Any doctor ass niggas in here that can tell what happened to my knee?

Any doctor ass niggas in here that can tell what happened to my knee?

Attached: bruhhhh.jpg (448x448, 19K)

full blown aids of the knee you have 36 hours


Looks like you took an arrow in the knee.
You'll end up as a city guard.

Looks like you got nigga knee...

Are white spots sources of pain?

Knee damage. Obviously from sucking nigger dick.

kneedamage my ass yall niggas is stupid

Finally gave out under the weight of your fat ass.

You have joe in the knee. It needs to be cut off op, I'm sorry

Attached: download.jpg (244x207, 6K)

im 6 foot 150 pounds dummy

Stop getting kicked in the lateral femurcondyl, you silly T2W fatsat

Your knee dindu nuffin

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Looks like herpes

You KneeGrow

you got teh itis

Looks like you have some kind of chronic arthritis and the cartilage is mostly gone, with bone on bone. knee replacement time. but i am not a radiologist or an orthopedic specialist, so who knows.

doctorfag here.
You seem to got an infected knee due to intensive sucking of the homocock. Also known of the knee AIDS syndrome.

trust me.

terrible genetics and lack of mobility exercise has rendered you permanently torpid

enjoy being slow forever limpfag

Oh wow user, that looks bad

no more collagen layer between femur and tibia. Time to think about knee replacement.

holy fuck how do you even walk

Your upper bone looks like its grinding down the lower bone due to the lack of cartilage around the joint. IMO looks like osteoarthritis. Normal knee should look like pic attached, with a visible, large gap between the bones. Yours is worn down as fuck, how old are you?

Attached: english-class-x-knee-fig7-anatomy-ap-knee-blanco.jpg (500x660, 124K)

>Any doctor ass niggas in here that can tell what happened to my knee?
I sort of figured that when you got the xray, some doctor at the hospital would tell you that stuff.


You have arthritis... if you say you're 6 ft and only 150 lbs it means you're probably lacking muscle to support your body which has caused an early onset of osteoarthritis.

I'm sure your doctor told you this and you're in denial.

Good luck.

Rekt. You tore your inner ligament.

u got teh AIDS. RIP faggot

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If it is OA it must be as severe as it gets. I have RA advanced to the point of crepitus, and can't walk without first locking my knees to trundle about like Karloff's version of the monster, but still more cartilage than OP has.