Is there really ANYONE that doesn't believe being transgender is a mental illness...

Is there really ANYONE that doesn't believe being transgender is a mental illness? Why do we have to accept it instead of treat it for what it really is?

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people who don't think it's a mental illness are brainwashed retards who subscribe to popular opinion because they want to fit in with the rest.

looks like a face saying "kill me"

They all have AIDS

People believed that the earth was flat, that bloodletting was a cure for many illnesses and that a big sky daddy judged your behavior and sent you either to a good place or a bad place. They believed these things simply because that's what they were told by others who were told the same, now look at how retarded they seem.
You don't have to believe or accept anything user.

What the fuck is that thing supposed to be

being a cuckold is more of a mental illness

a "woman"

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Obsessing so much about people's personal choices that don't effect you seems itself like a sign of some hefty mental health issues, to be honest.

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It is accepted as a mental illness, Blaire White even acknowledges this and so do the "Transmeds" within the Trans community, it's like stating the flu or common cold is a virus in every sentence that mentions it, it's an overstatement.

Gender Dysphoria is universally recognised as a mental illness.

There is a sub-group of Trans called "Toocutes" who say you don't need to be Dysphoric to be Trans and getting medically diagnosed properly is "Problematic and Racist" because "People of Color often can't afford psychiatric appointments." So stop acting like there hasn't been a civil war in the Trans community since 2015


I'm not saying I don't have my own, but let's be honest about what this really is.

New fast growing Sup Forums server, quickly join before the jannies cuck us.



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what gets described as mental illness or personality disorder is ultimately what behavior we consider acceptable or not. The frontier of being able to control who we are is new and exciting. Trying to relegate that to illness is tired and boring. What you classify as abnormal or ill is ultimately a sign of how tepid and stale you are.

I'd rather have a trap than that bullshit

most post-op trans people are fine, OP is posting a botch to feel good about himself


if you don't laugh you cry. Maybe you ought to do the latter, get it out of your system


mental illness is all handwavey. You can either say that dysphoria is a disease because people are a different gender than they appear, or because feeling that way is abnormal. What sounds better to you? A world where people can become who they want? Or a world where that's not true, because you're afraid of finding a girl with a dick attractive

Looks remarkably like a rat.

absolutely fucking what? this can't be real.

it's not true. tired propaganda.

Not even the point I was making, you added a new area to discuss.

this is part of surgery recovery, not a long term process, and the description is deliberately grotesque.

lol yes it is true and it's fucking disgusting
i can tell trannies apart from real women because their wound hole fucking stinks

In California I can actually be criminally prosecuted for "misgendering" so yes it does fucking affect me.

Indeed, your secondary point was too dumb to address, so I wrote something for people to actually read

It is, unfortunately. Fucking disgusting.

leave california jesus christ
it's sinking one way or another abandon ship

Lol, don't you guys get a little bit tired of giving a shit? I have literally never been forced to deal with a transgender person if I didn't have to. Giving a fuck is absokutely retarded.

not how it works buddy, unless your girl had a botched surgery

He's right, they're exaggerating it's not for the rest of their life; you only have to dildo yourself for 5 years, everyday, for 4hs a day. This is why Trannies are unemployed.

>your girl

nice try faggot that shit is not a vagina it is not a woman it never will be
and yes the dilation is fucking true and it's nasty as fuck
this shit is literally mental illness

Oh my god, I bet you unironically think you're the smartest one in your circle of friends lol

yeah, someone posts this same botched surgery image every day, they probably need therapy

the med who did this needs to lose his dick chopping licenze.

yeah it's kinda strange how they're fixated on this one image instead of the countless examples of botched tranny surgeries and the monstrous creations

or how they always end up suicidal

you're so boring, dilation is a surgery recovery technique, and this will get better like all medicinal technology. If you're not into it, there are plenty of other girls to reject you

Hyena vagoo

it's the same image every day dude

>other girls
there you go again
the funny part is that trannies are fucking desperate for attention and validation

can't tell you how many times I've picked up some "girl's" contact info and it's some fucking mentally ill tranny crying about how desperately alone and depressed they are

you really are a piece of shit for spreading this tumor on our species and you're going to get what's coming to you. You are intentionally spreading lies to trick mentally ill people into mutilating themselves for your own pleasure.

Unironically kill yourself.

Hurr durrrr yer retarded

What you need is to look at this post and realize you're the kind of edgelord who writes things like this and thinks he's cool

Go have a beer, man. If you're not into someone just move onto the next person.

>You are intentionally spreading lies to trick mentally ill people into mutilating themselves for your own pleasure.

>Unironically kill yourself.


clearly touched a nerve.


Gunna be alright, champ?


It's not as much of a mental disease as purely neurological abnormality in development, which happens when male fetus is exposed to abnormally high levels of estrogen in the womb, causing it's brain to develop more connections between their brain's hemispheres, which is typical for female gender. Basically a male with female brain. Gender dysmorphia and engaging in female-typical behaviors and seeking males as sexual partners stems from that. Read or watch something from doctor Debra Soh, a world class neuroscience elite, who studies this shit. It's all explainable and ultimately preventable.
>here comes the punchline
The exposure to hormones in prenatal phase is probably caused by hormonal residues from birth control, which circulate in our ecosystem. It's literally what Alex Jones said, except it's not only frogs, who get fucked up on the most basic levels. It's us.

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seems pretty hopeless, eh? let's move on with our lives

i'm gonna go have some good whiskey. cheers

Love it when you get called out on your bullshit, insult, play victim and then leave like you're cool headed lmao

You really should fucking kill yourself though.

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top kek

checked and kek'd

I moved on the second you responded to the bait. You lost, loser. Lol

He's fucking seething right now.

It's always them, each and everytime. I can't even fathom how they even manage to do it.

They had been responsible for communism and industrial capitalism. It's so oddly vexing.

And off course everybody considers them freaks but you can't speak out agaisnt it.

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well, both are technically true since they kill themselves within 5 years after surgery, so that is the "rest of their life"

>Thinks Karl Marx was a real Jew
Wouldn't be poor begging to tear down a money making system of government if he was, he'd be in charge of it or own a bank. He's a German Jew, not an Israeli or Ashkenazi. The Irish aren't actually Religious or Catholic like the Italians or Romanians, they do it for show.

I.e. Karl Marx

Whilst funny, you guys invented the number of suicides in the first place, I was redpilled on the meme. Your statistics can't be verified anywhere.

You know what else is a mental illness? Obsessively thinking about what other people do that has no direct affect on you. You might want to get that looked at. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it "wrong", OP.


why are you lying?




it's being pushed in public areas, media, and schools. There were 30+ people who quit their psych jobs at a highly respected place recently, google it, because they were scared of being called transphobic for not diagnosing kids as trans

>google it

Noicee would bone to see the eyrs jiggle

You people think everyone is just lying to you about these things, don't you? here's just one of the example stories that are recent.

just paste the link retard

Why are you unable to think or research for yourself? baby wanna be spoonfed?

Trans operations are fucked up, but radfems are worse. At least trannies die in solitude; radfems have a loud mouth, an "entrepreneur" mindset and they beat kids...

Bit of a strawman argument really. Some user makes one thread and all of a sudden they're 'obsessive'.

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based truth

Agreed. Trannies deserve help for their disorder, not glorification of it.

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exactly. nobody would tell a schizo "yes the voices are real, just nobody else can hear them. its ok, you're not crazy." just so you dont hurt their feelinngs

Transgender support server invite link:
discord gg jHnQg9

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Liberals think that is a vagina

I thought they were chill with people who chopped off their dicks

Huh? You mean the micronoids? Pretty sure there was nothing in the game about chopped off dicks...

Okay, some isolated incidents happen where people are too good willed. Unless you can show the entire medical community is like this you have no argument. Post links for every clinic in the world and then you’ll win.

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this isn't propaganda


>isolated incidents happen where people are too good willed

>diagnosing kids as trans unnecessarily and prescribing puberty blockers

>good willed

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>Why do we have to accept it instead of treat it for what it really is?
Because I have to accept your faggotry too. It's an everyone gets to play in the sand box type deal.
Don't act like you care about children learning about trannies, you won't ever have kids.

Tbh i think they should be educated, rather than "cured". Most of the social problems they cause stem from a lack of education. I'd hate to "heal" someone into a form just to appeal to general soicety. Their rampant toxicity could be alleviated just by increasing their self-awareness and responsibility, and this conscience.

people cant really become who they want though, a dude cutting off his dick dosent make him a woman, hes just a dude without a dick

the whole ordeal is grotesque. lets be honest most post op trannys are vile looking creatures, its not for nothing that more post op trannies off themselves than pre ops

If you continue to do it on a regular basis in a professional setting (like even retail) after you've been informed of the person's pronouns.

Why are people outside of CA such bigger faggots than the faggots in CA?

They say "every surgery is grotesque, nobody wants to watch heart surgery footage"

yeah well nobody fucking wants to get a heart surgery unless they need it to fucking live, heart surgery isnt some cosmetic choice i swear these people and their clown arguments are insane

Whats even crazier is ignorant niggers who think they're in a position to make educated judgment calls for other people based on their conditions.

shit, jk rowling said that its insane to fire women for stating that theres 2 genders, and now every single twitter tranny is gunning for her head. problem with these trannies is that their mental illness comes in bundles, they are not viable people in this world and all they do is grab on to normal people while they are drowning.

answer this user, have u ever met a tranny who besides having dysphoria,dident deal with a shitload of other mental issues?

two threads on page 1 using the exact same image. All i want to know is how much you're paid for this.

They do it for free.

oh I doubt that.

is getting an non-medically necessary grotesque surgery for cosmetic reasons not crazy? how about this guy who identified as an alien and spent 50k bucks on it? is this sane?

Look, go for it, do it, I don't care. it's your choice. just dont demand all of society play along and be nice.

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Newfriend, it is a janitor reference.