what did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
300+ replies confirmed
>we want the guy who cooks grilled cheese sandwiches for his son audience
>inb4 lel its about his time as a filmmaker making shitty marvel films when he wanted to be making shitty grilled cheese films instead
> they don't show him having to scrub the hot plate clean
> all the crumbs on the counter
> having to wash the cultlery, plate and other containers
typical jew
Too much cheese/10, although I applaud the effort.
I fucking love this thread every time
>This is good.
>You bet you're young tight 11 year old asshole it's good.
How did they get away with this? Fucking kikewood.
jesus christ Favreau, it's just a grilled cheese
no wonder all these low test young men are being pussified generation by generation... look at what their parents have been cooking them...
Why not just microwave the cheese then place it in the toast or even better just put the toast with the cheese in the microwave and do it in one go.
Or buy a breville toaster
>puts it on plate
>takes it off plate
>cuts it in half
>puts it back on plate
what did he mean by this?
Jesus Christ, Favreau. It's just a grizzled cheese.
There is literally no difference between what he is doing and this webm, Chef is just being pretentious about it
You don't cut on a cutting board? Are your dishes all scuffed up?
OP's webm at least looks edible
need some jack webms up in this thread tbqh senpaitachi
Do you ever eat with a knife? Congratulations! You've now cut on a plate!
holy shit 9 bucks for 2 frozen grilled cheese sandwhich?
i can tell you dont know how to cook. putting bread in the microwave?? also, buying a special toaster when you already have an item that can do the job?
This would be good with a black metal soundtrack and a less tumblr title.
found the poor person. most people have more then 5 plates. and there are different plates for different purpose. obviously he was using a nice plate you dont cut on. please stop showing your low class
So you're just some maniac who uses carving knives on plates?
>that ugly yellow kid's plate
lmaoing at your taste sempai. don't forgets the doily next time you serve a grilled cheese
I said toast in microwave. Also these.
Are you fucking kidding me? Frozen grilled cheese sandwiches? Frozen lasagna I understand, frozen pizza I understand. But if you can't set aside 10 fucking minutes to put bread, cheese and butter together you are the reason why America is going down the fucking drain. Fucking christ USA, get it together
>Eating anything frozen
I'd say kill yourself, but your diet will beat you to it.
kill yourself
>getting this triggered by something so inconsequential
you belong on tumblr tbqh
>tfw want to make grilled cheese but microwave is broken
what do?
Your chickie tendies are ready.
post more of these delicious cuisines
Enjoy dying fatties
mexican """"""food"""""" is the worst
Enjoy your Stoffers garbage food.
my name is chef
>chips and condiments on top of condiments
that's nothing
who the fuck eats this shit?
>White people can't coo-
If I ate that, would I die?
This is even more disgusting than ja/ck/
it would be extremely painful
what the fuck
Why do you guys keep posting this?
why bother taking it off the plate to cut it, you are never going to use so much force that you damage a plate cutting a sandwich
anyone got the ramsay webm where he is spilling shit all over the place making a huge mess while he "cooks"
>it's a /ck/ takes over Sup Forums with constant stealth threads episode
why do the mods condone such gentrification
what the hell is this called
christ by the end of it, I actually forgot what it started out as
americans don't mind paying $9 because we're the richest country in the world. when i get home from my six figure job i dont wanna waste time preparing food. instead i just pop a frozen grilled cheese in the microwave and chow down literally 30 seconds later
meanwhile, you yuropoors are busy peeling potatoes and boiling water as i enjoy my kinowich
I actually wanna try this slop. Makes me hungry to watch.
A mexican
is that julian schnabel?
I don't think you understand that price tag, user.
I was going to die of laughter if he put that ice cream cone in it
it is a mystery
>10 minutes
More like 1. But americans have short attention spans and are massive cooklets. How does one go through life without enjoying good food?
how can you eat industrial cheese with industrial bread and call it a meal?
Start eating sardines you degenerate
reminder that jack is a spic
The way this guy eats by sticking out his tongue and wrapping it around the food before it gets in his mouth always grosses me out.
>Apparently making a grilled cheese sandwich is a culinary feat
Haven't seen the movie. This scene isn't making me curious.
>undercooked ground beef
>my stomach when
Oh man my mom does the same thing. Never liked it either.
is he unironically retarded?
Why did Jack choke his son?
is Rogan food kino now?
this guy seriously needs to lay off the eggs
Americans fucking sicken me.
would risk getting diarrhea for
absolutely disgusting
Who /MunchieBox/ here? Pic semi-related.
Do all americans eat pizza like this?
pretty much every meal
get on JREs level
With all the weed, steroids and several blows to head I suppose loss of brain cells are unavoidable.
>French Fries, Beans and Popcorn for breakfast
Bill Cosby had a stand-up bit about this
Not a fan of mushrooms on their own but i love garlic mushrooms. Tomatoes are pointless unless they actually taste of something. Everything else is good.
someone tell this retard to stick to wrestling and stay out of the kitchen
I love the way they dish it out with tools like they are chefs or something. Just grab it by the handful like the ape you are,
can someone please tell me what this is? What is that white stuff? Is it curd?
Hope we drop a MOAB on mexico next
why punch that qt. ;_;
Do you think Joe dutch oven's his wife?