How fucked am I Sup Forums?

How fucked am I Sup Forums?

Attached: C64F8E5C-9DD7-4F1F-9A17-0A0ED6987E07.jpg (444x640, 46K)


Not often. At least not with that small weaponry.

Attached: 20191222_003135.jpg (181x163, 30K)

does it get any bigger?

It’s soft now so yes it gets a bit bigger

it's bigger than mine

thats a normal sized penis you fucking dumbo. stop watching nigger porn that use hand picked niggers.

well, you're soft. Get that schvonce hard and lets take another look.

so post a pic on full mast, most people are growers, you're only fucked if it's still small then

Bigger than mine and I’m married with a kid. Just be confident and learn to eat pussy like it’s your job.

Blacks are usually showers, and I think the OP is black, but I'm not sure.

>with a kid
Not yours lul

Here’s it hard

Attached: 4DF847F5-6D17-45EC-A149-3AEF2485B03B.jpg (4032x3024, 1.79M)

you are normal

thats plenty big, i would love to suck on that until i get to swallow your cum,

Here is the same picture with original pose but hard :(

Attached: 8A4DC490-4282-432C-BEA7-F5291813A7CC.jpg (484x640, 55K)

5,5 inches?

You're 100% fine. Just be confident and youre golden

youre good bro

the porn industry jews has legit fucked you. you are fine just learn how to eat/finger a girl

Lol and this is why the BBC meme is racist as fuck. It’s okay niggerbro, your penis is normal.