Yeah but who are Rey Rey's parents tho?
This isnt even true
I don’t even feel bad about ruining it because if you didn’t see it opening night, you’re a filthy casual who shouldn’t be in Sup Forums
Also Sup Forums ruined Force Awakens for me so payback is a bitch
Non starwars fag here....what is it that fanboys are so butthurt about? Chewbacca?
It is. They bullshit and say “he was on another freighter and didn’t get hit with Rey’s force lightening” but there WAS NO OTHER FREIGHTER SO HIM SURVIVING IS COW SHIT
SJWs, niggers, the fact the films should have stopped after the third one.
Sounds like you’re a dumb piece of shit but go off
>still caring about star wars
in the scene where finn sees chewie captured, there are 2
If the movie had balls it would have killed that fucking Wookiee.
Rey shoulda died and Kylo live on the Skywalker name
Honestly, the franchise is a mess after the Disney purchase. At least with the prequels the saga had a definite ending. But no, we have characters being introduced and killed off within minutes, useless plot points that are abandoned and pointless characters and weapons that only exist to sell toys. This is what happens when you let your audience dictate the course of the story. This whole trilogy was just Disney trying to appease their audience of 40 year old virgins.
>TL;DR Disney raped, mutilated and killed Star Wars. Also no "sjw nigger faggots didn't kill the franchise, this shit should've died off like two years ago.
I agree, better ending this way
Darth Raider dies
>the end
Chewbacca lives!
Lando part of a much bigger machine
Also the movie 109% didn’t pay off the “fin loves Rey” plot line. She fucking kisses KYLO FUCKING REN.
finn = frendszone
They gave him a medal instead
Ok but did you like the movie? I thought it was muddled garbage.
Didn’t understand why Finn just kept yelling “Rey!!!” When she was fighting Kylo at the water scene. Like wtf are you gonna do??
First half hour at least was like being fucked in the ear with a spoon
Who cares?
The action was awesome the plot was dicks
Basically, compared to the other films, the new one was a massive disappointment. Too much action, not enough story. Lot of plotholes.
Yes there were. 2 landed.
When you have two of your main characters kiss so people will think you are progressive, but you treat your employees like shit, own 40% of the entire industry and don't even have the balls to make a gay Disney princess
FUCK YOU OP!!!!!!!!!
I waited years for this episode and you go and spoil it for me before I see it?
Oh wait, you didn't I had those leaks last month and I downloaded a cam version Thursday and watched it for free.
You're many days late.
One of his lines a little later seems to imply that Finn and Leia both knew Rey is a Palpatine, which gets confirmed that at least Leia knew a little later on. It's when Finn says, "You have no idea what she's going through."
Poe, "And you do?"
Finn, "Yes, and so does General Leia."
The thing he might have almost told her might have been that she was a Palpatine, but... no fucking clue why he'd know that.
It was a positive cinematic experience and id watch it again, but it wasnt a very good movie by comparison.
What was Finn going to tell Rey?
Did I miss that part or something?
I though tit was the best of the trilogy. Not saying much since this trilogy has been garbage, but looking at it as fan fiction at least I really enjoy this one.
Yeah they never elaborated on any of that.
He never did. Right before they were gonna be executed he was asked again and didn't say. Probably i live you or some shit.
2020 in 10 days.
>uses joker pictures to represent self
Also what the FUCK happened with the general? They gave NO explanation as to why he did what he did.
Agree 100%
Too many macguffins that were dumb. The Sith would encode the location of their navigation device on a knife that is conveniently easy to find? Not even encoded but they cut the outline of where it’s located into the knife with some weird telescoping piece to show exactly where to find it? Yeah. Ok.
Hux was chewing scenery for two films straight so this was calm in comparison
Career advancement
And Like spent forever looking for it and never thought... "Maybe I should go check Palpatine's old throne room on the death star..."
I was also really bothered by Rey suddenly developing the ability to force teleport matter across the universe.
Sounds like a better plot than what was shipped.
Why didn't the Asian chick do anything?
Also bothered by how the fleet of giant star destroyers has to be controlled by a transmitter on the ground that they somehow know is there.
cause the man children didn't like and her Disney does whatever it's audience wants
The best part of the movie was when force ghost Luke jizzed in his pants while lifting his old X-Wing from the ocean. That was seriously the most creepy facial expression ever and needs to become a meme.
I liked her more than any of the other new characters. I just like watching Asian chicks do stuff
i know only who chewbacca is
i hope i wont have to watch it, ty for the spoilers
Not sure if fanboys.. but apparently they are butthurt that the movies got made at all. Clearly, if they should have got made, they should have an all male white cast, like the originals.
Too bad you can't spoil liquified shit.
Hux was chewing scenery for two films straight so this was calm in comparison
Yeah, that felt a shame as she was given much more to do in TLJ and her and Finn seemed to be set up.
"I don't care if the first order wins. I only care that Kylo Ren loses"
Chewie doesn't die. He lives on but is in a major depression by the end as almost every fucker he knew by the end is dead. The perils of a long lifespan.
All star destroyers fitted with stupid big guns that blow up at slight provocation is dumb.
Is blowing up planets a deterrent if you do it constantly for no reason?
Only if you like your planet to stay in one piece
Is the ability to blow up planets a deterrent, if you never display capability or will to blow up planets?
I know we're trying to shit on the movies with all our effort here, but seriously, this is like asking "is killing people a deterrent if you do it constantly for no reason?". Just because it emboldens big strong alphas like you, does not mean it won't work, or at least unsettle some people.
the man children didn't like her character cause her character is trash and needs to be either, rewritten or removed.
but of course soycucks as yourself think shitty characters and shitty stories are ok as long as they pander to "progressive" ideals
yeah i already seen it but it takes a special type of faggot to try and make sure others don't. I mean they did an ass job with it so it doesn't matter i guess
? you mean blow up everyone else's planet? or obey them even though they blow up your planet for no reason because a new movie came out?
lmao nigger got cucked by an incel
planets are the most valuable thing in the wasteland of space, it makes no sense to blow them up, sure glass them or destroy cities, but the big boom big guns meme is pretty dumb
Yah, that's why a new hope sucked. The death star was so dumb.
I was so bored with this piece of shit movie that I spent most of the second half just trying to get glimpses of that tight Rey bootie.
>This whole trilogy was just Disney trying to appease their audience of 40 year old virgins.
So you liked it and can lose your vcard now.
Make the meme friendo
How the fuck can you hyperspace skip or whatever they call it where you have a ton of shit right in front of you, yet light speed lets you.....phase shift through everything? Yet keep dropping out of hyper space in a different planet with more shit in front of you instead of, oh I don't know, deep in space somewhere? that FUCK Disney?
This post is exactly why I went yesterday and why I avoided this site until I'd seen it. I beat you, OP. You failed.
I was more annoyed how Rey was able to pass a light sabre to Ben.
the movie is sponsored by RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS
lol all correct, even if some god hand could do the quick jump, the enemys absolutely couldn't follow/ drop out in the same spot.
How retadred do you have to be to go and pay for this jew sjw turd. holly f***
haha true
Bro don't spoil it im 3 episodes behind
Stop while you're ahead.
Joke's on you, couldn't give a shit.
Dude, they completely dropped all of the old canon science that made sense and had boundaries that made situations more dire, called it "Legends", and Disneyfied everything so stupid kids could think hyperspace travel is -more- exciting. This wasn't a movie for the fans of Star Wars, this was a movie for the -10 kids and virtue signalling losers who jumped onto the Star Wars bandwagon without ever reading any of the books. All the people here and on Reddit saying that the fans ruined it? No, the fans didn't, the bandwagon fucktards, SJWs(which make a large part of the first group), and Disney's warped worldview are what ruined the franchise.
Fans wanted Luke to have a wife, sons he traveled the galaxies with, and a long friendship with Han, Leia, Lando and Chewie. Fans wanted all the awesome stories of adventure we grew up with. Instead, we got a Disney princess and her diverse crew of fuck-ups, killing and shaming all the heros we looked up to as kids.
Fuck off Nazi cuck.
Used to be that someone who was force sensitive could sense when another one of them were nearby.
Now' they're straight up battling with each other and handing each other objects while not in the same place.
Stupid fucking shit.
What I don't understand is if Rey is a Palpatine, then none of the past 3 movies would've happened. I mean. Wouldn't Senator Palpatine WANT to make his son follow in his footsteps and become a Sith? If this is true, then in turn Rey wouldn't have become abandoned or a Jedi.
Get in the oven, heeb.
Because the movie is fucking trash
You're telling me. When I saw Rey use healing, I was done.
Exactly. I felt like those lightsaber battles had no weight because they weren’t really there? And when Kylo really was there it made me question if he was really there and me not caring.
it has way less SJW shit than TLJ, I kind of liked it.
its very apparent that there is a lot of course corrections happening after Rians "subverting expectations" shitshow
I hope your daughter fucks a black guy and you have to sit there and take it like the limp dick cuck of a fascist you are.
Clearly the son rejected him - force sensitive does not automatically mean aligning to the light or dark like your father did - even if that kinda is the whole Luke-Vader plot tension :p Or for that matter, do you necessarily become as strong as your father? Maybe Palpatine jr just couldn't shoot lightning no matter how hard he tried.
What I don't understand, is Exogol and the whole sith homeworld.. Palpatine is a sith from exogol, right? How did the first sith get off planet in the first place, if it's so tricky getting in there?
Although they did kinda step on the "hard to get to exogol" plot point, by shoving armadas of ships in and out.. but maybe that adds to me not quite understanding exogol and it's solar system
Of course you do, kike.
>Thinks Disney ruined a franchise that Mark Hamil, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford openly mocked in the 70s
What's a Palpatine? Lol
A gentleman with fine tastes.
It's a bland, mediocre piece of shit that doesn't have the balls to do anything creatively interesting. The Last Jedi may have been bad, but at least it was different. This movie is just a Star Wars' Greatest Hits montage that ends up being not nearly as interesting as you remember.
You'd get off on it though, race traitor.
They added so much shit to the force. They basically turned that shit into Dr sleep style shining, if you saw that
still, at least we have more clone wars coming
I wouldn't even get off on eradicating your kind. It's just necessary for the future of humanity.