Jasiriposter AMA!, just be very nice, i'm really sensitive to rude comments

Jasiriposter AMA!, just be very nice, i'm really sensitive to rude comments

Attached: jasiri and kion 7 -o.jpg (1346x813, 83K)


nah, i'm straight

Attached: jasiri on kion reflection -o.jpg (1008x1001, 46K)

Hey, do you wanna join my discord? Plenty of jasiri material

discord gg/MA9tbfM

Go away and you won't get any.


>Hey, do you wanna join my discord?
being this starved for discord users
>Plenty of jasiri material
not as much as our discord, you can bet your ass on that
any what?
guy with good taste*

Attached: sweet yeen girl -o.jpg (837x675, 52K)

You're like a kid who got a few laughs from some joke then can't stop repeating it. You're annoying. That's really all you are.

>implying i'm using this as a joke.
top notch hater mentality fam

Attached: cute laugh -o.png (613x543, 365K)

I'm not implying you use this as a joke, idiot. It was an allegory related to your constant repetition of this juvenile shit. Jesus, aggravating and stupid.

i printed some more hentai images but the colours didn't come out right
what a pity

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OP or one of the other jasiri spammers already admitted it was just a troll. They just want to be another forced meme like the logposters. Best ignore em.
Or spam them with spiderman, one of them reee'd big time a few weeks back.

you were implying i use this solely to make people laugh, only you phrased yourself like a retard

Attached: jasiri and janja art -o.png (500x374, 133K)

Try harder.

>OP or one of the other jasiri spammers already admitted it was just a troll
none from my jasiriposter group do it to troll, it must be a lone fag
>They just want to be another forced meme like the logposters
again, nope, we went over our shared goals, we don't care if shes a meme or not and i'm certain she doesn't have what it takes to become a meme,
>Best ignore em
exactly though it won't make us budge, we're looking for people to filter shit they don't need, we advertise Sup Forums x and the md5 list just so you can stop seeing these threads, and we got plenty of supporters, we prefer them over the haters
>Or spam them with spiderman, one of them reee'd big time a few weeks back.
>just don't give them attention
>or just give them attention by spamming spiderman
yeah, i'm sure that will annoy the crap out of us, that's the reason all the trolls stay on Sup Forums for years, you faggots keep giving them the thing they want

Attached: spiderjasiri -o.jpg (184x266, 71K)

please be nice

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actually aspiring to be a troll.. fuckin hell you may have topped the loser charts on this one, faggot.

top notch hater mentality, please stand in line with the rest of the sheep, friend

Attached: jasiri is bae -o.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

No, you're just incredibly stupid and lack reading comprehension. You and your goofy animals should really disappear.

>thinking i give a shit what a triggered faggot thinks about me
keep trying though, i'm sure with your constant barrage of false claims i'm sure to be offended eventually

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Where's all the supporters you keep referring to? Certainly not here...

because they aren't in all my threads, unlike you, we have stuff we got to do apart from browsing Sup Forums all day, if you were here long enough you'd see them

Attached: we're both feliforms -o.jpg (1024x683, 79K)

I think you're full of shit and you know it. Stuff you have to do? You've been here for most of the day.

>not realizing i've only been posting for around 3 hours total
please stop talking

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Heil Hitler!

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you do realize saturday and sunday are also rest days, right?

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I have no rest

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alright fag

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