced out", her contract expired and the company chose to hire a non-bitch instead.

I didn't say it's the right thing, I'm giving you the reason. People don't like being told what to do and people are being told to be nice. Usually people will be nice on their own about 70-80% of the time because they were raised that way or they simply don't care. But attempt to force an agenda, good OR bad, and people will rebel against it. A person can accept a trans person as existing, and a person can accept the "leave me the fuck alone and I will do the same" And if that's all the trans community was, it wouldn't have escalated into a problem. But it isn't. They want representation in the media, they want to be protected, some of them want attention more than others, etc etc etc. And it's a hot button issue, so the world caters to them. And THAT is simply pissing people off. Since they can't rail against the people forcing the rules upon them, they will rail against the cause of the problem, namely trans individuals. And the sad thing is there is no solution to this. The world has become full of attention whores that need a status they will push down peoples' throats. For money, for likes, for an angle. Trans people popped up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Because in my country i have to pay for it retard

Trans people are gay and like to push acceptance to a level it doesn't need to be on, also pushing their faggotry on children is an abomination and needs to stop. I could list other reasons but most replies up to now cover it all, just know that they're going to burn in hell for what is happening and as a christian I feel sorry for them but at the end of the day it's their decision

I COULDN'T care less. Fucking Yanks.

Because I, and the rest of society, are expected to play along with their delusion/mental illness. I'm not going to call a male a female any more than I'm going to call a cat a dog.

There you go, you express a concern based on scientific beliefs, you are all of a sudden considered an unemployable bitch because trannies can't handle the fact they are deluded.

Yeah but you're missing the point here - why should they "have to go with it" ? Why should anyone have to go against their own wishes/beliefs just to make things easier for the person who's complaining? Because believe me it certainly wouldn't fucking happen if it was the other way round

>why do you care what someone else does with their own body?
You see a person about to shoot himself in the liver, what do you do?

You're gay if you don't want to fuck Bailey

No such thing as chicks with dicks only dudes with tits

I hope that trannies and wannabe trannies are reading this and realize how much people hate their kind. Seriously if you're trans read the entire thread so you come to understand how much of delusional freak you are and that you'll never be a woman no matter how hard you try. At this point you might as well join the 40%

let them. And watch with morbid fascination

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It matters to me because it matters to trans people that I/ we accept their decree that they are DEFINITELY another sex regardless of what their DNA is obviously stating otherwise, and I'm sorry but I'm not going to be woke-bullied into just accepting and recognizing someone's request like that, especially when ti goes completely against science fact. You don't get magical powers to change your sex just because you say so.

What if you want Bailey to fuck you

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This is bait, 1/10 for me replying. If I call a mentally ill person the weird ass fucked up pronoun that they want to be called, I'm enabling them. Why the hell would I want to enable someone's mental illness?

i know a trans is not a real woman, but i am bi/gay and love the cock so if a guy looks good enough to play the part then i am willing to play the man while the trans plays the woman as long as i get to suck that dick and get topped and do some ass licking and fucking is what i want anyway (i think a passable trans is sexy,

Beyond gay

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hell yeah!!! Bailey Jay is a sweet trans

The best

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U can do what ever u want whit ur body.. but u cannot change gender. Trans women will never be real female.

We don't care, we are just sick of you retards trying to make other people talk the way you want us to.
Traps are men.
They are degenerates.
They are fags/
These things are all OK(Hell,I'm bi and would fuck a rap any old time). One is free to live as one will.
Until you start trying to change the narrative of everyone around you. At which point, you can go jump in a fucking lake.

America is a republic.

always good to see this guy fuck that guy. I'd fuck Bailey btw... no doubt, no doubt in my mind

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It ain't hard, but a "my bad," is also not an obligation

that dude's packin on the pounds

Entirely not true.
Every tranny I have known, (i used to manage an overpriced coffee house that a lot hung out in) flaunts it to the point where I would wonder if they had anything else to talk about.
More vapid and less interesting than actual women, all of them.

The cutoff is easy/
18. That is the age(in the USA anyway) that a person is considered an adult, and lived the minimum time to make one's own choices.
Under that age, a kid is not qualified to make that call.

Yes, because I am bi, and like sex with men.

>why do you care what someone else does with their own body?
here's the thing, WE all actually don't fucking care until the trans community cares about what we do and what we say more than we care about what they say and do.
For instance
>trying to make pronouns as part of law
>trying to force these LGBT views onto children.
>having tax payers money pay for gender reassignment surgeries (mainly pointing at america).
this is why we care because majority of us think the LGBT community took it way too far.
All they wanted in the beginning was acceptance and now they want to completely take over....for what reason exactly? most likely to do with unconscious psychological trauma or pure mental illness in the sense of narcissism

>girls penis

All other conversation aside. They are not girls. No matter how they identify.

I know, there are only 8-10 trap threads on Sup Forums
Poor baby hardly has anything to spank to

All these Baily pics from before he became just another fat old guy lol

I look forward to fapping to Bailey as he gets fatter, older, and does weirder fetishes.

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Fuck off, britbong faggot
If we gave a fuck about you we would still be a colony

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