Anyone else getting drunk tonight?
Get in here
Anyone else getting drunk tonight?
I'll get drunk
I am
I get drunk every night though
Yeah ill at least have a drink or two but tonight im getting completely shit faced
I’m gonna make strawberry daiquiris tonight. Yummy~
Cum tastes absolutely awful.
I ate my own cum. i'm male :/
It tasted something like mint and
drunk loser reporting in. got some acid. should i take it???
up to you, I wouldnt. I would take it after noon so I can enjoy it throughout the day
Noooooooo, you’ll die D:
I don't think that being drunk on acid would be a good thing. but I could be wrong.
Ive only taken it at night. Usually dont mind it honestly. The next day ends up being a burner day. How many tabs do you take at a time?
Done it drunk many times
nahh fam
Same. Vodka feels good after a while. Helps me sleep like a baby too.
I haven't for years but usually 2-3 depending on the size and potency. between shrooms and acid i have probably tripped over 25 times. I always liked making a day out of it and going on adventures or even just tripping balls in my room. I have always had a real problem with the cum down. makes me feel speedy and i cant sleep so I like those extra hours to be able to do that. I have also never consumed alcohol when tripping BUT looking back on it, might help at the end of the night with a few beers to calm down, but honestly that shit is so different it almost max's your brains ability to get fucked up even more but idk
Yep, cheers bois
no shit you got balls. Most tabs ive done is two. Prob tripped like 10 times. And YES the come down sucksss
Worth it though for the insight
I get blackout drunk every night. Past the point of no return
I was drinking vodka til 3:00 am last night. Was a rough morning..,
So far just drink beer today
but out of all the times i tripped one of the most intense ones was with a new drug, called 2CI, i dont know much about it but it was like a form of LSD. Anyway, me and like 5 of my friends all take it at my house while my parents are gone on vacation. the pills were massive to, i dont know what mg or whatever and we didnt even ask we just took them. and HOLY fucking shit. I tripped my balls off so god damn hard that night. my friend julian wqas flipping the fuck out and being really weird running around the house. You hear those stories how people go crazy after taking lsd and stuff? Well, I already knew he ad psychological problems but i think they were mainly dorment, after that he was never really the same. it got worse and worse. Now he posts all these weird nonsensical short vidoes that HE records about god and other weird mumbo jumbo.
Alcohol is bad for you, damages your liver. Sit in your car and do dxm with your favorite playlist on and your seat warmer activated.
I've tried playing Sekiro drunk, fuck I couldn't even kill random dudes