Would you lick it?

Would you lick it?

Attached: Target_No34.jpg (1918x1079, 676K)

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Looks clean enough. Sure

Unlike OP I am not a faggot, so yes.

I would eat it clean and let her squirt and queef on my face, so sure.

fuck no. grow that shit out. it's not 2005 anymore nobody likes a fully shaved pussy.

I like pussy before they grow hair

I don't even wanna know what that means

Grass in the field, play ball

>No grass, play in the mud

Go back to the 70s faggot.

I would suckle on her yummy clit

pubes have been fashionable for at least the past 5 few years, retard. shaving everything is a mid-00's thing.

>t. incel
No they aren't, they're unhygenic and unattractive and terrible, just terrible.

EllesClub on pornhub

It looks too clean. You want a little stank. Just a little.

For you, and all the other porn brainwashed incels
This is what a real woman looks like

Attached: photo-Big-Tits-Hairy-Vintage-503035225.jpg (594x948, 47K)

>goes on Sup Forums
>posts some bitch
>hurr durr asks retards if they would lick it
>only incels would ask retarded questions

my gf shaves every single day and has for basically forever because she cares about how her shit looks and how important it is to keep that shit clean. Bushes are unhygenic

My man.
More hair means more surface area per volume.
More surface area per volume means more bacteria
More bacteria = unhygienic

keep telling that to yourself virgin who hasn't even seen, let alone smelled pussy.

Attached: dummesau.jpg (474x355, 25K)

fuck off, hippie

Attached: Hell all your family.jpg (1200x1600, 211K)

lol what. pubic hair it literally irrelevant for hygiene unless you're short of water and can't shower every day.

explain how a bush is more hygenic, please
I would love to read your mental gymnastics as to how you arrived at bushes are clean.

Pubic hair literally traps and hold bacteria, what are you even saying

Hairy pussies and armpits are for more smooth swimming you retard.

thats why we fucking shower, we dont live in caveman days anymore. hair traps bacteria, sure, but in the modern day where we own fucking soap, it doesnt matter. do you shave your pubes?

>more hair
>more resistance in water
I was on swimteam for like 8 years before and in highschool and I used to shave my arms and legs less resistance swimming, you're literally an idiot. Do you even know how to swim, Jamal?

You didn't answer my question at all, I asked how it's more hygenic and you say some shit about swimming?

Moving onto her pussy now from her butthole?
And yes she has one of the cleanest and prettiest pussies around.

Attached: bd6vugom1nq21.jpg (2268x4032, 1.07M)

In between showers your pubes are collecting bacteria all day long, making your fucking genitals stink. You're good once you shower again but why would you WANT something on your body where bacteria is KNOWN to collect when you could shave it off?

Then women should shave their face and hair. After all you don't want bacteria get in the way of blowjobs.

>women should shave their face
What kind of bitches you been fucking, user?

Then i'd hit it , no condom .

I'd rather go back to 2005 and not have to brush my teeth when I go down on a girl.

Penises can't get vaginosis from bacteria, your urethra is a far smaller opening, getting bacteria in there is pretty hard to do. Plus if you piss after you ejaculate you won't have that concern at all.
Women don't have vaginas on their faces to get bacterial vaginosis in, hair on your head is fine.

This bitch.

Attached: Rose Geil.jpg (634x951, 147K)

Can you still get a vaginosis without a vagina?

Where the fuck did you get this information?

Attached: received_1683759614998309.jpg (277x400, 17K)

Dude she's a real woman with real vagina.

If this is true I'll eat my fucking hat. That is a man with a man's penis.

He researchers it. It was his thesis for his PhD

Nice hair diaper, very sexy. I hope her armpits are just as overgrown, as well as her ass crack.

Nope. She's a real woman.


>hair diaper
my fucking sides, I'm stealing this, it's mine now

Post genitals or I'm not buying it, anything can claim to be a woman these days. Doesn't change your chromosomes or anatomy.

I mean I stole it from Tosh.0 so have at it bud.

Is you this retarded?

take it back, I changed my mind, Daniel Tosh is worse than anal fissures

You shave your head, ass crack,...?
I'm 100% sure you don't even know how to wash your hands properly.

Come on Jamal, you know which words to use to form complete sentences.

Fuck you off.

I don't shave shit but I don't fuck nasty unhygenic pussy. If my GF stopped shaving and grew a hair diaper I would litteraly dump her ass.

now what bitch, everyone in this thread got that MLG handwashing tech, like you're so fucking special

Attached: hand-washing-techniques.png (975x684, 321K)

I just threw up a bit in my mouth.

Isn’t less hair better? I can’t tell y’all f you’re trolling or just a fucking retard. Lul

In an off chance that your IQ is close to 80, this is an example of a man with vagina.

Attached: Sexy Buck Angel.jpg (640x432, 52K)

This might be the stupidest thing anyone will post today, good job, user.

Good job, spread some knowledge.

Fine, I concede, that is female genitalia on a hairy faced woman.
Most men who consume traps claim to be heterosexual (thats another debate, I'm just stating their ((most)) claim) and women who identify as homosex usually consume, well, not that. So my question is, who the fuck is consuming Buck Angel?

This user, apparently

This should answer your question.


Waaay too literal, I didn't need to see Buck Angel actually getting consumed. I meant who the fuck is watching this shit.


Attached: 538109136575.jpg (512x319, 20K)

That's a woman with a hairy chest and years of testosterone, not a man with a pussy.

Good question.
Every time I see Buck Angel, I get confused and get the weirdest boner because I'm straight. It's strange.

Attached: Buck Before And After.jpg (800x533, 51K)

No shit sherlock? That's why they're called transgender men.

XX Chromosomes tho, she comes up female in scientific tests.

>Get a boner every time I see Buck Angel
>I'm straight

Already stated earlier in this thread, different topic for a different thread. Right now we're on hair, where it belongs and where it doesn't. And it doesn't belong on women's vaginas is the takeaway from this thread.

Well Buck Angel shaves. So there's that.

>Transgender men
They're still women though. You don't put on a dog fursuit and suddenly become a dog.
I know just repeating the facts for retards who think otherwise.

Even Fucky Bucky can figure out hair doesn't go there, and she's trying to get hair in other places as hard as possible!

You have the knowledge that he's physically female with beautiful vagina. You look at his beautiful vagina and you get boner, then you look up and you get confused.
Got it?

Angel was hot as a woman. Such a waste.

>They're still women though.


As far as I know they can be men LEGALLY for legal reasons.

She looks exactly like a 15 year old i fucked a couple months ago, im 23...

Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.