Baby dick thread 2 electro BoGo
>anons give advice on how to keep a girlfriend with a small pickle.
Tips on how to have sex with a below normal dick.
Baby dick thread 2 electro BoGo
>anons give advice on how to keep a girlfriend with a small pickle.
Tips on how to have sex with a below normal dick.
lol men with penis size like yours and smaller must be castrated
Is that considered a small pickle? Jesus. What do I do if in tiny then?
I know, I almost consider having a small dick a genetic deformity, if we just killed all the men with small dicks in one swoop maybe it would fix the problem.
Its very difficult to be a man and actually have sex without running into problems if your below around 7.5 inches in length.
By almost everyone I have asked about it IRL and comments yes its small. Its also hard to have in out sex with.
Hey guys, I heard we’re calling penises pickles in this thread. Just wanted to stop in and say hi.
Havent mesured.
Pickles will prevail.
This thread is shit and kinda prooves anything less then 7.5 inches is small and uncommon.
No one here with a dick smaller has had any good sex? No advice?
Am I doomed to be a runt?
lmao is this bait? im literally 6 and a half and all 4 of the girls that have seen it have called it big without me asking and 2 of them were from tinder so they didnt give a shit about me so whats this shit about
They fucked you once and didnt want to stay with you?
Theres your answer.
lol at any girl calling 6 and a half big hahahaha
Op kill yourself, your not doing any damage with that not even to asians LOL
stupid fucking bait thread. stop bumping this shit
>Being this small and having the confedence to post your dick online and show people's
When will dicklets learn? If I was your size op I would have killed myself already learn you fucking place.
wtf bros I just asked for some sex advice, I know im small already you dont need to shit all over me again....
I'm so glad Im not you op lol
your dick is smaller then mine and I can only feel the tighest of pussys. 7.2 length 5.5 girth at its thinest.
Just to trans your a woman already anyway haha
Bump... I dont want to make this thread again ffs...
Does anyone have a dick as small as mine and can actually keep women intrested in sex?
Any old fags here over 30?
if you're actually looking for advice and not just looking for pseudo sph here on Sup Forums then my advice to you is dont worry about it.
i have a 4 inch dick and i'm married to a pretty attractive girl (of course my opinion) if you cant get the job done with your dick alone then you adapt. add some toys, learn to eat a pussy, etc but most importantly just get some confidence behind yourself.
How do you masturbate with a penis size of 4 inches?
Guys stop memeing, OP is huge and you all know it, stop acting like girl want to be ripped in half
two fingers usually is all i need
ok dick looks slightly above average
me too (though more on the length side than the thickness, sadly), my trick is to stuff fingers in there aswell together with the dee once theyre stretching, they always appreciate and at that point really like being called whores (generally)
OP your dick is fine and looks way above average. Guys, 5" is average, and even a 4" can satisfy a woman, who are you all trying to fool?
Honestly there is nothing wrong wrong with what you have
Are you guys virgins? thats not how the world works, im OP and sex is very difficult to have due to my size because it constantly falls out, I need sex advice like positions for smaller dicks.
Explain more? you make up for small girth with your fingers?
Small dicks are fucking horrible to look at, kys OP
Stop being an ass, we know that you're memeing, your dick is way above average. I'm 4" and have no trouble having sex. What are you, 6? 7?
no, girth is above average too, but length is where i shine (19.5cm). girth is above a toilet paper roll since i cant get it in, i think about 15.5. anyhow, girls from time to time love the feeling of being "filled", or thrashed, its basically the equivalent of fucking a girl really hard, pulling her hair, from a female perspective. some girls like supra-natural sizes, and thats where your fingers help
find a better way to spend your saturday rather than trying to troll anons online, its not worth your time
average for sexualy active men is not 5.X inches.
Go mesure 5.X inches, its small.
19.5 inches is acceptable length to have sex and way bigger then me... why are you giving me advice?
this happens every time ffs your dick is not big its normal but you come in here to give advcie when your no where near as small as me so how would you know?
Real replys please >>>
>find a better way to spend your saturday rather than trying to troll anons online, its not worth your time
>ITT: samefagging retard virgin spamming his stupid fucking bullshit
I made this thread so I could get tips on how to have sex with a small dick, and this big dick fuck comes and tells me it snot ur dick size lol
What's your girth? I'm 5" circumference and your length and girls call me smol
Im bigger girth then you at my thinest and yeah im called small to, have any tips on ways to have sex?
Bump fuck, How uncommon is my dick size to where not a single user has any advice to give?
Definitely need help
Help with what?
With my small dick
threads dead looks like.
Small cocks like ours are super rare, dispite what the average tells you :/
One more bump i guess
here's something from an ex boyfriend turned fwb of mine, he's 4.2 inches
>this board
Literally full of high school kids that are completely confused by porn into thinking that normal sized dicks are small
It’s actually quite sad