New Celeb Thread

New Celeb Thread.

Attached: wheres my menu retard.jpg (5472x3648, 1.1M)

Other urls found in this thread:

this user..

Something wrong with him clearly. Sometimes he's sweet and sometimes he flips out like this. It's best to ignore him when he's having an episode.

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Are you a mod though?

I love this outfit so much

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I wanna drink the cum of a ripped straight guy for JJ

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Nah of course not. He got banned once and accused me of being one. He was already being hostile to me that night. Trust me, a lot more MBB posters would be getting banned in the threads if I was.

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Post celeb feets if you are not gay

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I want that for you lil buddy. I hope you find a sandwich and some benis tonight.

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It would explain why you are here so much is all

I'm friends with heaps of these anons. legitimate friends. so, yes.
lmao stay a neckbeard up in your virtual crow's nest, nigga. I've been nothing but kind to anyone and everyone. always.
trust your gut.

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Haha nah. I just do a lot of stuff that can have the thread open in the background. It takes like 10 sec to make a thread :p

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A sandwich would be so good rn

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How fucking gay can you get

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Wanna find out, cute boy?

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Chad that's simply not true. Even the Anons who like you that I talk to with say that you can be a jerk sometime.

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I like Kiernans legs. I really like celeb legs

Go get a sandwich and don't let your fat daughters bully it from you!

Any luck on the job search?

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This pic reminds me of something else you could spray on my face while I’m on my knees...

It’s ur cum

Think I will go get a sammich
And no. No luck.

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She's so fucking perfect

Yes but you have to do something for money right?

I do

Sorry lil buddy, keep your hopes up, I'm sure you'll find a job soon.

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Why is Emma Watson so perfect?


Yessir. I quit my last job with quite a bit of money saved. I do some Amazon Warehouse work now. Usually only 2 days a week, sometimes more if I pick up some shifts. I also get paid $90,000 a year as a member of the Carly Rae Jepsen PR team.

Attached: carly-rae-jepsen-the-new-york-pops-36th-birthday-gala-dinner-04-29-2019-1.jpg (1280x853, 94K)

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Post celebs perfect for disinterested, disdainful and "ugh" looks while giving handjobs l.

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I love Goddess Emma!

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This gal is extremely cute.

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it is true. & you know it is true. I even made an effort to queue you in last night and chop it up a bit about music. all I want is for you to give me what I give you and always have given you... respect. either way, ily and it's all good and always will be good. I've said all I feel I need to regarding this. it's Christmas, afterall. time for some Nard Dog Nog-a-Sake.

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Look Chad, when you're being sweet I like talking with you. You have to see a difference between how you acted last night vs tonight.
Thanks laddie.

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You always deliver carlyanon, that look is amazingly perfect for it. I can almost imagine it.

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I try :p

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Ugly and gay


Why is there an ape touching that pretty white gurl?

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Best celeb ass?

She looks like she'd play a mean right guard.

close to it

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who wants more

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Looks like an onion

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Didn’t know they were remaking King Kong again

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WEW Woll is a cutie.
This one is okay I guess

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Sadly Lindsey doesn't have any I can find that fit the look, but we have you and that's all good.

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Topless celeb thread?

Just why can t this be me...i wouldnt even care if it was simulated, i just want her grinding ahainst my butt

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Had to eat my dinner in my car to avoid my fucking wife and her god awful cooking.
Now I have to say I’m not hungry because I’m sick or something.

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gay and ugly

whoa, your wife?

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Only 50 days til NASCAR season

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Well at least you won't shit yourself to ALMOST death from her disgusting cheeto dust chicken and oatmeal that she loves to make...fucking dumb bitch.

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can I has some celeb lips fetish plox?

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Let's see what I've got in my other folders. You might not like Polachek, I know I have unique tastes.

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you know who it is

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>doesn't know about chicagys dumb wife and fat daughters

No u

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