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/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
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Having fun doing reviews for the first time. Post some reviews of your own
>Fifty Shades Darker
"hey antarctica i want u 2 b my sub please"
"golly christopher i dont know about that"
"hnnnngggg omg i just nutted in my pants ur so deep and unique and mysterious antarctica ur so different from dem other hos"
No characterization: The Movie. The first flick was more fun to make fun of, this one is just a boring drag with recycled scenes from the first one.
(continued below)
I saw this movie in theaters with my gf, I was reminded that despite what they say, 99% of women just want some hot rich guy to smack their ass unexpectedly and without permission, say that they're prettier than all the other girls, and then roughly shove them face down into a bed and choke them and pull their hair while they're tearing up that pussy til it hurts and ordering them around in the bedroom. I forgot that it's not just the weird chicks who are into this, I saw so many sweet looking, pretty, shy looking, well adjusted good girls who were obviously getting turned on when Christopher was being especially dominant and rough with Antarctica.
You should have heard the crowd when he gets on his knees with his wrists out and acts submissive towards her, instantly there was an extremely loud "eeeww!" coming in unison from all directions followed by looks of extreme disgust and a thick sense of revulsion in the air. An enlightening experience. Not that I think one should be an asshole or rapist, maybe just try to take charge more and do more telling and commanding instead of meekly asking for her permission. It's easy to tell if something is genuinely unwanted without asking about it first.
Oh, and if you're doing a movie about kinky sex there needs to be WAY more nudity in it, both male and female. Full frontal closeups. Bodily fluids. Show something going in somewhere. I thought at least in the last movie you could see some of her bush, but it turns out it was just CGI. How fucking lame and vain can you get, you think you're too cool to show some pubes on camera? Give me a break. She barely showed her tits in this, assuming those weren't CGI as well. We should be seeing closeups of her asshole and multiple cumshots in a movie with this kind of subject matter.
what are some films?
What are some memes
You do.
I do.
who the fuck names themself slept
Kill yourself
commit suicide
get shot
Go make diamonds in the kitchen
diagnose yourself with cancer and then jump off a bridge in fear and misery
live long and prosper
Visit Detroit
Kill yourself
kill me
>GF went to party in Detroit.
>left me taking care of her kids.
>bored as fuck.
Recommend me some family friendly movies, Sup Forums, preferably comedies.
the simpsons movie
drink bleach
miami vice
Miami Vice WISHES it was Emily Meme!
>best poster in /lbg/
>best poster in /ptg/
>doesn't take shit from power tripping private tracker mods (pic related)
>watches challenging avant-garde and arthouse films
>all-around funny, fun guy to be around
Am I missing anything or have I got all the reasons everyone here envies and hates him so?
who the fuck names themself sleep
wow so charismatic
who needs redacted when soulseek exists
Low IQ animeposter
weeb is synonymous with patrician nowdays
Jeebus. I don't like slept or any of the meme users here, but the little nazis everywhere in pts are on another level of being hate-inducing.
If earth is a sinful song is any indication of the quality of Finnish cinema then I am well open to watching other Finnish films.
With brand upon the brain, I'm getting into Guy Maddison's crazed, black comic, silent movie style, mostly works even though in large doses can get exhausting.
Fando and lis, its a shame Arrabal and Jodo didn't co-op on more projects together, not Holy Mountain level but even at this stage Jodo had the gift for surrealism.
Find it hard to rate short films, so Man with a movie camera gets a heart, its does show though, some people really have a damn fine talent for getting life on camera.
Though it isn't on the top of my Soviet Montage list.
Might watch Ivan the terrible or Under suspicion next.
Man With A Movie Camera is not a "short film". And worst case it's a 9/10
i didnt understand man with a movie camera
Stick with moe
Valerie and her week of wonders is only 5min longer, but I guess that's not a short film jej.
Shiao confirmed retarded.
I thought gooks were supposed to be smart? Is this one a fraud?
How and where do you download movies fast enough to keep up with how many movies you watch?
Somebody please give me a quick rundown on Eli Hayes.
yes now gimmy your pass the popcorn password
Should have been clearer, didn't mean short film in that way, meant film thats short, which is anything under 90 minutes.
Not that I always have a problem rating them, just most of.
I think mick/leprechaun rather than gook would be more appropriate as I'm Irish.
In some cases I call my dad who has a huge film collection, other than that I go out to the cinema, in terms of downloading I used torrentking/piratebay/rarbg .
I spend all my free time watching films even when I get off work, currently on leave so I get to watch more.
I ended up watching so many because I trust fuck all of my own initiative to pick films, so I have a bunch of film fans tell me what to watch online.
Interesting answers
Synt, where did you find Stolen death (1938)?
I don't see it on amazon or on any of the usual torrent sites I use.
>David Heslin's channel got removed
I kind of hope that by having big profile full of films someone will see it and check out those films so I can spread the word on their existence.
I hope to get to 4000 by later in the year.
I guess I've watched so many because I only got into films a few years ago and kind of "panic catched up".
indiewire was a mistake
its on kg you pleb
The panic is definitely real. I think it takes a few years and some good thousands before you can calm down
Should I grab one with a score?
Yes. But you should also watch without.
Which one do I watch first
4000 by later in the year?
I follow a rule to never ever trust anyone who uses the word "utilize"
Your taste is all over the place, overall alright though I guess
....The absolute Madman.
I'll watch Elephant (1989) today, but since it is short I could watch something else, any recommendation?
who the fuck names themself swimming pool
he does
someone who is shallow
Very good ratings in this image. Nice
You do
We basically watched The Sacrifice together
I do
Iktf. I'm two years removed from my panic year and I still can't see how I paced about 2.4 films per day. Barely at 1 per day since last summer.
what did you think of it?
what's your profile?
Na I don't post it here. It was great, he should've directed all his films in Sweden where there's mountains of acting and production talent.
Another thing is...because I neglected getting into cinema for so long, it feels like this whole new thing I can't get enough of, but since getting a new job, well it might go down to one a day on the weekdays.
respect the sally draper
>Na I don't post it here
Don't die please
>you can't just die
now that the dust has settled what was the moty of the 2016?
i wish he actually shot himself so i wouldn't have to sit through the rest of that bullshit movie
and the moty were hacksaw ridge and neon demon :)
low effort
not trolling
back to le reddit with u those movies were kino
1/3 correct
>stepmom's fucking spic mom is visiting for easter weekend
>barely speaks any fucking english
>have to listen to her rant on and on about he bullshit life lessons
>she actually thinks she's insightful and has something meaningful to say
>she has to pause every 2 seconds to come up with the right english word
>has already knocked on my door twice while I'm trying to jack off
>my dad and i already have an understanding not to open my door
>afraid she might just open it and come in
>i have a cable around my neck to choke me and am using an onahole
>get soft again every time she interrupts me
>can't go out to get without having to talk to her then coming up with another bulllshit reason to retreat to my lair
>GF went to party in Detroit.
>left me taking care of her kids.
>bored as fuck.
Recommend me some family friendly movies, Sup Forums, preferably comedies.
Why is it a bullshit movie?
it was boring
you should watch hacksaw ridge sometime it's an action packed extravaganza by based mel.
Pleb here.
Suggest movies pls :3
Also Roberts is best Emma.
You're such a pathetic /tvpol/ kid.
Hope it's ironic
>best Emma
There's no competition to Stone, kid
Her name is Emily Jean
*Emma Stone
wanna fuque dat frogse asze
Bruce Melvin pls go
Hi guys Emma Stone here, pic VERY related.
i eat onion rings sometimes. there are LOTS of people who do.
if you like this you are a cuck
i suck cocks often. there are LOTS of people who do.
damn parental advisory explicit content lol
omg lol