What does /b think of game theory?

What does /b think of game theory?

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Eia eia, alalà!

I find Matt patt to be annoying. Most of his theories were okay before 2014. They just kept getting worse and worse. Now all his content is fnaf and undertale. So uuuuhhhhhhh..... I'd give him a 1.5 out of a fucking dipshit.

used to watch his content quite a bit love his channel

He makes dumb theories that he knows will get him views. His old ones were interesting and unique for their time, now he just redo-s every format that got him good views. I miss the days where I was a dumbfuck teen and was able to invite my brother to watch a gametheory video together and discuss it.

Its predictable, and is over used.
Nigger fall for it though. Prolly why there are so many in prisons.

Good concept of a channel but has no desire to output new theories and just rehashes old ones.

I’m surprised at the civility of this page. Dude turned to shit years ago. I remember one day realizing that the video was halfway over and he was just blabbering on about nothing. Then I asked myself, “has he always talked like a damn child?


more like homosexual theory
hah goteem
but no seriously, he would get a sucker punch if I saw him IRL

He was aright in the beginning

He also got upset one time when gamer from mars point out he faults.

Remember when it was about science?

Now it's just what can I pull out of my ass

It's an aspect of math that has kept generations of butthurt juveniles absorbed in thinking they can somehow logic themselves out of the mess their life is in.

I fucked his wife while he came up with theories why.

Started off honest and humble with his content focused on relative game theories like does Mario actually run faster than Sonic? Then would use the games and their mechanics to work it out.

Now he has grown such an inflated ego and takes his literal thoughts as fact. He makes videos based on anything and scrapes the bottom of the barrel to find theories or "evidence" that's not even there to keep his channel relevant.
He could give you his "theory" in a few sentences but nope, he extends his videos to the 10 min mark by talking absolutely pointless incoherent babble that makes none or very little sense. if you say it makes no sense... Well him and his fans will say "you don't get it, it's too smart for you" at his petty defense, pretending they understand the gibberish he just spewed (I don't even think Matt understands half the shit he says). He is persistent in claiming he has figured something out or knows something you don't and claims he has worked out the truth above everyone else.

Take his "Luke Skywalker is actually a Dark Jedi!" video for example and you will see him work out the TRUTH.

He's alright. His early videos were a fun concept and light hearted but he's obviously ran out of good ideas lately. It is his job now to pay bills so every idea comes from how to get views and bigger sponsors. The creativity is gone. I unsubscribed after his 5th or 6th FNAF video that was obviously just made for a quick buck

i prefer the threefold model over GNS

That's how one makes money nowadays

his videos are bloated and boring

In all honesty? It was a great channel until around the period he started posting repetitive FNAF content. That was pretty much the end for me

John von Neumann vs Alfred E. Neuman :
> " What me worry ? "

Attached: will worry for food .jpg (540x758, 75K)