dubs posts ass
trips takes request
quads threads bitch
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I request a drawing of Ben Shapiro's sister.
twitter com/lanasamsonov/status/1149092085632577536
first roll, if I dont get dubs, then I will roll the number of times that is the last digit of this post.
roll 4/4
the thrill of rolling is real
Damn that was close to trips
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has anyone ever made a mold of a buttplug, came in it enough to fill, then when the cum has froze put it in their ass to let it melt inside?
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Damn it...
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shoe needs a new pair of dads
let's go again. can't wait to post my hairy, shit crusted ass on Sup Forums
third time, I can almost taste the smell sound of mockery with my eyes
darn, oh well. have a nice day anons
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Please do it anyway
Also rollin
Holy fuck, that stinks
but that goes against the rules!
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Take these pants off too goddamn it also rolll
That's the most you get. I'm not shaved anymore, those are old pics, so I would be unappealing anyway.
>Pic related not me
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ok this time if i get trips actually request me something please
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