>it's a Truman gets drunk on wine coolers and occasional shots of whiskey to forget the time he was friendzoned by his best friend in 2013 episode
These ones are always so sad, christ
>it's a Truman gets drunk on wine coolers and occasional shots of whiskey to forget the time he was friendzoned by his best friend in 2013 episode
These ones are always so sad, christ
Other urls found in this thread:
>It's a Truman get's a hooker then beats her to death in his sleep episode.
>It's a Truman discovers the joy of anal masturbation episode.
> It's a Truman can't let his ex go and remains close friends and loves her with everything's he got and feels so much love from her but at the end of the day he still knows she's out of his reach and everytime she complains about her current bf all he feels is lost because even the worst of someone else is better than Truman's best to her
aha good episode
why is truman still in contact with his ex anyway? what a fagit
>it's a Truman finally has the balls to open up to the girl he's liked strongly for almost a year, waiting because she broke up with a boyfriend and didn't want to be pushy in her fragile state, but when he finally gets loaded on enough vodka redbulls to tell her how he feels, probably the closest to "love" he'll ever know, she tells him she's been fucking another dude (Truman's friend, no less) and is moving in a month to California so Truman spirals down into a reclusive alcoholic for almost two years afterwards because he's uncomfortable with his feelings and now won't open up to anyone about anything and drinks his life away
I mean it's the same fucking episode every night I don't get why these are still airing.
maybe Truman thinks she's the best person he ever met and cares so much about her that everyone else pales in comparison
maybe Truman is weak
maybe Truman hopes one day he can prove his worth to the one person he wishes he could hear " I love you" again
>it's a truman didn't get out, washed himself or talk to anybody for 5 months just posting on an cross stitching persia board episode
>it's a Truman doesn't leave from his room for a week because he realizes deep down he will never be happy and becoming aware of it would destroy him so he isolates himself from everything and everyone instead
god what a fucking fag, that episode was so boring
>It's a Truman calls in sick and skips work for a whole week so he can stay in switching between watching porn and masturbating and browsing Sup Forums 16 hours a day while gorging on nothing but hot pockets and diet soda
>it's a truman being commented on his affection for lime jelly powder and vanilla sauce by the cashier and he nervously nods then the cashier asks why he never buys any water to make the jelly with but truman has been buying it all because he didn't want it to be weird buying the vanilla sauce to drink just alone but doesn't know what to answer the cashier so he just takes off and hasn't drinked any vanilla sauce for weeks while sitting in a pile of unused lime jelly powder packages episode
>then the cashier asks why he never buys any water to make the jelly
I don't understand how Truman didn't notice how fake his world was from that. I mean, what sort of fucking cashier asks you why you don't buy something that flows out of your taps for considerably less money (if not outright for free)?
americans don't drink their tap water
>It's a Truman starts to think that this Clinton lady seems like an alright girl then the next day at work all of his co-workers invite him to the local MAGA rally while giving him a free trucker cap episode
>It's a WW3 has started and Truman has been conscripted into the army and now has to leave the studio to kill Communists episode
>its a Truman scratches his taint and sniffs his finger episode
>It's a Truman gets shitfaced and throws up in his sink and clogs it with the burritos he ate that night and while hes digging through his throw up water he notices that he left his car door open the entire night
>it's a Truman swipes his roommate's liquor to skip class and work, go on a Thursday bender, and wake up with his head in the toilet on Friday afternoon finding that he shit himself and got glass stuck in his foot from when he stepped on an empty handle of vodka the night before episode
>It's a Truman pretends he doesn't actually want a girlfriend when in reality it's all he wants but doesn't know how to do it episode
Just boring
>It's a Truman actually finds out that his whole life is a show and makes up a plan and finally escapes, to live a real life
Always love that one
>it's a Truman daydreams about stopping time so he can fucking rape everyone episode
>It's a Truman accidentally reverses in his boss's car bumper in the parking lot at work and didn't have the balls to confess, so instead he blames it on Gary, the senior account manager with poor eyesight who gets fired without his bonus so he and his wife have to cancel their plans to go on vacation to Florida to visit their niece episode.
>Its a truman spends his saturday night watching CEI porn episode
>it's a Truman resets his crush's facebook account password by answering the security questions on her email and sending a reset request, then masturbates to all the nudes she has sent to various guys over the years for upwards of 6 hours, only to cry uncontrollably afterwards because she will never interested in him episode.
>it's a truman discovers the system and says loudly to "himself" that he's contemplating suicide because the girl isn't interested in him to see if they tell the girl to miracously fall in love with him episode
this probably happened. i hope that person killed themselves it wouldn't need 13 reasons
>it's a Truman reads something so fucked up and antisocial that it actually makes him feel better about himself and breaks the rhythm of the typical pity party episode
>It's a Marlon shows up with a six-pack episode
>it's a Truman spend hours wondering how far he can go with his dog before it's considered wrong episode
Interesting concept, but it was a bit slow.
I think i missed that one, do you remember how it ended? Just curious
It's a Truman lets go, gets going on with his life and at some point remembers how important seemed somethings when he was younger but is happy with what he has become through the inevitable ups and downs of life.
If I remember correctly in that episode he let the dog lick his balls, but they just announced a part 2 coming this summer.
I think the episode where Truman learns that episode is near , user
getting the feeling the end of this season might be the series finale.
>it's a Truman realises all the girls he cybered with in chat rooms as a young teenager were almost certainly pedos episode
>it's a Truman masturbates furiously to the pretty girl who smiled at him earlier running gag
Nah, I think Truman's Show will continue with a fresh history, it would be bad to throw all the character development into the trash
>It's a Truman lies in bed all day wishing he'd just fucking die already episode
>It's a Truman stares at a knife for an hour before breaking into tears upon the realisation that he's too much of a pussy to kill himself episode
lol, what will they think of next?
It's a Truman calls his female high-school friend bi-annually to see if she wants to hang out, but she never picks up and always text some excuse the next day about how she was busy or fell asleep and Truman really isn't even into her all that much but he just needs closure, as they were pretty close back then and they've drifted apart for many possible, legitimate reasons on her part, as he was very forward and creepy towards her esp. senior year.
>it's a truman had a short fling with a girl but she broke it off and he knows he shouldnt feel bad at all because in retrospect she was kinda crazy but he still feels bad for some fucking reason episode
Anyone catch this one last night?
>it's a truman has a pretty healthy sexuality until he falls for the cunny meme and now fully developed women can no longer get him erect mini-arc.
people really find this show relatable?
>it's a Truman tries to curb his burgeoning porn addiction by taking valium on top of a fifth of whiskey, but ends of jacking off in front of the computer in a drug fugue anyway but can't finish, so he staggers over to bed but pukes all over himself and passes out on the floor episode
>It's a Truman can only obsess over one girl at a time, either hating/lamenting over his exes or fantasizing over some girl he hardly talks to episode
>It's a Truman just wants to date a more patient clone of himself episode
>it's a Truman goes full cold turkey with regards to his first love as much as not looking at a picture of her for almost 4 years but then one night gets drunk and finally caves in to find out via social media that's she's actually doing really well for herself and is very happy and he scrolls through her feed feeling sick to his stomach, but then does it again the following day and on closer inspection realises one of her friends killed themselves just after he got rejected and is overjoyed by this development despite having no ill will to the person that committed suicide
Took a bit of an odd turn I must say
Holy shit the second episode you described...
>it's a Truman gets through his entire life powered solely by hate season
It's like Berserk but mundane
>It's a Truman gets a girlfriend episode but she leaves him before the end of the episode because he's boring and not spontaneous and doesn't appreciate her enough, which all boils down to that he doesn't buy her enough shit.
>And it's all fucking shit. Flowers, jewelry, what's the point? What fucking purpose does a woman have for all this crap in her life, Truman wonders. I drive three hour round trip to see you twice a week, is gas money not calculated into this at all? Fuck you, thinks Truman.
It's a Truman finally acts out his suicidal fantasy of killing himself with his childhood Swiss Army knife but the blade is too dull to break the skin episode.
Saw that one coming from a mile away.
Truman really doesn't understand women, does he
>It's a Truman took a young woman on a date last week and she seemed perfect and understanding and she was such a nice kisser but now she's ghosted him for some unknowable reason episode
The characters are too dark.
At this point I don't think Truman cares enough to understand women. The only people that have ever accepted him, including his faults, are his male friends.
Truman has nothing in common with most women anyway. Building friendships with them is incredibly tedious and ultimately not worth it once they rope you into the petty daytime TV soap that is their life.
> It's a Truman is quietly walking to his next engagement, but is reminded of a past humiliation; causing him to briefly stop and scrunch up his eyes whilst breathing heavily- before beginning to move again a second later episode
He looked like a fucking idiot
Truman isn't wrong about that, but if he wants the pussy he's gotta play the game. Only Truman knows whether its worth it
>it's a Truman makes plans to set the new Korean neighbor's house on fire in the dead of night but Marlon shows up with a six-pack at 2 am right as Truman is getting the box of matches episode
>it's a Truman goes up to his friend's cottage for the weekend with his buds and gets extremely drunk the first night and throws up in the snow and later gets lost in the forest for two hours while going pee at 3 am and ended up at a farmhouse where he asked to use their phone then threw up in their toilet and then the old farmer had to drive him back to the path that leads back to the cottage episode
Not a fan
She wasn't your best friend. She was a girl that you wanted to fuck who rejected you.
>it's a Truman breaks back into the dome to live in seahaven because he can't function in the real world episode
>it's a Truman wants to voice his conservative political views to his wife but everytime he brings it up Marlon enters the house with a six-pack episode
Could the producers shill even harder?
Truman was right if all she was after was his money.
>3 hour round trip
Fuck, Truman.
>it's a Truman does the same and all it does is make him feel sad and empathize with them episode
>that summer arc where Truman swore off of alcohol and the producers had to scramble to find another addictive substance for Marlon to barge in with
I didn't even know a man could smoke 8 Cubanos at once but I learned Truman can. Great show
>its a truman's parents have a party and he spends the entire night in his room jacking off to michael fassbenders dick from the movie shame
>tfw Truman is still a miserable piece of shit
>it's a Truman can't decide if he should get back on his antidepressants that might save his life because he can't give up alcohol episode
The great thing about the Truman show is how relatable he is. He's just like us!
>its a truman considers selling his body for alcohol money episode
>it's a Truman drinks two bottles of vodka and gobbles a handfuls of antidepressants pills but just ends barfing and not dying episode
This episode is always on repeat. Really waiting for that sequel
What´s the name of the antidepressants he used? I can´t find it on the Truman´s wiki.
>it's a truman eats 4 fucking pineapples and jizzes into his own mouth to see if it's true what they say
Pfft, casuals! Everyone knows ED TV is the superior show!
>its a truman finds out his ex was cheating on him and spirals down into a depression that lasts years, leaving him a husk of a man who seldom leaves the house, escaping into video games and wasting his 20s episode
>its a Truman sots in his boxers watching Friends picking dry piss and cum off his boxers and eating the flakes episode
>It's a Truman literally played in garbage all day and had a good time episode
>it's a truman's mom cries herself to sleep because none of the doctors can figure out what's wrong with him episode
>it's a truman's dad leaves them because he just wanted a normal son episode
>it's a truman ate curry and can't stop to fart but he's happy because he can fart in his hand and sniff it over and over while watching Iron Fist and he's shouting "I AM IRON FIST" at every time he farts and tonight he's planning to eat taco bell and to watch The Defenders episode
>It's a Truman's female friend tells him she's going hiking even though she turned down his request for a hiking date previously because she claimed she hated hiking episode
What a fucking cunt, I hope they kill her off soon
>"it's a Truman reaches the age of 33 and still doesn't know how to behave like an adult" episode
They were funny at first but now they are just pathetic.
Don't worry. I saw the episode where he's 35 and finally feels like an adult and starts founding familly
was a dream episode tho
Poor Truman...
>It's a Truman loses his virginity before he turns 30 episode
This show was supposed to be realistic
>it's a Truman comes to understand his complete and utter failure as a human being, realizing the ultimate futility of his existence and that he will never achieve anything of significance or anything so he spends all his time trying to anesthetize himself to avoid the pain, fearing he might just one day decide to kill himself
Am I the only one who's tired of seeing this episode day after day, season after season?
arguably my favourite Sup Forums threads
even if they do hit too close to home at times
From an early draft:
(slightly the worse for drink)
Tick-fucking-tock. That's the fucking
problem, Marlon. I'm thirty-four. I'm
older than Jesus Christ.
>It's a truman meets a girl at a party and feels a real connection so he takes her home for the first sex he's had in 3 years and he finally thinks things are going to be okay but then he wakes up to a nosebleed that has seeped into her hair so he has to wake her up and explain that she's covered in his blood and he's so scared of how she'll react that he starts crying while explaining it and she makes an excuse to leave and never talks to him again episode
>It's a Truman has to change a tire on the side of the highway and deliberately puts the minimum amount of distance between himself and the right lane so that maybe, just maybe someone will drift over and end his suffering but instead nothing happens and now he has to pay for a new tire episode
>it's a Truman realizes several of his former crushes that he never had the courage to ask out are all either engaged or married and then gets sad episode
top kek he took it pretty well but you can tell something broke inside him when he was told that his entire life was a joke and now he had to go to war
We /r9k/ now
>It's a Truman goes rock climbing without any gear so the producers have to disguise various EMT personnel as rocks episode
>it's a Truman tries to do parkour but ends up seeing a camera hidden in the building which causes him to fall and break his bones and the producers have to pay millions in memory wipes and medical treatments episode