Is Rick and Morty the best "alt-left" TV show?

Is Rick and Morty the best "alt-left" TV show?

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>it will be legal to shoot to kill Nazis on sight after Krumpf gets impeached


That neo-nazi looks jewish.

>implying leftists can handle a firearm

>2nd amendment repealed immediately after Trump is impeached
top kek


Always pretenders

Haha yeah these LARPer faggots are the real problem in society, not Islamic terrorists.

more like ctrl-left

yasss fuck white people

Lol stay mad white boy, sorry you got cucked by Abdullah

t. Angry cuck who has to take care of his Muslim wife's son

>>implying leftists can handle a firearm


>Zerg Rush + the help of the rest of the world counts

>germany is superior
>germany gets BTFO, occupied, and carved out

Nazis are sooooooooooooo cute

Got to keep the college kiddos busy chasing boogeymen otherwise they might start questioning those with the real power.

Young people are easy as shit to manipulate.

>Media leftists literally attacking strawmen to feel better about themselves after the election.

Is kind of sad that they still can't get over it.
I would imagine a better coping mechanism from entertainment biz people.

how do you go from this to

>This people will lead the revolution.

*tips foil hat*

>the social justice movement exists to protect wall street

so trump is a SJW


Most of them are. Look up the origins of the (((alt-right)))

>defending muslims just to spite Sup Forums
This is contrarianism on a whole other dimension.

I don't get this punching a nazi thing i keep hearing about.

What exactly does this has to do with the election?.
Because everybody that voted trump is a nazi right??? Even though he fucking supports israel.

I don't get it.

>cocks not glocks
What did he mean by this?

>go to Sup Forums
>they defend israel and jews now

this shit has gotten out of hand

Muslims ARE Sup Forums, you idiot.

What did they mean by this?

>implying regulations don't exist to enrich the chosen monopolies

>promoted by the corporate media and public education system
>not serving the interests of power and wealth
Stay brainwashed.

Might want to work on those deduction skills.

Nevar forget the leftist genocide of 15/4/2017 ;_;7

>hillary wins
>mass immigration
>sjw policies enacted
>middle east adventure 3.0
>trump wins
>wall street and corporate jews get tax cuts and regulations cut
>pro-israel stance with trump's jewish son-in-law whispering in his ear
>middle east adventure 3.0

Holy shit, the Jews always fucking win

*filters water respectfully in your direction*

The episode the OPs scene was in came out in 2014. It has nothing to do with the election. The episode ends with Rick and Summer getting fit so they can beat the shit out of The Devil, while they're at it they beat up a few other terrible people too, namely a neo-nazi, a westboro baptist church member, and a bad dog owner choking his dog.

It's a joke. Remember kids, it's a comedy show.

>the Jews always fucking win

It pisses me off that JIDF came into Sup Forums wrapped in an American flag shitting on mudslimes and Sup Forums is now on their knees sucking circumcised cock

he looks like a ubermensch stereotype

>fascism will come with antifascism blablabla

>can't refute what I say
>resorts to memes

Really makes you think.

Funny you say that...

Who else is getting /fit/ so they can beat up Nazis?

good luck in going to the gulag while stalinist "right wing deviations" kills your faggy ass


>is like Sup Forums is just a bunch of memesters and not nazis like reddit told me.

This is what you get for being a sheeple.

No one.

>mfw leftists scum now hate Russians want to have total thermonuclear war with them

what a crazy timeline

>getting /fit/

so exclusively squatting and drinking a gallon of milk?

Germany fought against the entire world and almost won.

Commies got fucked up hard and only survived because they were bailed out by their corrupt jew allies in Britain and USA

>mfw Reagan era Republicans who hate Russia now are sucking Putin's cock

This shit is insane all around. I just want to go into a coma for 10 years and wake up when everything is over.

neo-nazi has an awfully large nose, perhaps Rick and Sally are beating him up because he is an obvious controlled opposition

Well thats a really, really wrong meme my friend

Human nature will lead to the non alpha males no kill the alpha and share the women if uncontent enough.
The only reason alphas exist in HS/UNI enviroment it's because the rule of law and the microcosmos thats only posible under the rule of law under an education institution.

If 1 of 10 males get the 10 of the 10 women the 9 "betas" will remove the 1 "alpha" and share the women in a way that conflict will not rise until the next generation (10-15 years)

>and almost won

pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft ahahahhahahahahahaha

>mfw it takes 4 world powers to finally beat Germany after 4 years of grueling warfare
>mfw nazi scientists sent us to the moon
>mfw that photo was edited to remove the looting russians who weren't acting very communist

what a timeline

>1st month of higher testosterone:
"hmm these bitches are really mouthy and lying about the unchangeable roles of each gender, i have to strain myself like a caveman while she only has to not be fat, genders 'like' each other in totally different ways"

>6th month of higher testosterone:
"getting real tired of these 'minorities' getting all territorial up in my space. It's like they attack only the accomodating & meek and those willing to listen to them"

>9th month
"Hitler did nothing wrong"

*unsheathes vaccine*

>>mfw Reagan era Republicans

lmao they are not. Most GOP hates Russia its the alt right tranny fucking sam hyde type faggots that love Putin

Daily reminder to hide and report Sup Forums bait threads

>tfw ready for a comfy nuclear war that will reset the entire world order and actually make life interesting

>tfw get to roam the wasteland and kill and loot non-survivalist fags

Sup Forums worships hitler though

t. triggered tranny who forgot to take his antiretrovirals

>I take credit for things I had no part of because of my complete lack of validation in life.

t. guy who jerks off to traps

who was in the wrong here?

holy shit you are so fucking triggered lmao

>white people are superior
>white people can't keep their birth rates up

really makes you think

Russia-US relations are at an all time low. Only Reddit likes them.

*posts lame meme response*

Why would I unsheathe the vaccine if I were presumably antivax?

Neonazi deserve to get their ass beat t b h

what do they even stand for? they bitch about jews and niggers and never do anything about it

>it's a "total loser doesn't know the difference between r-select and K-select" episode

>wilhem reich

>plops out babies like cockroaches without care or love in a society that now runs over children like it's China/India/Somalia where life is cheap

>leftists knowing the differences between things

everything is equal

hahahahahaha get fucked whitey!

"oh my god, my orgone gets really fascistic when i jerk off. This is so not fire"

>It's a antifa gets their asses beat by right wing death squads and try to save face by posting about reddit cartoons on Sup Forums episode


t. actual retard who can't grasp heavy-handed sarcasm


every day until you like it.

beatings will continue until morale improves.

>right wing death squads
>0 non-whites killed

Just as successful as Germany in world wars

t. holocaust denier

>Sup Forumstard spergs out despite not knowing what he's talking about
par for the course really

>beatings will continue until morale improves.
except for today I guess when antifa queers got their assholes reamed by Big Nazi Cock

>Germany is superior
>America, the most diverse country in the world, kicks their ass and becomes the richest and most powerful nation on earth

Never really hear nazis bringing this up

>testosterone turns you into a genocidal retard
nice false flag tumblr


It was a ridiculous "movement" started by some dumb university broad awhile back.

These unis are absolutely rife with degeneracy under the guise of "progress".

Chick on the left is cute though

it was 90% white

you know, the society you demonize for being patriarchal and racist etc

>dat pepsi product placement

so how did they beat a 100% white nation?

how does america keep winning when it keeps getting less and less white?

What did they mean by this?


>if you don't like Stormfront whackjobs you hate white men
kindergarten tier reasoning skills m8

upper body strength and higher levels of testosterone do correlate with right wing views

this is noticeable with even a year of working out

>kicks their ass

Russian beat the Germans in WW2

i dont know if you noticed but us lost more wars while becoming less white

it doesnt mean anything and there's no causation necessarily, but just to ruin your point

explain Henry Rollins and all the scrawny manlets on Sup Forums then

>but us lost more wars while becoming less white


you cant even tell who's who, but then someone identifiable arises (dread hippie) and BANG RIGHT IN THE KISSER OF THAT BITCH APPROPRIATING THE NOBLE BLACK CULTURE

>punching nazis is now considered offensive and triggering in this day and age
we need to relocate the alt-right to "madagascar"

vietnam, afghanistan, iraq

correlation isn't causation. It probably has more to do with the fact that blue-collar workers tend to be conservative, and they're doing labor intensive jobs that will keep their strength up. White collar workers in offices that tend to be liberals are going to be comparatively weaker.

have you seen the types of gaylords that post their pics on pol?

when they're not arabs, mongrels or japs, it's some white monstruosity with body issues


America won. 3 million gooks dead and the north gave up in the Paris Peace Accord


We won's a shitshow but America controls the country.


We kicked their asses twice and have troops all over the country.

>never do anything about it