You have 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American

You have 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American.

Attached: a.jpg (900x750, 66K)

she's Irish and fucking hot

two americans

a french nigger australian female

This old-ass thread.


This guy

a tory

Attached: aussie_negress.jpg (740x457, 69K)

4 chan



A Ukrainian!

a europoor

A muslim

An american

An african-american

fuck shes too cute here

A black american

I literally can't. Went there on a roadtrip last month and holy shit, they really are as stupid as everyone says they are.

>t. teary labour NEET

Someone that voted for Brexit

a caucasoid american

Give it up, Jeremy. You lost. Get over it.

The countries who haven’t been to the moon

sorry Boris


Apology accepted.

time to add/update your filters boys