Asian bums

asian bums

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same chick

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Been a long time since I lost, and this isn't even a ylyl thread.

Nice legs.

She needs to be White bred, I'd get her very pregnant

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Please post PH_03 to PH_13
I want to buy her.

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very cute

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Holy fuck more?

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very nice ass

taiwanese girl

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Love the pose

Insta is

Attached: slutGaram.jpg (720x714, 188K)

nice front too ;)

Attached: whoreGaram.jpg (750x750, 77K)

She an escort? Looks like it. Hot though.... more plz


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Damn, pixelated tits I thought weren’t real. Thanks for proving them

Also check out her instagram

Attached: Garam.jpg (720x718, 194K)


Post more.... you the pimp?

Flood her with dickpics

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Sorry guys, can't show more nudes
You have to DM her
Show her what you got

Came here to post this. I am not disappointed.

What is that a picture of?

Censored tits

Insta is

Not bad for a korean girl

Attached: 1 (124).jpg (1239x929, 296K)

Not bad at all, gf?

yes, a cute one too (my opinion tough)

Indeed, it's kinda unusual to describe an ass as cute but I think this qualifies. Give it a pat for me.

lol i mean she is cute, her as is just a classic smooth and soft ass

>her ass is just a classic smooth and soft ass
Yeah, I can tell her skin is super smooth to the touch. You're a lucky sob. More? Is she proud of her big bum?

She told me she never noticed until i told her about it. but to be honest she is always clumsy and distracted

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>but to be honest she is always clumsy and distracted
Good grief user slap a ring on her pronto! Also nice pic. How long dating?

>She told me she never noticed until i told her about it.
That's what my now wife told me. She didn't really like it because it was is harder to find pants.

we know each other for a long time, but dating i would say 2 years

Wow. Viet?

yes, she have the same problem, that why she end up with tight pants or shorts

uh never marry for physical attributes or you'll be disappointed.

Yeah mine has taken the skirts route, she's got a couple of jeans but not really big on them.

Read the green text then. It was her personality I highlighted

I think this is the only way out for them to feel comfotable

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Yeah, it's nice too since I get to see her in skirts. Typically she'll throw on leggings at home. That's one adorable pic user.


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she is adorable

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Wow, they're not typically big bootyied. She born and raised in the West?

Yes she is

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>didn't even remove the watermark in the corner
Larping fag

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Ahh that explains it. Most western born Chinese women thiccen nicely.

Yes she has those thick hips

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Perfect little brown fuck meat

Hnggg she's definitely breeding material. I fucking love how thicc Asian girls are getting. How long together?

5 years

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Love this sluts ass

Married? Hows her boobs?

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Pinay pussy is the best.
Would dump my cum inside of plenty of Pinay pussies.

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Viet, every viet girl I've been with has milked my dick dry.

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Would fuck plenty of them too.


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Angie has a fantastic booty

here are her boobs

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dude im answering the other guy who wasn't

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post more, shes hot

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