Talking with Navy recruiter. Need to shave an inch off my waist and lose like 14 pounds in two weeks. Any tips for tape day? My recruiter wants me sent to MEPS by like February and I'm totally cool with that.
Talking with Navy recruiter. Need to shave an inch off my waist and lose like 14 pounds in two weeks...
What rate did you sign up for? you can wait to go to MEPS as long as your A school will be available after bootcamp. Don't let the recruiter hurry you into enlisting just so he can make his monthly quota.
Don't fucking do it dude. I'm in the Navy right now and it fucking blows.
I haven't oficially signed anything yet, but I can test into IT and electrical systems, my two top jobs.
dont join you will be a literal slave. a dishonorable discharge will ruin you and it can happen to anyone. just get neetbucks and teach yourself
What job? Whats the worst part?
Lol, good luck. Never trust your recruiter and ask for everything you can get in your contract. You're gunna lose half of it.
Also, 14lbs in 2 days is retarded.
I'd rather go through 4 years of hell to get job training and college for free than stay with my parents for another half year
2 weeks? I've done 12 pounds in two weeks before, granted I was much bigger.
how fucking fat are you?
I had guys in my basic that started weighing almost 300lbs
I'm 5'10, 250 pounds. I'm like 22% on the BCA, but barely.
First of all, before measurements are taken take a long run in hot clothing to sweat out a lot of water to lose weight, other than that do the obv cut sugars (check everything if ur from the US), cut fats and do cardio.
just pick the right job. aviation maintenance or IT
Nigga u fat, I'm 5'9 and 135 pounds
>Need to shave an inch off my waist and lose like 14 pounds in two weeks.
What have you been doing with your life for the past 4 years? Certainly you saw this coming?
Do you really think you're military material when you can't even plan ahead more than 14 days??
Well, I graduated high school two years ago and wanted to go then, but my parents forced me to go to college, and now I'm going in cause college sucks and I dont want to drown in debt. I was just asking for some extra advice. Recruiter set the goal for me, not me.
your recruiter is just trying to prep you as much as possible
you can enter at that weight
the 1st week or so will suck ass though and you'll smell like burnt bacon
>haven't oficially signed anything yet
Then why don't you enlist in the Air Force instead of the shitty Navy?
Yeah, I'm damn fat, but I'm trying to cut that shit out. I've lost about 30 pounds in two months.
It sounds like you're just a feather in the wind of other people's agendas.
I've always loved the ocean, and air force recruiter just doesnt talk to me cause I'm not thin enough.
Was an AT for five years, stationed in California. Never hit a foreign port once in my career. Definitely glad I signed up though as it got me out of my small ass home town and expanded my horizons a bit, as you will interact with people from every corner of the country and all walks of life. Do it for the college money and the life experience. Four years flies by. If it's not for you, get out. If you can hack it, stay in and get that pention at 40 and use that experience to land a good job in the civilian sector.
Good choices.
I personally would recommend IT, ET, FC. You just do "maintenance" on electronics, occasionally do bitch work, usually you don't have boring CIC watches. Quickest advancement for IT and FC, ET you need a little smarts.
If you are too dumb for those, GM is OK but you get some heavy lifting in exchange for playing with guns.
Sonar techs and Crypto techs can be cool too, but they get lots of CIC/scope watches. If you like your job being "try to stay awake in a dark room" then go for it. OS also falls into this category, but they don't get a tech school (harder to get a real job on your way out)
DO NOT picks: CBs, just fucking don't. Go be a construction worker if you are into that.
Any Engineer rate, unless you like working in loud hot spaces and running fire drills all week. Aviation is cool if you like carriers, I personally hated carriers. Everyone is a dick, small boys for LIFE.
No matter what, do NOT by any means go into any rating as UN-DESIGNATED. They lie to you and say you can do whatever you want after your first duty station. Its a lie, you will always be the turd on the lowest rung of the ranking system.
To make tape you just need to lift weights, drink shit tons of water, eat zero carbs, and run every morning. Sweat box the day before and do not drink any water until you make weight in the morning.
>college sucks and I dont want to drown in debt
Good call.
People with a now, now, now attitude that are afraid to risk a little debt for a lifetime of higher earnings really should stay in the service industries.
Hey, perhaps I am. But I have always loved my country and I love money. Two things the military is good for.
Wait wait wait wait need to lose weight for the NAVY? Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Kill yourself, you fat fucking piece of dried up dog shit!
>now, now, now attitude
>I love money
nailed it in 1
talking to davy who's still in the navy and probably will be for life
Eat a lot of celery and cucumbers. Look up Peel a Pound soup. Work out like a maniac
Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely look into FC more, now that you've said it. I'll take the advice on the sweatbox, too. I've been doing keto for a few months now and its worked wonders.
Thanks. I hope to make it to 20 years, but honestly, I'll reevaluate that once I get in and get a feel for it.
>loved the ocean
Me too, but sea duty sucks. you will work at least 12 hrs/day 7 days/wk. At least in the Air Force you will have normal work hours and possibly end up in the Space Force
coke, or meth
Kys trumper
and airmen get a "substandard housing allowance" whenever they have to stay in another service's housing
Do a bit of fasting or just fast the last 2 days to get rid of the excess water bound to the carbohydrates. Also keep your sugars low the next two weeks and do some cardio once a day
fuck you pos
yes, the standard of living is the best in the military. USAF has the best uniforms, duty stations, bases, jobs, food, everything
I personally was an ET. FC is very similar, but they have much less options for shore duty. IT gets decent shore duty options too, but it won't get you a real tech school. Its more of an intro to radio basics, with some intro computer stuff. ET and FC get both of those, plus more radar stuff and a much more robust electronics course. I got hired into Raytheon with my ET schools before I even left the Navy. My IT buddies kinda struggled to get tech jobs.
and airmen can be fat fucks bc they only need to pass 2/3 of their PT events at 60% each
do they still have RMs? did RMs get absorbed into ET or FCs?
Army has the best unis since they brought the WW2 greens back
RM mostly became IT with a few going ET. Same for DS.
listen to David Goggins. He lost a shit ton of fat in less time - became a SEAL
Thanks for your service. Most people walk into our office and demand shit on their contract without even passing the ASVAB.
The military isn’t a welfare organization, it’s a privilege to serve this country and its citizens.
Pass the ASVAB. Be physically qualified and do not fuck MEPS up.
As for your job, have bigger goals then what you will be doing on a day to day basis.
Have a reason to join, if it’s college then do fucking courses and have self discipline to maintain it. If it’s about money don’t become a cigarette monster can weekend drinker.
Just have a purpose to your life other than a MOS you selected. Your career will end in 3 -20 years. Have a plan.
another one who fell for the pep-talk industry... oof
This here. Most air force jobs don't have the thrill of the front line but it's so much nicer. It's clean and corporate and there's less comraderie but you'll have a much cozier time. Your choice tho we don't need more fat fucks
What if we go to war with Iran. You’ll come home in a box.
>how dare my country have a space force when it's not MY PRESIDENT creating it
I'm so glad you idiots support abortion and end up aborting yourselves.
Don't do it! It kills your soul. No matter what job! DO NOT JOIN RUN AWAY DO LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE BUT THE MILITARY! Selling your soul is not the way.
Don't do it user. The navy is not the place to be right now. Terrible advancement for most jobs, the in-port suicide rate is spiking due to terrible leadership and ridiculous demands on overworked sailors. Join the air force.
I'm a 10yr greenside corpsman that will never see 1st because I don't suck dick and I don't do bake sales.
Better to live on your feet than die on your knees.
How many times have you PNA'd your 1st exam?