More like this plz

more like this plz

Attached: 1576627766835.gif (900x1200, 1000K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I concur.

I will post lolis, so long as there aren't any negro x white loli.

Kill yourself.

Whenever someone spergs out on me over something like this, it just makes me want to do it even more.

Even if he isn't trolling, it's just going to make it worse.
I personally don't give much of a shit unless they have those retarded queen of spades tattoos.

Attached: ddgg.png (1000x954, 672K)

Thats not even full negro. That looks like dark hispanic. Every other skin tone is fine so long it isn't shit color

OP here i just wanted lolis sitting on guys

Attached: 1576623746571.webm (640x340, 1.87M)

He’s giving your waifu Mexican half-breeds.

I wasn't trying to post a nigger, I was just trying to not repost shit cause my collection is too small.
Thankfully japs don't put many negroes in their porn.

Attached: ggff.png (874x1780, 524K)

Lolis or niggers?

lolis sitting on guys

Attached: 1576623697313.gif (1200x672, 1.92M)


It's funny cause if you look at a booru with pics that have a black and white version of the dude, the white version will always have a 2x higher rating.

Attached: ttgg.jpg (543x766, 260K)

There's a tag for brown people on almost every porn site, but there's almost never a tag for white people (if at all I've never seen one)

Really makes you think

It’s called cowgirl you inbred.

Yeah that's because the white is original, and the black is a lazily editted version, made by artists too untalented to draw their own lolis

Attached: 1576920569116.jpg (850x1204, 434K)

Because white is the standard you stupid dense ass motherfucker.

why do i like blacked porn so much? i didnt used to be like this but now i dont even want to jerk off unless its to interracial porn

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Cuz you have a mental illness. Now fuck off

Attached: 1573993654429.jpg (1000x1000, 115K)

Yes I was trying to imply that white people are the default people.

I thought about saying that instead but I didn't want to start some gay argument.

Attached: zzss.jpg (1181x836, 154K)

I’d guess it’s because you’re being paid to spread shit propaganda.

but user look at that contrast, is so beautiful

Attached: 1574975449010.jpg (2048x2048, 504K)

i wish i was paid for this

Attached: 1576252292019.jpg (3414x2211, 327K)

Attached: 83864b8569823af712bccf4d2f62af798086493f(1).png (935x1662, 783K)

Abandon thread. White boi troll stinking up the place with shit dicks. I'm outta here.

Attached: 20191222_003052.jpg (720x639, 243K)

Attached: FD055241-DCCD-4D9E-BDAA-54D5C89F6019.png (600x829, 593K)

Attached: 1576798225549.jpg (1246x1167, 500K)

Well suck my cock and swallow the jizz you’re about to have one.

It looks like she's fucking poop

Attached: ttyygg.jpg (850x937, 173K)

Attached: 1564838349520.jpg (1100x767, 245K)

>He does it for free.
And here I thought hot pockets were a dead meme.

Same. If I could find a job posting blacked lolis I'd work 80 hours a week.

Attached: 1482514011683.jpg (691x912, 466K)

Attached: 1574982773606.jpg (812x1000, 348K)

Attached: 1467192139401.jpg (800x1132, 474K)

Fuck outta here with that shit. Original is best. White is right

Attached: 1576919553746.jpg (850x850, 140K)

Constant exposure and you feeling good when jerking to it, which in turn gives you a preference.

Attached: cf8b9683f8b6d7d8dcb89cb4e386be09.png (1358x1920, 1.46M)

Attached: 1574194353858.jpg (2560x2560, 592K)

been trying to get better at editing so maybe i can black lolis and make money from it. im not great at it though

Attached: 1574989938790.jpg (703x994, 122K)

Only if you fuck my gay butthole as well

Attached: 6774.png (1200x903, 1.03M)

may as well try becoming a real artist, then.

Attached: c42f717adaf64de818fe63ee771b211b.jpg (1152x1241, 666K)


Attached: 1453466422757.jpg (3200x2400, 1.71M)

Attached: ca5c218356bbef6272947775c10c4b10blacked.jpg (2064x2806, 803K)

Doing God's work, user.

Attached: tumblr_pd49siNVRN1xysn3do1_1280.jpg (1224x1584, 419K)

Attached: 103efeb7b184e2d496f6818883049c18.webm (320x320, 1.82M)

You tryin’ to dock with me?

Attached: B6899CEE-8C18-4CA8-913A-696727E3F8DD.png (827x1029, 846K)

Attached: 1571592305256.gif (800x600, 1.78M)

>Implying anyone wants that shit
Anyway, this cunt is spamming shit dicks. Nothing we can do until the heroes with all the original pics come back online. Cya later nigger lord

Attached: 1568905189027.jpg (2068x2996, 1.47M)

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Attached: 1448523541706.jpg (1000x1414, 814K)

Samefag sucking his own dick?

Attached: 1575580680531.jpg (1920x1080, 328K)

Attached: sample_fa6eace2d563bbaf3f182e05e7b6d922.jpg (850x601, 107K)

Attached: 9f65bebe7eefbdb6b372fee22641437b.jpg (1222x1600, 1.3M)

No one is saving their images though, so even if this thread gets full, all of their shit will be gone forever when their hard drives die, or when they lose interest.

Attached: cb64e006c684f90a0dd0d0ad9bc90afa.jpg (1200x872, 444K)

there are huge archives of this on mega and discord

Attached: 1573508861523.png (847x864, 763K)

>worse res

Kill yourself.
Nobody wants you here.

Attached: 4ea29fcd78d516bb6000b8c043ac13f0.gif (810x1080, 660K)

discord gg/JCGFFrG

Attached: 1541366641400.png (527x752, 302K)

Attached: 8f1364ecbc4ad5d87b0aac179d813a2a.png (1984x2806, 1.75M)

That will fade into irrelevance and obscurity when you quit posting because no one enjoys your shit and shit edits.

Attached: 689fc4c67d5725de716c80ddde335739.png (674x964, 955K)

this thread has more posters than the other loli thread despite not even being searchable, since it doesn't have loli in the OP.

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Attached: 1573937417508.png (1200x1200, 1.6M)

That doesn’t mean anyone is saving any of your shit. I’m considered a poster and all I’m doing it shit talking.

I know people are saving it since I'm not the only one posting, and OP must saved the edit as well even though the original was posted before.

Attached: 1528452423751.jpg (1000x1384, 164K)

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Attached: bb66c3da1e0f16ea682f302a5b22386c.jpg (4526x3200, 1.07M)

This retard admitted he just wants to take over the loli thread.
Literally intraboard raid.

Someone give them a taste of their own medicine. >>/trash/27274438

It has 12 IPs. Most people are just insulting you. It's literally just two of you.

Attached: 1563335729983.jpg (2308x2073, 1.08M)

Attached: __kasumi_pokemon_and_1_more_drawn_by_talez01__2a1bcd58428b3d1bf9dcedc42789d5da.jpg (935x1662, 160K)

God DAMN I love big black cocks cumming all over cute little lolis

Attached: 1564543632417.jpg (1150x1048, 239K)

I'm posting here because it's the first loli thread I saw this morning.
I hardly fap to these threads I just like looking at lolis and sharing them with other people that like them.

I mostly fap to doujins, you don't see me sharing pics of the fucked up loli doujins I fap to.
No one wants to see that.

Attached: c21.jpg (1028x1500, 556K)


Attached: __original_drawn_by_noripachi__09f6eddf12527872e0bcf34b029225ff.jpg (1100x767, 379K)

Attached: __sanya_v_litvyak_and_erica_hartmann_world_witches_series_and_1_more_drawn_by_null_nyanpyoun__8a9bab (691x912, 118K)

Attached: 1517548946431.jpg (800x1132, 75K)

kill yourself.
if you want shitlogs you can go to Andy Sixx

I guess there is another loli thread my b

Attached: rrff.jpg (850x1133, 155K)

fill this thread with shitlogs dude.
thats what he want.
fuck him.
never accept him.

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