Finally cucked!! for a Christmas gift my wifey finally decided to try it!! She loved every minute as soon he entered...

Finally cucked!! for a Christmas gift my wifey finally decided to try it!! She loved every minute as soon he entered her. Up until that moment she was hesitant and shy. Now wants to do it more .

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sage for 4cuck


Pics? Or even better, vid?


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thank you! we are very excited for this new venture!

Just dont kill yourself when you realize youll never be truly happy again

Live with it and understand that what you basically did is let a nigger rob you willingly

Make sure when you walk in the streets or the stores in your town to thank every nigger foe fucking your wife

Understand that youre not a beta male or alpha but now youre bellow a niggers balls

Youre grime on his taint amd youre less than the slave owners and worse than a pedo

Remember if you have a child, be it son or daugther that they too must get fucke by a nigger at any age, by choosing to be a cuck you have basically chosen to let your daugther take dick at birth even if it kills her

Good for you OP I'm still working on mine.
Was it as good as you hoped?
More pics or Vola with vid?

More pics pleasr

What?? You are nuts.

Probably, wouldn't be surprised

yeah, this guy def. has brain damage.

thanks for the advice! it was her first bbc she said she understands the saying now once you go....soooo happy

Well then you should have black dick in your ass

No prople Sup Forumsro most plebs dont understand what cucking is

You're not a man

I call bullshit, not enough pics

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oy vey, Gershom! you shilling here instead of Sup Forums ?

Is this that thing where they try and show it over and over again so that it's in your brain and you actually consider doing it? Is that why cuck threads are so common on Sup Forums? 'Cause cucking is retarded and if you're a cuck you're not a man, you're a cuck.

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Prove it.


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