Redpill me on Greta Thunberg

Redpill me on Greta Thunberg.

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Basically she is an autistic retard, but not the kind that can do quick mafs n shit. No just a basic retard who can retain nonsense her parents put in her brain. The proof is when she tries to actually interact with questions and starts to act like Arnie from what's eating Gilbert grape.

So in effect her super commie antifa parents scared the fuck out of her with some overblown Hyperbolic world ending shit and their communist propaganda. I feel sorry for the kid. She accidentally repeated other shit they said like putting politicians who dont obey up against the wall to be shot.

Dont listen to retards.

I'd rape her. Hard. Like she was an object.

Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.

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>implying Greta knows anything about anything and has a plan to stop or reverse climate change without running lives

Runners are people too

Yo this nigga eating beans!!

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>starts to act like Arnie from what's eating Gilbert grape.


Greta is a moldy cunt bag who needs a red hot cactus up her ass

Greta, like that Hoggs kid and the overzealous attention whore with no hair, is the very embodiment of the shallow PR machine and its ability to superimpose anything on anyone.

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Watch this image with a random red square in it

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yooo you niggaz see that pic of her eatin' bread n shit, yo nigga if you actually cared about the environment you'd only be eatin nothing.

There's a video of the inside of Greta's Tesla and it's a fucking mess lol

The inside of your Yugo isnt any better

Autistic whore used by her rich mommy & daddy to get attention & access to powerful politicians to push far left political policies.

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Are you dumb nigger I said beans what does a red circle have to do with a beans in the pic, or you're too dumb to pay attention to the Heinz Bean cans?

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A figurehead for a thinktank.


What the fuck is a Yugo? I drive my dead uncle's Corvette

This. And after that retarded shit last week where she lied about being forced to sit on a train floor when the rail company provided her a first class cabin free of charge - the far left is already abandoning her & shes lost a shit ton of Twitter followers.

Picture says it all!

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she's ignorant

people are managing her appearance to keep her young looking to better fir the narrative. children need compassion. teenagers need to shut up.

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Yeah, she travels first class for free everywhere she goes. When the pic & phone videos of her in 1st class on event flights leaked after she claimed she was traveling in electric cars, etc - the charade started to crumble. She's a fraud & her grifting has already cost her over 800,000 followers based on social blade metrics. The recent France24 news expose on her parents accepting corporate payoffs under threat of having Greta provoke a social media outrage mob probably against the companies didn't help matters.

*on recent flights

yeah, pretty much this.

Living in your mind 24/7 rent free

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>Doesnt dispute or otherwise disagree with what posted

Greta sure do hate the niggas, #blacklivesmatter


she'll settle down when she gets her cunt licked

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Yeah because she can travel first class but should opt into economy because it saves fuel amirite?

Teenage girls are retarded
Too easy

She's a teen activist on whom news media did a lot of coverage. Her knowledge of the actual science may not be at the level of the experts, but there's one thing she does right, and that's trust the experts. A majority of them agree. Climate change is an existential crisis. It's real. Whether or not the human race is worth saving is another matter, but the fact that it's happening, and being caused by us, is virtually indisputable at this point.