How would you use and abuse these two Portland feminista dykes?

How would you use and abuse these two Portland feminista dykes?

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shoot them point blank in the Achilles then their wrists to let them bleed out. also lots of pissing on their wounds.

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99% chance one of the left is a jew.

What you just tie them to a cross, prss metal to flesh and put a bullet through each limb into the wood?

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Push them both into oncoming traffic to definitively end such repulsive genetic lines.

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i wouldnt mind seeing her shaved in a public square, tattooed and herded like cattle

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noelle stevenson is my favorite comics dyke
I like that she tries to be sexy and stylish while looking like a John Waters castmember

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I love me an artist dyke.

How would you like to fuck her?

Probably could talk the fat chick into a blowjob, the turbo dyke is a lost cause

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Breaking in turbo dyke against her will would be half the fun

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With feminists and lesbians like this, I always wonder how they would react to knowing that someone who wants to eat them is watching them right now

face down assfuck, then I shave her head and get rough with her tits. finally I force her to finish me with her mouth.
then I send the video to all her wine aunt friends so they know she got DICKED

it's not the initial humiliation that gets to them, it's the humiliation of knowing everyone knows

you mean eat their pussies or eat their flesh?
figured I'd ask rather than assume

So rape more than just rough consentual sex?

Would you even touch OP's cunts?

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The face on the fat one looks like she's just been caught letting out a fart.

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Now it looks like she is laughing at the fact they can both smell her fart.

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Fatty would look good oiled up naked on a platter with an apple in her pig mouth

In fact I would want to turn her into a piggirl with a magic spell. Pig nose, extra tits, etc

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