Why are black women so willing to please white cock? Is just because they are bigger...

Why are black women so willing to please white cock? Is just because they are bigger? Or because they are attached to a civilized human being

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Same reason why white girls go black - those that don’t like their daddy’s prefer a man nothing like him.

its the civilization thing, theyre still trying to understand colonization, so our modern society is a completely unfathomable.

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Any videos of this cock sucker

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Idk know about you guys but i like feet and i think that black girls feet are fucking disgusting

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Not looking at the slave's feet

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Found the BBC lover

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don't over feed your nigger!

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It's very simple OP - because women love interracial sex and breeding. Whether it's black-on-white or white-on-black, it doesn't matter. Women love it and it's good for humanity, it's just a win-win all around.

Ok, so this is as appropriate a pic as I've ever seen. Nigger pussy looks just like horse pussy.

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They love that we have money and our lives together

The happiest state of a black woman is with white seed in her

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Well i heard horse pussy was really tight so im down lol

Ita hard to explain
Black women are disgusting,and should only mate with black men
They know this,but black men are too busy with niggerdating bbcloving white girls

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Let me guess, you're poor white trash?

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What the fuck is wrong with you people posting this disgusting racist crap!?

smaller one on the left is nice. The one on the right is over fed.

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that black bitch is hot

get out faggot

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then have some more

shieeeeeeet mang deez black bitches in love wid dis white cock mang, shieet we be taking dese black qweanz mang shit

forgot pic

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You're not fooling anyone cuck faggot

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I fucked a black kenyan chick before. Man did she love white dick

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I'm serious, do you guys actually get off to this? It's so fucked up...

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Looks like girl ik. Details

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GF for a while. She didn't like being tied up, so I had to move on.

really, do you? I'm white too but I highly doubt you have money and have your shit together.

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same here. kenyan chick. some of the most animalistic and raw sex of my life. and I've had a lot of sex.

Rough location or age? Seems unlikely it's her

The pics are from about 8 years agao, Colorado Springs

Lol no chance it's her but alas hott

i swear black bitches are built for punishment

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Pretty much any white guy is better than 99% of black guys. It's always a step up for them.

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