Explain this Amerifags...

Explain this Amerifags.You are such fag lovers that your own (((Supreme Court))) has allowed your flag to be burned inside of America, but you can't burn the faggot flag? Wow, I don't get it.

Attached: free speech hate speech.png (1000x500, 50K)

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Attached: faggotbait.jpg (500x500, 28K)


Yeah thats fucked up... 15+ years for burning a flag. The charges make it sound like he set off a truck bomb or something

Its real retard

Youve been able to burn flags for forever, its called retiring them. Theres a fancy ceremomy and shit but its literally just burning an old flag. Fuck off

I imagine there's a lot you don't get.

His name is "Adolfi", I smell a psyop. And decorating the altar with a rainbow flag is just ridiculous.

A man wasn't given 16 years for burning a flag. He got it for third-degree arson in violation of individual rights — hate crime, third-degree harassment, and reckless use of fire as a HABITUAL OFFENDER. A repeated pattern of reckless violent behaviour. Not just a flag you idiot

looks like a comic to me

It's okay to hate some things, but not okay to hate other things.

Attached: Screenshot (400).png (763x883, 732K)

To the best of my knowledge it is not illegal to burn either a united states of america flag or a rainbow colored flag.

google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/world-us-canada-50861259 15 years for the privelage of torching the fag flag

He got 15 years for stealing the flag, burning it in front of a strip club then threatening to burn down the bar.

what an autistic take

It needs to be burnt just like the quran, I'll just incinerate the fagflag and upload photos/videos of the process. What are they going to do arrest me?

We're due for an overcorrection. How about this? No one cares what's in your pants or whose pants you like to get into. Outlaw communal restrooms because sex abuse.

ok burger

>>hate crime
Made up bullshit

The weak cannot oppress the powerful

You left out his threat to burn down the church and kill all the faggots inside. That's where the ~hate~ charge cam from.

He threatened to kill people, period. "Hate crime" is not a real thing.

Well in all fairness they are fags.


Both can be burned with impunity. It is an expression of protest and free speech. Only a traitor would suggest that the country should throw away the actual country (the constitution) to protect a symbol of the country (flag). Just like the other traitors have the constitutional right to fly their stupid confederate flag as a sign of protest. Any traitor who would make such a suggestion, or even tweet it, well that guy should be impeached. Meanwhile the supporters of freedom allow that you can fly, burn, or shit on any flag you like. I'm sure your country is equally clear about the difference between cloth and constitution, right OP?

Still fucked up, but actually only sentenced to 5 years. It was his third felony conviction, which makes him a Habitual Offender under Iowa law, with a triple sentence.

okay whitey, don't forget to put the pillowcase in the washing machine before the next meeting.

Protesting governments is responsible American behavior.

Protesting somebody else's sexual preferences is petty and hateful.

You don't get it because you're a sociopath.

Attached: Serial killer characteristics.jpg (600x500, 94K)

Why are you assuming I'm white?

Both are free speech

No, free speech does not include Hate Speech that is intentionally threatening.

There are limits to free speech because hateful little weasels will use it to stir up violence they're too chicken-shit to start themselves.

Threatening someone is not speech. Burning a flag in protest is. "Hate speech" is not real.

jesus fucking christ you're a fucking idiot. cobain yourself, please.

Come on, lets not do this song and dance. We know you are.

You can keep saying its not real.

But it is.

You're like autistic

because only a retard hick whitey would try and argue that hate speech isnt real.

You can't steal a flag they're a symbol.

if I buy a flag, it's my property. It doesn't matter what flag it is.

Get out of your parent's basement and get a job and maybe you'll understand the concept of property before you turn 50.

>there’s no such thing as a hate crime
> why do you assume I’m white
Look at those two statements together whitey, pretty obvious you played your hand early

Lard of the Free

inb4 "I was only pretending to be retarded" and or similar.

Read a book and you might get a grip on the concept of intangibles. A flag is not property it is a symbol. You cannot steal an idea, retard.

Your bullshit had me until the end. Nice job, shill.

Oh, where's the stat on % of serial killers who were raised/abused by single mothers?

He wasn't sentenced to all that time just for burning the flag. He threatened to kill people, to burn down buildings, he was clearly mentally unhinged, and he was a habitual felon. The flag burning was just one part of an incident that broke the camel's back, as it were.





Sources for any of these claims?

I think this runs under the assumption that the man kicking the american flag is also an american and the ban kicking the gay flag is straight. Are the standards not different if you hate yourself?

America is a prefect country to be raped