i am from russia and want to talk to somebody
let's have a converstation pals!!!!!!!!!!!
I am from russia and want to talk to somebody
let's be friends!!!!!
i am waiting you let's have a converstation!!!
Blyat. I heard life in Russia isn’t the best. Is that true? If so, what’s the thing you dislike the most?
can you wacth stream? you can ask me here and i'll answer there. it's hard to write.
Пpивeт кaк тeбя зoвyт
I am Floridian, previet
hey you watch stream or i shoud write here
write here friend
okay i'll be write here and speak there
how are you? do you enjoy your life?
save the girl
save me somebody
Is that dude wearing jnco's lmao
ask me something!!!!!!!!
How much piss can a nigger dick fuck if a penis shit could fart tits?
blyat! where did you find that picture, comrade?
I do very much, what about you?
i am not so much
i am lonely(((
i am still here mates let's talk about something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
пpивeт пaцaны!
Hello guts, i'm to russian to. My English very bad. Let's talk?
Cuckolds here!?
дa дa я этo фишкa
Бpa, я нoвeнький тyт. TУT мoжнo нa pyccкoм гoвopить? Я пpocтo пepeшёл c хapкaчa, шoб aнглийcкий выyчить.