Sup Forums, I want your advice

Sup Forums, I want your advice.
I'm a single virgin in my early 20s, struggle w/ social situations. Since I have trouble w/ IRL situations, I've been putting out personal ads on reddit with no results. Is this a bad idea? Should I keep trying what I'm doing until I just give up and go for whoever responds to me? Or should I try meeting girls IRL like a normal person?
Pic unrelated

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Thanks for the super helpful advice.

Stop worrying about it. Focus on getting fit (exercise), get a good job, have goals. It will happen.

Go take up some hobbies which will force you to meet people.

Ultimate Frisbee, rock climbing, jiu jitsu, people do all sorts of hobbies and advertise for more members. They love their little hobbies and htey love new members that's the way you meet people

>It will happen.
Alright, suppose I do wait. If you were a woman, would "I'm still a virgin" weird you out coming from a 30 year old guy who's clearly not waiting for marriage for religious reasons?

>They love their little hobbies and htey love new members that's the way you meet people
Aight, how do I find clubs that aren't sausage fests, nor emasculating?

Yes it would, if you do meet someone just say yeah you've had sex before not like they'll know.

Unless your a total spaz your first time shouldn't be able to tell

ultimate frisbee is like half-half. heaps of college age kids do it. You want to do something related to fitness to some degree because that's where you will find girls that are somewhat physically active and less likely to be fat.

You want a real answer? Probably not. because no one wants to face facts.

You have two real options.

1. Man the fuck up and go out in public to do stuff. It is hard and it gets easier. You will fail sometimes, we all did.

2. You actually seriously have a mental disability and you need medical help. Seek professional treatment.

There is a third option though...

You can pretend like it isn't an issue and ignore it. And it will just continue to haunt you and get worse.

I did that one.

I am 34 and I have never even held a girls hand. Too late for me. But I seriously do suggest professional help.

>Unless your a total spaz your first time shouldn't be able to tell
Yeah, biggest fear with my first encounter is getting caught in a lie not knowing what the fuck I'm doing

I'm not going to say i'm the person that i'm asking about because this is Sup Forums, but let's say a man I know has had sex with over 70 women in his short 27 years on this planet. How does it make you feel that people like that guy have had such a high success rate with bedding women while you have never been inside of one? Genuine question, not trying to be an asshole. I am fully expecting one of two answers, so don't let me down, OP!

>Man the fuck up and go out in public to do stuff
What stuff? At the risk of you calling me a retard, I legitimately don't know what to do here

Surely you'll have SOME idea.. worst case scenario she'll just think your bad in bed.

Can go down the I'm a virgin route, I'm sure there'll be some girls who will understand I just don't think there will be many.

thats a bad idea m8. get good at talking to dudes first, it sounds gay, but just reagular talking hanging out. then trasnsition to talking to girls with no intention of sex. then inch your way over to actual dating. you need training wheels.

you play MTG or warhammer or dnd or something? lots of random dudes play that shit, learn to look a man in the eye and reduce the chances of a sperg out. plus they all have autism too so you can atleast relate to them when they sperg out too.

good luck m8.

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It honestly depends on where you live and what you do.

Do you have a job, do you go to college? Where do you live?

>getting advice from a virgin

That's easy, just both of you get drunk and if you fail just blame it on whiskey dick and say you'll fuck her in the morning. Don't even be that apologetic about it just tell her you're fucked.

I will tell you what I told my friend. You need to take up hobbies where there are girls actively involved. There are all sorts of shit people are excited to have new members and they'll come up and be friendly with you. My friend got me into ultimate frisbee when I was down in the dumps back when I was 24 and I fucked a 32 year old school teacher and a 29 PhD student. The PhD student was a super nerd that lacked social skills also joining to meet people. Then I got shin splints (I was heavy) so I had to quit. But it was like 50/50 male female and people were there to meet people

To be honest, it's kinda depressing for me to think about, so I try to avoid thinking about it unless someone brings it up to my face like this.

Going to college in the Northeast US, deliver pizzas during the breaks, but aspiring to be a teacher

Volunteer at the Red Cross. Plenty of chicks you dumb piece of shit.

You know what the sad part is. I don't even have an excuse.

Probably only 6/10 (around equal to all my friends who are now married and have kids. Wives are like 8+/10)
Masters Degree
Good job.
Paid off house.

In high school I actually had 3 girls ask me out. I sperged out and turned them down in stupid as shit ways.

Actually have a lot of friends. Go to events with them, etc.

The issue is, I am super introverted. Like, I hate going out. It is stressful as shit. When I get home from an event with friends it is such a relief. I only actually feel happy and relaxed with I am home alone playing video games or working on a person project.

IDK man...

Well, I do know, but... that is another story.

>The issue is, I am super introverted. Like, I hate going out. It is stressful as shit.
OP here, I relate way too much to this

Hahaha, I actually am a professor.

Join groups and goto campus events. Meet people and just generally hang out. If you actually want a relationship instead of just sex, find a girl you enjoy being with around there and ask her out.

If you just want sex, tons of ways to deal with it. Just use protection.

It'll only weird them out if you make a big deal out of it. If it comes up. Just be like, "It just hasn't happened yet is all." Then fucking drop the subject. Women may think it's odd, but if you're cool about it, it wont be a deal breaker AT ALL.

Yep, I actually did seek professional help. And it got me out there more. I actually took medication for awhile and that made things WAY better. Unfortunately, I am a rare person where the way anti-anxiety meds work, they cause me to have heart issues. So I can't take them. Fucking sucks, be cause they actually did work.

Tinder, paticulary near military bases. Those mil wives are enormous sluts.

>Join groups and goto campus events
Would work if I had the time outside classes. Of course I had to choose music as the subject I want to teach, so that's über labor-intensive of a degree path.
Because I have a feeling you're gonna bring up meeting girls in my classes, nope; not gonna work well. 90% of them aren't interested for one reason or another, the other 10% just seem like a bad match for whatever reason

Get some hobbies. Even if you were 10/10, no woman wants a guy, who just watches Netflix and posts memes in their free time. You'll meet people, who are excited about the stuff you're doing and will overlook your social awkwardness. Learn how to interact with them, it will help you.
Also, get therapy, it's an amazing help. No therapist will tell you how to live your life, but you'll get a different outlook on it

>get therapy
Bold of you to assume I can afford that without insurance. Would insurance cover therapy?

You basically have to make a choice then. Work out a schedule where you have time, or don't. As you get older, time management because a serious issue. You have to make your own priorities, you literally can't do everything you want. And it only gets harder as time goes on, trust me.

I actually have this talk with a ton of students...

Also, I get it. Performance arts and digital arts degrees are ultra demanding. People don't realize it. Those, good, students do far more work than any other students on campus because they know how competitive those careers are.

Sad part is, you could do far less work, have a more stable job, and get paid better if you switched to a different degree.

You didn't answer like I figured you would OP. Good on you. Honestly, that dude I mentioned only got such a high number because he used to be a social butterfly and had way too much confidence. He also spent some time in the military and got stationed right next to a large city when he was 25. That combo alone almost doubled his pre-military bedpost number in record time.

For real though, being a man whore didn't make this guy happy. He's a single homeowner living alone in a small town not doing anything of merit. Sadly, he still thinks about the woman he lost his virginity to every single day because they were together for 6 years. Giving advice to strangers seems like a waste of time, but fuck it, don't expect having sex is magically going to make anything better. You might have a pep in your step for a few weeks, but sooner rather than later, you'll just find something else to have more anxiety about. At best, it'll eventually just be a cool memory.

Some do, some don't. Most uni's in the US have free counseling for students. Not advising, counseling, by medical professionals.

Well, free... not really. Because tuition is insane.

>if you switched to a different degree
Boi I fucking switched out of the program you're implying I switch to because I fucking hated it

>Well, free... not really. Because tuition is insane.
So free w/ the cost of tuition?

>You didn't answer like I figured you would OP. Good on you.
What responses were you expecting?

>You can pretend like it isn't an issue a

How is 34 too late ? My best sex and most partners only started after 35....ladies realise they are gonna hit the wall soon at that age, are still hot and wanna fuck like crazy...

As did I. As did I. Now that I am older, I wish I would have stayed in engineering or CS. You know why? Because the truth is, you will never be 100% happy. Welcome to the harsh truth that sucks.

Everyone has something they dislike about their job. it is all a balance. Time, Money, and Happiness.

What people don't tell you, is that as you get older, money and time start to mean a lot more. Want to know why? Because they slowly equate to happiness. You get older, you have medical issues, you need money. You get older, you want to do less stuff and just relax. Even the stuff you "love". You get older, and you start seeing friends who don't really care for their jobs get amazing things, go on awesome trips, never worry about money... and it fucking sucks. The happiness that you still get from you job is being smothered by real life problems you didn't consider when you were in college.

Everyone is different. I am not saying you should drop or switch. But I am telling you, do a lot of research and think long and hard on it. Because most people don't really think about their overall future, just this grand idea that, "doing something you love will mean you will be happy!". And in most cases, it just isn't true.


People with that high count usually fuck everything, fatties, crazies, everything. Those of us who have standards have lower counts but nothing to be ashamed about.

I mean, I'm happier, but not truly happy. I don't think I'll ever be truly happy anytime soon, if ever

>Incel/neckbeard shit

You gave a genuine answer. Kind of hit me by surprise. This is not usually my board for good conversation. Especially if it involves sex, a topic Sup Forums usually seems to have no clue about.

Like I said, everyone is different. I have a friend that made close to 250k a year as an electrical engineer. But he hate it so much. He works as a clerk at GNC now making like 12 bucks an hour. He is so much happier. That being said, I think he had saved like half a million in the 3 years he worked before... so that helps.

Those of you that generalize and assume are super wise and knowledgeable.

Hey OP, this is more along the lines of the type of answer I was expecting from you, lol.

Asked here because it's got the highest traffic outside Sup Forums, and I' not gonna get anything helpful over there

No idea, we have socialized healthcare here, so I never paid anything. I do know however, that some schools and employers offer free therapy sessions. Confidential, of course