Dear God please

Just let me go back to my youth and let me be a better person. I'm 30 alone, unemployed and a dissapointment. I regret all the masturbation, all the junk food, all the movies and music. I just want to be a real human, I can't live like this any longer and something needs to change. I want to kill myself but that won't take back everything I've done and all the time I've wasted. Why can't we go back and fix ourselves, why can't we teach ourselves to listen and take life seriously?

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Other urls found in this thread:
This video is for you

God waits for all men to come to their senses.

Prolly shoulda tried to frame this as politics related OP, this bread will be Shoah'd.
Anyway till them, I'm here for you, user.
What's up, Christmas season getting you down?

get your shit together and do something, you are 30, dont bitch and moan. you could have been sacrificed at age 19 in ww1 to machine gun fire

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30, unemployed, feel a lot of the same shit as you. I tell no one about it. No one to tell, honestly. I feel better when I get closer to Jesus. I know it probably sounds dumb. But I'm just being real.
Good luck user.

Favorite MDE!

Just go out and volunteer for anything. Talk to random strangers for people skills. Formalize your ideals and philosophy. Work out and groom yourself. Become a pillar of the community and run for political office. You'll do better than whoever is running the shit show now.

Lads, lads what's the story?
Everyone gets down, waters get choppy.
Life throws curve balls.
New Year in a few days, fresh start.
New beginning.
Meditate on what you want & chase it

>I regret all the masturbation, all the junk food, all the movies and music.

Ha ha ha, not me.

I regret all the times I've ever gone outside and interacted with people. I've been as much of a recluse as I could possibly get away with since I was 17. Currently 32 and I don't see it changing, I get more reclusive every year. I can't fucking stand the real world, it makes me want to vomit. Can't fucking STAND talking to or being talked to by, people.

I haven't spoken to anyone besides cashiers at the grocery store for years. Maybe 5 or 6 years now.

Reject bouguise narratives

I don't want to overstep my boundaries, but I think it's one of the greatest artistic achievements of the decade. It's extremely profound and speaks to a generation of men who have essentially been neglected by the mainstream media.

did you ever just scratch your balls?
I'm doing it right now with my pants down and it feels better than sex.
It's like that warm feeling after all the piss evacuates your bladder but multiplied.
mmm scratching balls


you all should just scratch your balls

I am in the same boat, although I can see the far bank. I spent seven years in the army, one tour in Afghanistan, got out and got my class one license and drove rig for a year. With my parent's help, and my retirement bucks, I bought a farm and am becoming successful. Now I am 30, and am finding a woman to share my life with with their encouragement, (and internet dating).

Never disregard family, and don't ever think for a second they would discard you so willingly as you think they might, even when things are bad.

Going for a smoke, I'll be back.

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lol OP is a retard. Let me grant your monkey paw wish and you'll come back saying this.

"Just let me go back to my youth and let me be a better person. I'm 30, alone. I regret wasting my life away working a shitty job. I just want to be a real human, I can't live this wageslavery any longer and something needs to change. I want to kill myself but that won't take back everything I've done and all the time I've wasted. Why can't we go back and fix ourselves, why can't we teach ourselves to listen and take life seriously?"

>Right in my feelz

Lewd tbqh, user. My balls are untouched, as it should be.

Never to late to change your trajectory

>Going for a smoke
Dont ruin your lungs, user. Sounds like you've got something going for you rn.

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he actually went and done it, user living his best life

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This OP, this

25, I actually did this when I was 19. What I needed to do was organize my life around a goal. For me, that goal was med school. Most of the things I've done since then have been focused on that goal: I spent two years taking high school courses via correspondence courses while working full time, and this April I'll be finishing a degree. It's been good because it's not just encouraged me to get good grades, but to volunteer, participate in research, and show leadership. It's never too late user. Don't start worrying about the time you've lost, it's not going to get it back. All any of us can do is make the most of the time we still have.

No worries, my friend. I grow my own tobacco. No chemicals or any other untoward things that plague the store bought sticks. I appreciate your concern though, all the same.

How are you?

Dude you're only 30 and going on about your youth, you're still young. No one is really old until they are 666 years old.

im 30 and just starting to get my shit together. have patience

In that case, pretty based tbqh. I just finished my degree this past spring, finally kickstarting my career. I'm 26. It took me a while to figure what I wanted to do, still not 100% sure this is it but it'll do for now and the money is decent. Thought about joining the army too, for the experience - always kinda wanted to. Only worry would be the potential instant regret hitting me once I realize what I've signed up for. My family is pretty supportive, not wealthy by any means whatsoever but always there to help if needed. Anyways, what did you do in the army?

You’re either a liar or terribly pathetic. Either way you’re whining on the internet to a bunch of strangers. Fuck off

do lsd, psychocel

That is roastie mentality
Dont any of you fall for roastie mentality
Stop being sorry sacks of shits an start being the chads everysingle one of you were meant to be

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Get therapy and slowly self improve. You know what needs to be done, you just have to start.

When you are so tired of wasting your life
you decide to change by making a post on Sup Forums
The irony is so thick right now my eyes are watering

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Good luck user, are you still planning to apply to med school? Are you in BC?

Dude, get a job and start building a career. Maybe go back to school or learn a trade. It will be a slow start if you spent your twenties as a NEET, but you will eventually start to build momentum.

I don't know anything else. This hell is the only place I can reach out and plead with God beyond my head or yelling into my pillow so I don't scare the neighbors. I'm weak, I'm pathetic, I'm a loser and I can't keep doing it much longer. Maybe my pleas will be heard and I'll be set free from this brain and body maybe if I ask at the right time in the right medium I'll get through and I'll be fixed.

You've got your entire 30s ahead of you man. Time to look forward, set goals, dedicate yourself to slowly accomplishing small tasks until you achieve what you've set before you. There's no going back, what else can you do?

OP, do not kill yourself. Rather, kill the sin in you, and become born again, as a new creation.

>Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

>Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming. In these you too once walked, when you were living in them. But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.

>Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

And you know what OP, I am with you. Fuck being chronically ill, fuck being enslaved to porn and masturbation, and you know what I don't want to say fuck anymore either. I declare right now that this is the last thread that I will be posting in on this website, because the pornographic images keep making me give in to temptation. In the name of Jesus, this illness will leave me, I will be free from sexual immorality, and I will do great things for God in my life. Join me and live for God. Put away your old self and put on the new self, become a new creation, a new man, born again through Jesus Christ. Life will still have its problems, alas we are not in heaven yet, but it will be forever changed. Let us both agree tonight to change, and where two or three agree there Jesus is in our midst as the Bible says.

I feel the same way about this place. We all have our problems. A lot of people here have problems. Alcoholism, disease, addiction, you name it. Myself, I've been virtually stuck in my house for like 2 years or so, and most days in terrible pain. It's changing now, though. It's changing in the name of Jesus and so is your life, and when it changes, you will know it is because of Him.

based and Christ-pilled, unironically. I needed this user.

It seems cliche and like I'm oversimplifying your words but thanks user, I am with you and I will change.

The grass ain't greener on this side. 37 married father of 3 with a medical career. My life is a goddamn mess, I barely sleep and I'm always stressed. What I would give to trade places!

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Glad to hear it. I'm sure school is a bitch but you took her from behind and got what you wanted, that's what she's for lol. A decent paying job, one that you enjoy doing, well there's nothing wrong with that, nothing at all. There's always room for change later, if that's what you want.

I love this shit and it’s not even the kind of thing I listen to. The melancholy is somehow hopeful.

I’m 30 and only recently started turning things around. Just do it OP, pick a goal and start working towards it, and don’t look back. Discipline yourself to do all the things you’ve been meaning to do, and the existential dread will slowly lift. It takes time , but gut it out. The world needs more people of good character working hard!

That's a really great description of the song's mood. Never heard this song before.

Sorry this is taking so long to write.
I dropped out of high school and couldn't find lasting work so I joined the Infantry, although in my defense with some reading it was something I wanted, and really believed I should do.

I look back on those years fondly. There were great and absolutely miserable times, but your brothers are there with you. I had brothers in the army and they will never be replaced. These brothers you know while serving will never be replaced.

You get to do very cool things in the army, but the army kind of sucks, there's a lot of bullshit you have to wade through. The friends you make, however, are forever.

I see that all as a win. You got paid, you made lifelong friendships, you have stories to retell, experiences to reminisce over and you feel accomplished having served. That was probably a great decision to join.

I did make two good friends in school and hopefully they're relationships that'll last for many years. School is pure trash at times, I still look back with regret towards all the wasted time I spent in a classroom. I did get something out of it and I'm working now so it's not so bad. Things could be worse I guess.

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I survived 3 suicide attempts and 10 years of solitude but I'm finally starting to make it through 'Dialogue and Bargaining' and hopefully I can pull myself out of this one day.

That's the same thing, buddy! Those boys that put up with the same shit you did, those are your boys. That time in the classroom, you will remember that, even if it sucked. You learned from it all.

As long as you do your best, things will work out, even if they don't work out the way you intended.

The Bible Way to Heaven

When you’re feeling down remember that MILLIONS of white men feel exactly the same way you do. Because we are the only ones who can actually think about the future.
Don’t despair my bros.
Despair is a mind trap. Fight against the odds no matter how impossible they seem.
If you beat the odds, you beat the (((odds))).
If you fail, at least you tried.
We are the most capable of ALL of mother earths children, we are impossible to stop. Our entire history is just us overcoming the odds.
Your ancestors not only smile upon you, they ARE you.
Let’s go boys. Let’s defeat our demons.

There is a (((reason))) why that is.
Our media and entertainment has been hijacked by a rootless international clique that seeks nothing but to make us feel as disgusting and soulless as they do everyday.

Great news.
Anons you don’t have to be med school students. Do something that is of value to other humans like a trade.
Do ANYTHING that builds instead of destroys. It will bring you a deep and true happiness that no drug can match.

I did what you did, I screwed around, due to anxiety I failed out of school in my late 20s, had no prospects. And I gave my life to God in there. I've been to 3 different continents, been a missionary, preached in Africa. Trust me, give your life to God, devote yourself to doing as He wills, and you'll see great things.

Sounds pretty neat user. Did you attend Bible college? Or did you just start traveling?

In the same boat except I'm a little younger. Ain't it a bitch OP? I went to school, got good grades, went to a nice university, had a solid gpa, participated in extracurriculars etc. Now all I have is a 15 dollar an hour job supplemented with gig work. I've lost all hope and succumbed to addictions. Went to great schools all my life. All my friends are making close to or above 6 figures. Not me lol, I'm the fuckup.

Only thing that made me feel better recently is that my meyers brigg personality type is basically the highest for being unemployed. I'm not meant for this world or economy

>I just want to be a real human
You are a real human user

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>preached in Africa. Trust me, give your life to God
Literal fucking nigger worshipping cuck.
>Matthew 10:5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:
>10:6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
>Matthew 15:24 But He answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel
Jesus wasn't a jew. Jews aren't gods chosen. Christianity was not meant for non whites. You are a nigger loving faggot.


Get any of that young African puss puss?

>Feels he never achieved anything and that he wasted his life
>pls let me be normal
Your are normal, that's how everyone feels at 30.

Wait till you're 40 and the midlife crisis really starts. To avoid killing yourself, keep in mind that everyone feels like this, from beach bums to hedgefond managers, in other words, there is no correct way of living and everyone suffers the same, so you didn't do anything wrong.

jesus wasn't white you kike

The hero we need

>kike accusing other of being a kike
Nice try, rabbi. This song and dance is getting real old.

Just be happy to be alive faggot

Living the dream. God bless, user.

Hehe me too

I'm 30 now as well. My parents kicked me out two years ago. So, I was 28, no skills, dropped out of college. I went to a homeless shelter and was around people more fucked up than me. A rule of the shelter was staying out was that from morning to evening you had to leave. During that time you were meant to be working or looking for a job. After a couple weeks, I got a job stocking at a grocery store for $10 an hour. Then, after a few months of that I got a warehouse job for $14 an hour and got my first apartment when I was almost 29.

I'm content now. I miss being a NEET. I never have the urge to buy shit so I have plenty of money for my needs. I live pretty much the same as I did when I was a NEET except, I spend 8 hours a day working, and have to do more cleaning and upkeep and buying food and household supplies. On a working day which is most days, I have about 8 hours of free time on average to spend however I want, not counting sleeping. 6-9 to hours of free time on working days. So everything you like doing as a NEET you have to condense it down to 6-9 hours unless you're going to sleep deprive yourself then you can go for more free time.

You don't realize how good you have it as a NEET until you lose it. I would trade places with you.

Anyway, don't worry about being homeless eventually, it's really not bad. Unless you're a drug addict or severely mentally ill like a delusional schizophrenic they are pretty much giving away jobs to homeless. Lots of homeless people are getting jobs, it's only a question of if they can hold them because of drug screening. These homeless don't have CVs. When you're around homeless, you'll quickly realize you're not that fucked up, compared to them. Compared to the people I was around, I was one of the more functional people - drug addiction and schizophrenia will do a number of these people like you wouldn't believe.

You're still pretty young. There are 50 yos who dream about going back to 30 yo or 35 yo to fix their lives. Stop wasting any more time and change your life for the better.

>Why can't we go back and fix ourselves, why can't we teach ourselves to listen and take life seriously?
There was never anything to take seriously.
You knew too much for your own good and figured out it was all a joke too soon.
Next time, be a sheep.

Godspeed, user.

i love Sup Forums
no one spoke so openly on fb or twitter

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We joke and bust each other’s balls, but this is one of the highest quality communities of people I’ve ever experienced. God bless all of you bastards. I love you all. Even the shills and Jews.

> I regret all th
yeah, but you don't regret all the dick you sucked, faggot.
All you had to do was be regret for sucking dick, but nooo, you just had to be labeled as a cock sucker, didn't you!

unfortunately I didn't find out about Sup Forums earlier
but I'm glad I found out

What is hindsight?
Stop being a downer.
Take steps to improve yourself, it takes time and discipline.
Be kinder to yourself during reflection.
Stop posting shit threads.

Hey bro, don't worry about it, all you need to know is this: God loves you and has a purpose for you, no matter what you've done or how you've lived, the blood of Jesus washes you clean completely.

Even if you're 30 and accomplished little to nothing, God can restore everything and give you everything you need, all you need to do is seek his face.

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
(Matthew 19:26)

Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
(Matthew 6:31-33)

Bless you!

PS: Don't listen to pol about Christianity, read the New Testament for yourself and seek the Lord on your own in your room.

I'm the same, have cancer and I'm 2 years older. The only difference is I take full responsibility for my decadence and I don't whine like a bitch about it on here. Grow up OP.

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Sorry to hear, man.
I know you're not looking for it, but still.

Give God the first place in your life and heart, then He will change you into a better person.

I'm turning 31 this Sunday. I got a solid factory job making good money, no more weed smoking cuz of job, started going back to church, and work out regularly. Still gotta stop occasionally jerkin off and playing video games though. I recently got an iPad for drawing and now I can't stop drawing so I've cut jerkin off/playing video games waaay down. I owe all this to the conservative girl I started dating three years ago. I was a complete loser before I met her. Jerkin off daily, non stop video games, and nothing but smoking weed. I'm marrying said amazing young lady January 5th. Don't lose hope user, just keep strong and carry on. Never too late to stop being a loser.
>Pic related, picture I'm making my brother for Christmas
>Almost done

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This board is so wholesome and don't worry OP its never to late to turn things around and it will be fun doing it believe in yourself fren.

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Me too man, all I can do is try to be a better person now.

Listen here men, you're 30(Don't use that as an excuse to be lazy). A lot can change within 5 years. Hell, even 1 can be night and day.

Start with working out. Calisthenics or the gym, no need to become Arnold, it's just to get the blood flowing. Once you see results, it'll make you happy and you'll look more appealing to others. Groom yourself, hygene etc. is important.

Eat healthier, sleep better and plan your days out a bit. Write down some goals you want;

Mine are:
Own a house one day
Have a loving wife and family(If life wills it)
Be strong and healthy(So I'm not tired after being up for 3 hours)
Have time for myself and my hobbies

That's all I want in life. 3/4 Things on that list can be achieved by diligent work. I've been depressed like you. The only thread I hold during hard times is; fuck those who've used and manipulated us.

They want to see you fail. They want to see you suffer. Ending your life will be their wish granted. You're too few and too undervalued, and you know it. You know you can do more, which is why you're depressed.

The people that seem to have it good at 30, they're most likely not the image you painted for them. Don't use other people, especially friends, as an example for a good life. Everyone has a mask on, and you should see it if you observe. They're all depressed, only few are truly content.

You seek fulfillment, and it is obtainable. Just remember every time you slave at a job, or in school; It has to pay at the end, either by a gaurenteed job position(schooling) or money which you can safe up(learn to live as frugal as possible if you're destitute).

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Isn't that how most people feel regardless of age? I'm 25 and looking back there are many things I would change.


.... let me go to sleep tonight and never wake up..

I filed for bankruptcy at 30. Unemployed, couldn't hold a job, living with parents. Bought a gun and started at it for 2 weeks straight wanting to put it to my head.

Took 3 years of therapy and psychiatry to recover.

Now I play video games for a living and have the perfect GF that loves to make girls cum.

Life is really about persistence.

When I heard Prof Jordan Peterson say that men are missing real meaning in their lives, I dropped the chip bag and joystick and went and found a jiujitsu gym. It feels better, like im on "the right track" if that makes any sense.

like streaming or how?
also how old are you now?

If you're reaching out to Sup Forums /b for help, then you're a lost cause. Just accept it and continue to feed until you're dead. Aspire to be as little of a burden to the rest of the world as you can, but don't expect to ever be anything of significance to anyone.





if in the next 10 years things dont pick up for me im also killing myself.

If i dont find a good woman or nothing happens in my career im ending it.