Childhood trauma thread?

Childhood trauma thread?
Childhood trauma thread.
>Be 9-10 y/o me
>Go to school
>PE class, everyone loved that class
>Teacher goes to the storage room for supplies
>We had some soccer goals in the gym
>We climbed up the soccer goals by the sides
>There was a stage behind one of them, so we used it to climb quicker
>One kid starts running towards the goal
>Grabs it, not by the side, but by the front
>The goal falls right in his head
>Teacher comes back
>Sees the kid
>Moves the goal
>The kid was bleeding
>The kid was bleeding from his nose and ears
>10 y/o me sees the whole thing
>We go to the classroom
>mfw the fucking kid died in front of me

Other urls found in this thread:

Jesus christ

>Be me practicing American football in 8th grade
>Everyone hears loud screeching tires of car braking
>Stop. Look across the street
>A kid is laying like 5 feet away from a car with a bike mangled in the grill
>A couple of my coaches were paramedics and volunteer firemen
>They go start doing first responder stuff and radio in an ambulance
>Other coaches distract us by saying everything will be ok and we keep practicing
>I go to school next Monday and the teacher of the p.e. class I t.a. for tells me user is dead he was hit by a car on his bike and that's why I shouldn't call his name on the roll sheet

it's sad when parents don't get to see their grow old enough to die a natural death of getting shot in the school yard.

Now I feel left out - why did no one die in my PE class lads

Is it the bitter cold that makes you this way?

>ywn see someone's life end in front of you in a school environment
Why live


what the fuck man, that's a nuke

how are we supposed to match your story?

>"forgot" kit
>ask teacher for spare
>"sure follow me user"
>we go to the supplies closet
>long story short, he bums me
>never told anyone

natural selection

> be me in gym class
>playing floor hockey
>sperg and not very popular but competitive
>chase after ball
>pass the crease in front of opposing team goal
>raise stick for slap shot
>hit the pretty popular girl in face
>she starts bleeding and sobbing
>get yelled at by everyone
>get detention for raising stick above waist
>get beat up by her Chad friends after school

High school sucked

>it's ballroom/square dancing week
>gym teacher tells us to pick a partner

>in school gym
>year 8
>badminton posts are out
>one kid tries to stand on top of the post
>slips and slides down it
>shorts catch on the peg sticking out the the bottom of the net is tied around
>goes straight through his balls
>rips his shorts and his ballsack open
>could literally see everything inside it

the image of it is still burned into my mind it was horrifying

and are you gay now?

tell a journalist and a lawyer, see if they can investigate and find other victims to build a case. You probably weren't the only one, far from it.

t. watched Spotlight once

do you remember his screams?

We got assigned. I got a girl who was like popular adjacent, but had toe fingers. I was the fat kid with sweaty palms so we were both uncomfortable lol

Fucking Germans.

>win county wide school skiing competition
>get shiny silver spoon
>be proud as fuck
>only years later realise I didn't win because I was the best, but only because others didn't bother trying

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


>qt Australian girl moved to my town
>have huge crush on her
>one day in gym work the courage to talk to her
>no idea how to talk to girls
>Try to think of an ice breaker
>tell her that steve Irwin is my personal hero
>she just smiles and nods and says not all Australians know each other
>start to sweat
>impersonate Australian accent
>"dingo ate my baby, throw another shrimp on the barbie"
>she and the group of girls she was with start laughing and walk away

At least you made em laugh?

>mother threatens to divorce because father has been sleeping around again
>father threatens to slit her throat if she does so
>goes on to rationalize how as a first timer and with good behaviour he would be out in a few years (true in Finland), so it wouldn't be that big of a deal
>Later learn from mother that one time he got mad at his mother and sister again and threatened to take the whole family with him

Christ made me cringe

>Playing football at lunchtime
>Ball goes over the fence and into the stream
>Fence looks like pic related
>Kid volunteers to jump over fence and get it
>Everyone urges him to forget about it and get the ball after school
>Says fuck it and jumps over the fence
>Gets ball kicks it over and makes his way back
>Whilst he is jumping over the fence again his foot slips and he falls awkwardly forward
>Somehow (probably because he was wearing shorts) the fence catches onto his scrotum
>Cleanly rips his purse in half
>Can see the testicles and the penis shaft clearly

Kid was never the same again

Hey I have one about dead people too. It's from college though, but death treats us all the same anyway.

>run a video game club with a comfy club room on the campus
>there's this one fat guy, who's always at the clubroom playing Hearthstone
>always arrives before anyone and always stays after everyone leaves
>then one day I come to the club room after classes, open a computer and play LoL for couple hours
>decide to go to the kitchen to make some coffee
>find the fat fella lying down collapsed on his back just across the computer tables
>blue, cold, stiff, obviously dead
>soon find out he'd been homeless for ages, slept at the clubroom and where ever, kept his stuff in a hallway locker
>hadn't really studied in ages, didn't keep contact with his family
>cause of death was a serious in heart condition, obviously worsened by stressful and squalid living conditions
>too stubborn to ask for help and always abrasive when asked about personal stuff

RIP. The asshole just had to die on me for being too stuck up to ask for a place to stay. He was even entitled to a dorm room as a member of the student union.

Track him down and kill him, you can claim trauma and get away with it, if not free food and rent

Kill him and claim trauma etc

That dude sounds like he was mentally broken somehow.

Track him down and give him a revenge bumming

>first grade
>playing 'the wolf in the forest'
>basically one kid is the wolf and hides while the other grab their hands and sing 'let's play in the forest while the wolf isn't here, is the wolf here?' and then the wolf yells 'I'm putting on my shoes' and so on with all apparel
>once the wolf is completely dressed the game plays like a regular tag game
>I forgot to 'put on my pants'
>start running at the other kids while they laugh and yell 'he forgot his pants' and laugh

I don't know which is gayer

Yeah he pretty much was. Constantly trolled and flamed people on the IRC and what little we knew about his background was that he was from a really dysfunctional family and served as a radar operator in the navy. Was a decent guy IRL save for always needing to throw out "witty" remarks in between every conversation he was listening to and I felt bad for shitting back at him online. At least we made up right before he passed.


>a Finn
>not being mentally broken somehow

>Second grade
>Hurricane Katrina closes down local kids baseball league for some time
>Dad wonders how can I practice with everything closeded
>Instructs me to swing my metal bat into a big exercising rubber band. It would act as a counter-force against my swing
>Theoretically, it would work as long as you don't slacken your stance while pulling back
>My dad doesn't realize this crucial necessity before the bat slings back from the rubber band and smashes me in the face

I can still see the scars from the stitches. It just barely missed my eye, so I could be wearing an eyepatch right now if things were a little different. Every now and then, it dawns upon me that I should probably strangle him for having me come this close to losing an eye.

>Be 11
>on day trip to seaside
>walking round fantasy island
>me and cousin go on shitty rollercoaster
>at highest point see a double decker bus plow into 5 people
>see pram go flying
>see 5 year old wiped out
>get off ride
>mums crying
>she thinks I'm dead

Never been the same

Once one of my teachers went spear fishing and got eaten by a shark. They never found his body.

>dad always yelled at me from the stands when I fucked up in a sport

Australian women are whores you probably could have fucked her if you kept your mouth shut


yeah not sure why I came into this thread I'm out lads

>forgot my kit
>had to borrow spare kit from the supply cupboard
>lad pulls my shorts down as a prank while we were waiting outside for the teacher
>shorts were tight so they pulled my underwear down as well and exposed my willy
>all the girls saw my small penis as they were walking past
I thought my story was pretty bad before I entered this thread

>Odd number of boys to girls
>all girls are taken up
>forced to dance with the lesbian gym teacher

Doesn't make sense if it's country wide there were probably a lot of kids that did take it seriously

>Sperg in my PE class acting up when we're doing gymnastics
>Running around like a tard making weird noises
>Takes a full tilt run at the vault and trips, massive faceplant on the wooden floor
>Gets up, making quieter, sobbing tard noises
>Wait, what's that on the floor
>Embedded in the floor
>wtf it's his front teeth
He was a fucking oddball, but he certainly left his mark on the school

> wearing soccer boots in the dressing room
> start to walk out with the rest of the team
> as I exit the door I slip
> there is a metal grate in front of the door for some reason
> I slip straight onto it and cut my knee open
> It was the first time I remember seeing a bone
> tell the teacher what happened and show him the blood flowing down my leg
> he says it's just a scratch
> I walk home

County not country

Was your county full of massive slackers, or what?

Lets kill him user.

*Gives you a shot of d.e.w. and sends you on your way*

>Angry rare flag

>5 year old sister and I (7) visiting aunt and uncle on their ranch
>after getting settled into our room my sister and I go out to the horse pasture fence to pet the horses
>friendly mare takes grass from us and lets us pet her head and nose
>young male horse wanders up to us
>he's a bit skittish but eventually takes some grass
>all of a sudden he lunges towards my sister and bites the top of her head
>she screams as blood starts streaming down her face and neck
>We run crying and screaming back toward the house
>aunt and uncle hear us and run outside
>aunt puts a towel on sister's head then drives her to hospital
>I go hide upstairs in my room cause I'm scared
>after a while I hear a noise coming from outside
>look out window and see my uncle beating the horse to death with a metal pipe

>be freshman
>this one senior who looked like a Finnish black metal guy torments me endlessly
>he was actually 20 and has been held back
>trips me and shoves me constantly
>one trips me in front of my crush and everyone starts
>Try to punch him and he breaks my nose
>10 years later
>just found out he got arrested for cp

I get the feeling childhood bumming is pretty common in England

I kept telling him I can see the bone, he keeps telling me it's nothing. I still have a two inch scar on my knee.

Bosnia is nowhere near rare really.

>look out window and see my uncle beating the horse to death with a metal pipe

I don't have trauma but I had the same teacher for 4 years in middle school. He didn't care about the weather

>100km/h wind outside
>we have to play handball on concrete because we don't have gym yet
>the team with the wind in the back was the only one able to play
was fun tho

>rugby day
>rained the whole day, pitch is just dirt full of puddles
>everyone was just pretending to play so we wouldn't fall and dirt our clothes
>except that one kid who tackled everyone to the ground

>box day
>we play mixed. you advance if you win, you go down if you lose
>have to play against that russian girl
>tell her to hit me because she refuses to do it
>we laugh and sit down and wait until everyone is done so we can move on

I want to go back

Can fake a special price, let him fly to bosnia and take him into the mountains for torture. No one will ever find him.

I still remember the first walk off home run I ever gave up. I was 12, it was in Weston, sometimes I still dream about it.

>Stabby misanthropic flag

It's your uncle fault for letting you near a colt unsupervised

>Never been the same
Yer mum, you, or consequences?

>>look out window and see my uncle beating the horse to death with a metal pipe
I didn't realise this was a ylyl thread

>look out window and see my uncle beating the horse to death with a metal pipe

What an absolute hero.

Lol he was probably all fucked in the head from some shit he saw in the troubles. I got some relatives who were ran out of Angola by the Africans and they don't give a fuck about anything anymore.

>tfw the tallest guy in our year (bout 6'5") got kegged in PE and everyone made fun of him for having a tiny cock. It's always funny when it happens to someone else.

>got kegged
I'm a fake brit - what does this even mean

Pulling their shorts down when they're unsuspecting.

I have a similar store
>be about 9
>on vacation in Barbados
>go to beach lagoon to swim with dolphins
>a whole bunch of tourists
>after and hour finally my turn
>big black Barbados guy take me out on canoe
>drops me off in middle of lagoon with dolphin
>told to grab dolphins fin and dolphin would swim me around
>swim to dolphin
>it turns around and starts biting at my life vest
>starts trying to tug me under water
>tries getting on top of me pretty sure to rape me in hind sight
>hear mother screamijng on shore
>large Barbados man begins beating the dolphin with the oar as it swims off
>grabs me with other hand and pulls me out
>brings me back to shore while praying in French

>>tries getting on top of me pretty sure to rape me

me, she didn't see it just the commotion after

Dolphins don't rape that's an urban legend it was probably just trying to get away after dealing with fat tourists all day

Dolphins are sexual deviants

>be 8/yo me
>can't swim
>can't even tread water
>dad doesn't know this
>he assumes i know how to swim because he is a great swimmer himself
>wants to teach me how to use a canoe
>i get in the canoe
>he tries to teach me the """correct""" way to get out of a canoe if it capsizes
>pushes the canoe over
>i panic and try to lean out his pushing
>i'm stuck sideways and can't move and can't am having difficulty getting air
>dad says i'm doing it wrong and makes me try again
>same thing happens a few times
>he gets frustrated with me
>says i have to just get stuck under water upside down and swim out
>i've been basically water boarded for the last 20 minues
>last attempt
>i do as he says and let myself get stuck upside down
>i can't swim out
>i'm stuck upside down
>i start to panic
>i flail and get back into the awkward sideways stuck position i was in before
>i wriggle my way out of the canoe
>dad yells at me
>he thinks i'm deliberately fucking it up
>i start crying because i've almost drowned
>dad tells me to go back to the campsite and do something else
>he then goes fishing with my brother while i sit back at the campsite
>i haven't used a canoe since
>i still don't know how to swim or tread water

>he assumes i know how to swim
Divorced parents, or super unfocused dad?

what a low iq dad you've got

>Didn't come down to the field to do it directly
low energy dad user

>look out window and see my uncle beating the horse to death with a metal pipe
absolutely based
hope you ate that horse afterwards

My mom's schizo

End of story

another low iq american dad

> be Ameriobese
> School gets shot up
> I survive because of my thick blubber layer

Damn. My uncle is schizophrenic I can't even ponder him being capable of having a child let alone raising one.

>be american child
>wake up in the morning and clap to god
>have breakfest
>clap to food
>go to school
>clap at assembly
>school shooter shows up
>have to clap
>get shot
>have to clap
>go to hospital
>have to pay $500,000 dollars to remove a bullet from my foot
>and have to clap

Freedumb isn't free

I thought this meme was dead. As an American I never understood it, we clap literally just as much as everyone else, maybe less so

From what I understand you guys clap in movie theatres - pretty sure that's where it started. I've also been on US flights where people clapped after the landing - that was pretty odd.

>Go home from school one day
>Obnoxious kinda bully kinda just annoying kid being obnoxious to people, gets on his bike to go home
>Come in next day everyone is upset
>Kid decided to take a shortcut across the train tracks on his bike with headphones on not looking

I didn't like him but fuck... Imagine your child not coming home

Stupid kid shouldn't have tried to bully a train driver.

both. divorced since i was 3 and my dad spent all his time with my brother who was his favourite, and he made it quite clear. i was always kinda ignored by him unless it was an attempt to make me more like my brother (and by extension like my dad himself).

>comfy thread
>Australians show up

Can confirm the veracity of this post.

I go to the movies all the time, heard people clap once, during some capeshit garbage fest, Avengers I think. Never heard anyone clap on a plane either

sorry, please don't shoot us

>Thread about people dying and getting raped

Just watch Oprah and you’ll see the audience just mindlessly clapping at everything, other countries just aren’t as subservient or brainwashed as that.

Just a cheeky bit of dolphin rape old boy

People clap at almost every movie I've been too. Maybe it's a regional thing

i once saw a cat missing the skin from its face in the park where we played football
it was kewl

A kid who grew up on my street would go to the pond and catch turtles, frogs, and fish and torture them. I would find fish nailed to trees and crucified frogs when id go down to fish

Mildly disconcerting